SERVALL® SS-3 with Continuous Flow
Pushbutton Automatic Controls with the Servall SS-3 Superspeed Centri fuge* plus selective 8-Tube collection with the unique Servall "SzentGyorgi & Blum" Continuous Flow System.* Also, the manually-con trolled Servall SS-4 Enclosed Superspeed Centrifuge* with remote control. Exclusive Gyio-Action Self-Centering Drive. Write for Bulletin AC-4S3
SS-4 with Remote Control
SS-34 Angle Superspeed 400 ml — 34,400 χ G
GSA Large Capacity 1,770 ml — 14,600 χ G
su Particle Counting 29,200 χ G — 8 cells
Other Rotors Under Development
HS Field-Aligning Horizontal* 28,800 χ G «Patented: U.S.A. & Foreign SINCE I943. THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERSPEED CENTRIFUGES
Circle No. 97 on Readers' Service Card
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OLD COUNTRY ROAD, MINEOLA, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. Over 50,000 Installations Since 1920 Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card 58 A
NEWS pansion and construction on a nine-acre plant site. The main building is 250 by 200 feet. Half of it will be occupied by the manu facturing and film badge divisions. The other half contains main offices, con ference room, library, technical divi sion, and laboratories. A temperature-controlled wing of 5,000 square feet is adjoined to the main building by air-locks. This smaller unit will be occupied by eight ultra-modern laboratories which will be devoted to the development and manufacture of radioactive chemicals, standards, and sources. Specially con structed source storage and waste dis posal facilities in this building provide a new high in radiation safety practices. Move to the new plant is expected to take place shortly after mid-year. The address will be 333 East Howard Street at Nuclear Drive in Des Plaines, Illi nois. St. John X-Ray Laboratory, Califon, N. J., is offering film badge service for research and industrial workers. The badge service meets AEC and other federal and state government regula tions and codes. Badges cover γ- and x-ray, /3-ray, and neutron sources. Texas Instruments Inc. has moved its Western Region sales office to 9033 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Calif. The move from a Hollywood lo cation was made to improve service to customers and provide additional space in more modern facilities. Texas In struments makes semiconductors and recording instruments and measure ment and control systems. Texas Instruments, Inc., has in itiated construction of a $2.8 million addition to its recently completed Semi conductor Components Division $6 million plant in Dallas, Tex. The ad dition, like the original plant, will be devoted to the manufacturing and de velopment of semiconductor devices, in cluding silicon and germanium transis tors, silicon diodes and rectifiers, solid tantalum capacitors, precision resistors, infrared detection cells, and ultrapure silicon material. A r t h u r H . Thomas Co., of Phila delphia, was the recipient of the Sec ond Annual Pyrex Sales Achievement Award. The beautiful Steuben crystal trophy was awarded to Thomas in recognition of their outstanding 1958 sales of Pyrex brand laboratory glass ware. This is the second time Thomas has won this award, having won the First Annual Award last year.