Ivan Sorvall, Inc

trolled Servall SS-4 Enclosed Super- speed Centrifuge* with remote control. Exclusive Gyro-Action Self-Centering. Drive. Circle No.97 on Readers' Serv...
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SERVALL® SS-3 with Continuous Flow

Pushbutton Automatic Controls with the Servall SS-3 Superspeed Centri­ fuge* plus selective 8-Tube collection with the unique Servall "SzentGyorgi & Blum" Continuous Flow System.* Also, the manually-con­ trolled Servall SS-4 Enclosed Superspeed Centrifuge* with remote control. Exclusive Gyio-Action Self-Centering Drive. Write for Bulletin AC-4S3

SS-4 with Remote Control

SS-34 Angle Superspeed 400 ml — 34,400 χ G

GSA Large Capacity 1,770 ml — 14,600 χ G

su Particle Counting 29,200 χ G — 8 cells

Other Rotors Under Development

HS Field-Aligning Horizontal* 28,800 χ G «Patented: U.S.A. & Foreign SINCE I943. THE WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SUPERSPEED CENTRIFUGES


Circle No. 97 on Readers' Service Card



gives you the newest ideas in science equipment SAFER · MORE PRACTICAL · MORE ECONOMICAL You get more of the newest safety features, more serviceability, more economy in outlay, and lifetime, maintenance-free use. Custom quality, bonderized construction throughout. Standardized parts permit greater flexibility now and for future change. The smart buy for your labo­ ratory is STEELAB.


Write today for FREE neiv Catalog No. 585ST-AA



OLD COUNTRY ROAD, MINEOLA, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. Over 50,000 Installations Since 1920 Circle No. 14 on Readers' Service Card 58 A



NEWS pansion and construction on a nine-acre plant site. The main building is 250 by 200 feet. Half of it will be occupied by the manu­ facturing and film badge divisions. The other half contains main offices, con­ ference room, library, technical divi­ sion, and laboratories. A temperature-controlled wing of 5,000 square feet is adjoined to the main building by air-locks. This smaller unit will be occupied by eight ultra-modern laboratories which will be devoted to the development and manufacture of radioactive chemicals, standards, and sources. Specially con­ structed source storage and waste dis­ posal facilities in this building provide a new high in radiation safety practices. Move to the new plant is expected to take place shortly after mid-year. The address will be 333 East Howard Street at Nuclear Drive in Des Plaines, Illi­ nois. St. John X-Ray Laboratory, Califon, N. J., is offering film badge service for research and industrial workers. The badge service meets AEC and other federal and state government regula­ tions and codes. Badges cover γ- and x-ray, /3-ray, and neutron sources. Texas Instruments Inc. has moved its Western Region sales office to 9033 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, Calif. The move from a Hollywood lo­ cation was made to improve service to customers and provide additional space in more modern facilities. Texas In­ struments makes semiconductors and recording instruments and measure­ ment and control systems. Texas Instruments, Inc., has in­ itiated construction of a $2.8 million addition to its recently completed Semi­ conductor Components Division $6 million plant in Dallas, Tex. The ad­ dition, like the original plant, will be devoted to the manufacturing and de­ velopment of semiconductor devices, in­ cluding silicon and germanium transis­ tors, silicon diodes and rectifiers, solid tantalum capacitors, precision resistors, infrared detection cells, and ultrapure silicon material. A r t h u r H . Thomas Co., of Phila­ delphia, was the recipient of the Sec­ ond Annual Pyrex Sales Achievement Award. The beautiful Steuben crystal trophy was awarded to Thomas in recognition of their outstanding 1958 sales of Pyrex brand laboratory glass­ ware. This is the second time Thomas has won this award, having won the First Annual Award last year.