Ivan Sorvall, Inc

greater rate of heat extraction than when it is at rest. A single temperature con- ... contents of a rotor at rest. Sorvall's dual ... and reliability...
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Request Bulletin AC-12RC-T




For several good and functional reasons. A rotor running at speed requires a greater rate of heat extraction than when it is at rest. A single temperature con­ trol cannot differentiate. Set to cool the rotor during the running portion of the operating cycle, it would overcool a rotor slowing down, and even freeze the contents of a rotor at rest. SORVALL'S dual control on the other hand can be pre­ set to provide a constant temperature level throughout the entire cycle of run­ ning, deceleration, and rest. Because SORVALL'S sensitizing element surrounds the base of the exclusive Gyro-Action Direct Drive, immediately adjacent to the rotor, it provides far more accuracy and reliability in the area important to you — rotor contents — than any similar control available. With SORVALL, the "holding" control takes over automatically from the "running" control at just the right moment during deceleration, and then "holds" your desired tempera­ ture indefinitely after the rotor has stopped. SORVALL, and only SORVALL,has had years of experience with dual temperature controls, and has proved them in use with thousands of refrigerated centrifuges in leading laboratories all over the world. This is one more reason why the RC-2 (illustrated) is a truly "set it and forget it" instrument. RC-2 Automatic Superspeed Refrigerated Centrifuge— 17,500 rpm —37,000 χ G — 6 Angle and Horizontal Rotors.



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