J. BISHOP & CO. PLATINUM WORKS - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - J. BISHOP & CO. PLATINUM WORKS. Anal. Chem. , 1957, 29 (1), pp 28A–28A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60121a724. Publication Date: January 1957...
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REPORT FOR ANALYSTS identification fully comparable to the fingerprint system of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. T h e possibilities of crystals of two different compounds having all three indices of refraction identical are no greater t h a n the possibility of two people in t h e United States having identically t h e same fingerprints. Of course, this method is available only for those compounds which can be formed into stable crystals. Chromatography. A n o t h e r r a p i d l y a d v a n c i n g research tool is c h r o m a t o g r a p h y . A l t h o u g h k n o w n t o t h e biochemical researcher for m a n y y e a r s , it has been only d u r i n g t h e p a s t 10 years t h a t chromatography has assumed a position of s t a t u r e in t h e analytical field. Research work on synthetic penicillins and the characterization of the various penicillins would have been almost impossible without t h e analytical separation step carried out on chromatographic columns. Analytical separation of amino acids has also been greatly facilitated b y t h e use of chromatographic columns.

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J. BISHOP & CO. PLATINUM WORKS Malvern, Pennsylvania Circle No. 28 A on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

28 A



More recently development of paper strip chromatography has brought about significant advances in analytical methods. This technique provides the analytical chemists with an invaluable method for p u r i t y determination. T h e first knowledge of t h e presence of deserpidine in a fine chemical t h o u g h t to be pure reserpine came about when t h e chemical was chromatogramed on a paper strip. A small difference in t h e R; value led to t h e suspicion of a cont a m i n a n t having t h e same chemical characteristics as reserpine. Chemists tried other solvent systems until one was established which definitely and finally separated deserpidine from reserpine. As described earlier, t h e presence of three impurities in U S P diethylstilbestrol was discovered b y the use of paper strip chromatography. After detecting and isolating these impurities, the analytical research group t h e n was able to develop precise identity and p u r i t y tests utilizing ultraviolet spectrophotometry, x-ray spectrometry, and paper strip chromatography. A proposal for a revised monograph on diethylstilbestrol which embodies the above tests has been prepared for t h e Committee of Revision of the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Paper strip chromatography has also been adapted to q u a n t i t a t i v e work through development of a scanning device a t t a c h m e n t for the ultraviolet spectrophotometer (#). AVith this device t h e paper can be scanned over t h e entire length of t h e strip, t h e desired constituent located, and identified from the spectrophotometric curve produced.

Frequently, measurements of the area occupied by the desired constituent on the paper strip chromatogram can be used for q u a n t i t a t i v e estimation of t h e a m o u n t present. One of the most recent developments in t h e analytical field has been t h a t of gas phase chromatography and instrumentation for this method. Basically, the method depends upon converting organic liquid mixtures to the vapor phase and chromatographing the vapor through a temperatured gradient. One of t h e first assays carried out by this method in our own experience has been t h e assay on 2-bromopentane, a raw material used in the synthesis of a pharmaceutical product. C o n t a m i n a n t s in t h e starting material were believed responsible for low yields. B y gas phase chromatography we were able to show the presence of other isomers of bromopentane, along with a small percentage of pentenes. A knowledge of t h e contaminants present permitted a process change which increased yields significantly. Radioactive Tracers. A n o t h e r newa n a l y t i c a l tool d e p e n d s on r a d i o a c t i v e tracer materials. Through the addition of small a m o u n t s of such t r a c e r s in an a s s a y t h e q u a n t i t a t i o n of s e p a r a tion t e c h n i q u e s h a s been achieved, t h u s establishing a m e a n s of increasing t h e precision of p u r i t y measurements. T h e recently issued first supplement to U S P X V carries a modified assay for vitamin Bi 2 utilizing tracer methods. Other Tools. N o r e p o r t on tools of recent origin for use b y t h e a n a l y t i cal chemist would be complete w i t h o u t a t least m e n t i o n i n g n o n a q u e o u s t i t r a tion, polarography, voltammetry, fluorometry, a n d m a n y o t h e r instrum e n t a l m e t h o d s . Space a n d t i m e d o n o t p e r m i t a complete discussion of t h e possibilities of t h e use of each of these tools. Physical Appearance Important One final point m u s t be m a d e with relation t o t h e specificity of an assay, and t h a t is "pharmaceutical elegance." T h e physical appearance of a p h a r m a ceutical which is to be used b y h u m a n patients is of far greater importance t h a n t h e appearance of m a n y industrial chemical products. I n years past probably every supplier has been faced with t h e situation wherein a customer has referred back to him a shipment with a s t a t e m e n t t h a t "it contains too m u c h dirt and extraneous material." T h e only criterion for t h e evaluation of t h e degree of extraneous material present was t h e eye of the inspecting chemist. If t h e examination happened to m a d e in a brightly lighted place the chemical might be rejected because of the presence of small black