Recorders. Company's X-Y recorder is used in curve drawing, point plotting, curve following, card and tape reading, and gain-frequency plotting. Avail...
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Product Capsules Polarographs. Brochure available on company's cathode ray "Polarotrace." Provides speedy, direct or derivative operation. Direct reading from scale. Polarograms reproduce every 7 seconds. Southern Instruments Computer Div., Camberley, Surrey, England. 74A

BISHOP Precious



Presses. Bulletin available on press used for making KBr pellets for infra­ red spectroscopic analysis. 20-ton ca­ pacity. Bench mounted, hand operated. Loomis Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Dept. A, Route 46, Caldwell, N. J. 23A

Presses. Literature available on Carver laboratory presses. Standard 10-ton unit is used for forming KBr pellets, dehydrating, pressing out oils, filtering thick fluids, determining fatty acids, etc. Fred S. Carver, Inc., 54 44A Speedy, direct or derivative River Rd., Summit, N. J. operation. Pumps & Stirrers. Eastern midget Direct reading from scale pumps and laboratory stirrers are avail­ eliminates geometrical con­ able in a variety of powers, capacities, and specifications. Circle 76A-3 for struction. pump bulletin and 76A-4 for stirrer Greater resolution due to bulletin. Performance charts, standard formation of Peaked Polaro- models and prices are illustrated. Eastern Industries, Inc., 100 Skiff St., grams. Hamden 14, Conn. 76A-3, 4 Polarograms reproduced every seven seconds. Recorders. Company's X-Y recorder is used in curve drawing, point plotting, Increased sensitivity enables curve following, card and tape reading, accurate determinations at and gain-frequency plotting. Available concentrations of fractions in portable, flat-bed, desk, and rack of a microgram per millilitre. types. Complete information avail­ able. F. L. Moseley Co., 409 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, Calif. 49A-1


in p o l a r o g r a p h y Vt ·}{


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with the cathode ray POLAROTRACE*

you have the ultimate in Polarographic technique, without undue complexity of control. Suitable for research or routine, it is supplied complete with its Electrode Stand which includes a thermostaticallycontrolled tank, provision for simultaneous degassing of the three cells and easy means of raising and lowering the electrode in the solu­ tions under test. Camera attach­ ments are also available. "Trade Mark

Write for brochure 101 enrj advice on your own problem. SOUTHERN INSTRUMENTS COMPUTER DIVISION, CAMBERLEY, SURREY, ENGLAND Agents in all major countries U.S.A. ENQUIRIES TO SOLE DISTRIBUTORS: STANDARD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY CORP. MS Broadway, New York 1

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Recorders, Millivolt. Information available on complete line of "Speedomax G" millivolt recorders: stocked 0 to 10 millivolts recorders for general research and testing; recorders with special millivolt ranges for particular applications; logarithmic recorders for non-linear measurements; and micro­ volt or medium high impedance re­ corders for special uses. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4906 Stenton Ave., Phila. 44, Pa. 55A Recorders, Strip Chart. Complete specifications available on instrument that uses the servo-balance potentiom­ eter method. Spans as low as 10 mv. Limit of error 1 %. Maximum source re­ sistance 50K ohms or higher. Instrument Div., Varian Associates, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 82A Refractometers. Circle 25A for bulle­ tin providing complete information on instrument that employs the Rayleigh interference method of refraetometry and measures refractive index differ(Contini.ied on page 84 A)

for Superior Performance Bishop's precise control during the precious metal

refining process is

your assurance of purity and uni­ formity. Backed by a century of accrued manu­ facturing skills, performed under the most exacting and modern techniques, Bishop's precious metal salts and solutions are of the highest quality obtainable. Send for a list of over 40 available Precious Metals Salts and Solutions for scientific and industrial applications. MANUFACTURERS OF Foils Electrodes Clad Metals Composite Wires Laboratory Apparatus Precious Metal Salts and Solutions • Stainless Steel, Nickel & Nickel Alloy Tubing

J. BISHOP & CO. PLATINUM WORKS Department SS Malvern, Pennsylvania

Circle N». 83 A-1 i n Readers' Service Can), pace 73 A Circle No. 83 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 73 A

VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 1958


83 A