J (continued)

further research, call, 57 learn to ask ... Bridge program, major contributors to success, 178. Bridge program ... impact of the Bridge program, 178f...
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quantitative and qualitative program outcomes, 166 American Indian science majors, number, 169f American Indian student participants of the Bridge Program, cumulative numbers of degrees, 175f American Indian students from community colleges who attended a campus Orientation Program, number, 170f Bridge Program from community colleges who transferred each year, number of American Indian student participants, 174f Bridge Program office at New Mexico State University, number of applications received, 171f Bridge Program students at annual national conferences, number of research posters prepared and presented, 174f faculty lecturers from New Mexico State University, number, 167f national statistics, comparisons, 176 New Mexico State University faculty presentations, number, 168f New Mexico State University faculty members who served as research mentors, number of, 173f summer research experiences on the campus of New Mexico State University, number of American Indian students appointed each year, 172f summer research program, closure, 165 two-year institutions and at NMSU, program activities, 158

Authentic research experiences, Suburban Magnet High School's perspective further research, call, 57 learn to ask questions, multiple opportunities authentic investigations, starting students on the path, 50 capstone experience, 52 core classes, sustaining and building skills, 51 research lab in external, 2015-2016 participation, 53t senior research laboratories, 2015-2016 enrollment, 52t open-ended investigations, benefits, 53 mentorship program, 2015-2016 research institutions, 54t science as an investigative tool, learning to view, 54 scientific discoveries, learning the nature and evolution, 54 strengthening the STEM pipeline, 55 other high schools, lessons, 56 science inside the beltway, 49

B Baccalaureate success, impact of summer undergraduate research experiences, 153 Bridge program, major contributors to success, 178 Bridge program, assistance and troubleshooting services, 181 multiple programs on the NMSU campus, existence, 180 summer undergraduate research experience, 179 Bridge program activities, added value derived, 177 participation of American Indian undergraduate students in NIH-supported, MORE programs, impact of the Bridge program, 178f Bridges to the Future Program Sponsored by the NIH, 155 program consortium, demographics and composition, 156

C Community college, undergraduate research, 137 barriers, 142 CCURI UR models, barrier analysis, 145t CURE-modifying an existing course matrix, portion, 144f undergraduate research as pedagogy, barrier matrix, 144f

261 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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beginnings, 139 active learning instructional strategies, adoption, 140 CCURI model, example, 141 framework, 138 undergraduate research experience, impact, 139t future directions, 149 opportunities recommendation alpha, 146 recommendation beta, 146 recommendation delta, 147 recommendation epsilon, 147 recommendation gamma, 147 recommendation zeta, 147 student impacts, 148 Volunteer State Community College story, 148 Course-embedded undergraduate research experiences, 119 impact, evidence course structure, 127 emergent themes, 125 evidence, quality, 128 flawed data, 126 General Chemistry II, 125 independence, 125 Likert-scale self-reported gains, 123 Likert-scale self-reported gains for Organic Chemistry II students, summary, 125f mistakes, 126 mistakes, CURE approach, 127 self-reported gains for the General Chemistry II students using a modified ROLE survey, summary, 124f traditional approach, Organic Chemistry II, 128 uncertainty, tolerance, 127 lessons learned/advice incorporating inquiry-based activities, 129 increasing independence over time, inquiry pedagogies that shape student behavior, 130f Oxford CURE program laboratory research toolkit, 131f planning backwards, 128 Oxford College CURE, 120 iterative inquiry approach, developing scientists, 122 summary, 133

E Early research, 1 book chapters, overview and summary chapter summaries, 22 contents, overview, 20 HUGs, impact of early research, 21 early research and inclusion early matters, 17 inclusion redefined, 18 prioritizing local STEM capacity, 20 importance active learning and early research, 7 changing status quo, signs, 11 college level, early research trends, 14 curiosity and early research, 3 early research and STEM professionalization, 5 early research challenges, 11 early research defined, 2 funding early research, 16 high school level, early research trends, 12 human brain development and early research, 4 independent researchers, development, 8f inquiry-based process and authentic research, distinguishing, 8 STEM education, early intervention, 10 Early research, future introduction, 247 opportunities course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs), 249 Early College High School, expansion, 248 Next Generation Science Standards, wider adoption, 248 STEM, greater private sector support, 250 STEM inclusion programs, federal leadership, focus and support, 250 transforming community colleges, 249 recommendations all federal research grants, incorporating an early research requirement, 252 conferences and alliances, 251 existing programs, greater awareness and support, 251 institutionalizing early research, 251 proactive public science, 253

262 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

laboratory equipment, 39 preface, 34 sources of funding, financial considerations, 40 student outcomes, advanced chemical research, 40 ACR alumni, number of prizes and awards collected, 44 ACR alumni indicating their undergraduate majors, survey data acquired, 43t ACR alumni in general chemistry, grades earned, 45t ACR students at the end of their senior year in high school, survey data acquired, 42t career in STEM fields, survey data required, 42t extramural funding for the ACR program, major sources, 41t

reversing pedagogical assumptions & prerequisites, 252 teacher training and development, 250

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I Inquiry-based instruction, Science prize, 195 applicants, 198 application process, 197 eligibility rules, 196 feedback, 199 departmental status and promotion requests, IBI prize, 201 new collaborations or opportunities, IBI prize, 200 strengthened/renewed interest in promoting inquiry-based learning, IBI prize, 202 judging process, 198 next steps, 203 publication in Science, 199

L Lab tales, 207 Anderson, Ginger, 213 Bindeman, Wendy, 215 Cali, Aaron, 217 Campbell, Keith, 219 Chavez, David, 221 Herber, Charlotte, 224 introduction, 208 Issar, Deepa, 226 King, Natalie, 230 LabTales, 211 McClary, Felicia A., 232 Piszkiewicz, Samantha, 235 public science, 210 Rabb-Lynch, Javon, 237 Snyder, Elizabeth, 238 Stofberg, Michelle, 240 Zhang, Yusheng (Eric), 243 Laguna Beach High School, advanced chemical research, 33 ACR alumni network, continuing education, 39 ACR group structure and leadership, 38 conclusions, 46 course structure, advanced chemical research, 36 6-week training projects, advanced laboratory techniques, 38t

N New York high school science research enrichment program teacher clear communication, student-teacher conferences, 64 conclusion, 68 contributions and successes, student reactions, 65 B lymphocytes and macrophages, antigen transfer, 67 genetic diversity, urbanization affects, 68 importin, uncovering the role, 68 tic-tac-know, 67 curriculum, 61 grading, 61 junior year student assessment sheet, example, 63f science research curriculum overview, 62f introduction, 59 research mentor selection process, 64 science research program formal class structure, 61

P Penn State, two-year campuses, 83 case studies Abington, history and progression, 92 an E-amidrazoneazine, synthesis, 95f

263 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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1,2,4-benzotriazoles prepared, 95f Brandywine, history and progression, 89 chemistry in the plots of science fiction stories, utilization, 103f chemistry standard organic techniques, 108 chromogenic hydrazones, synthesis, 94f classroom rivalries, exercises contributed, 97 cyclizing of 2,2,3-triphenylimine, outcome of Brandywine attempt, 107f 3-cyclohexyl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones, oxidation, 93f cyclopropyl and cyclobutyl aziridines and halonium ions, 104f 2,3-diaryl-2,3-dihydro-4h-1,3benzothiazin-4-ones, synthesis, 106f 2,3-diaryl-1,3-thiazin-4-ones, 105f 2,3-diaryl-1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones, series, 91f 2,3-diphenyl-1,3-thiaza-4-one heterocycles prepared, 107f discovery of carbon monoxide, investigation, 100 E-amidrazoneazines prepared, 95f group competitive exercises, organic chemistry lecture, 96 introductory science courses, memorization, 99 math, science, and technology education, gender issues, 97 Priestley, experiments, 101f 2-pyrryl-isoquinolyl-1-hydrazone, plan for synthesis, 94f Schuylkill, history and progression, 104 science fiction, chemistry, 102 substituted 2,3-diaryl-1,3-thiazolidin4-ones, synthetic scheme for the formation, 89f 1,3-thiazolidin-4-one ring, nomenclature and atom positions, 90f 1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones, preparation of organotin complexes, 92f 1,3-thiazolidin-4-ones, s-oxidation, 105f

triphenyltin chloride complex of 2,3-diphenyl-2,3,5,6-tetrahydro4H-1,3-thiazin-4-one, preparation, 109f conclusion, 109 introduction, 84 issues and advantages, 84 solutions collaboration, 88 finding appropriate projects, 86 finding students, 85 funding, 85 training students, 88 Project SEED conclusion, 81 education through research, 75 Mendez, Luis, Project SEED, 77 Meza, Marchelle, Project SEED, 78 Pelaez, Carolina, how Project SEED provides a positive influence on high school students, 76 Presley, Brandon, Project SEED, 78 how to start a program coordinators, 74 mentors, 74 students, 74 Project SEED, beginning, 71 Project SEED accomplishments, 79 Project SEED awards and recognitions, 80 Project SEED components, 75 Project SEED student, socioeconomic profile, 79 Project SEED demographic data, 80t Project SEED today, 73

W Wayne State University, early engagement in college research being first generation, impact, 187 conclusions, 190 early intervention, elements, 188 impact of early intervention, our experience, 189 introduction, 185 program highlights, 189 WSU, demographics, 186

264 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.