J. T. Baker Chemical Co. | Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications

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linear or exponential gradient generator for zonal centrifugation or column chromatography


defined so vents in seven types T. B a k e r o f f e r s s e v e n types o f s p e c i a l l y c h a r a c t e r i z e d solvents f o r specific a p p l i c a t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g : ULTREX® G r a d e . . . a n e w generation of ultra high purity solvents. Many have a guaranteed 99.95% m i n i m u m assay by G. C. Instra-Analyzed Grade . . . guaranteed 99 + % by G. C. Each bottle supplied w i t h a c t u a l gas c h r o m a t o g r a m , actual U. V. curve, actual I. R. curve and actual lot analysis. Spectrophotometric G r a d e . . . a select group of 'Baker A n a l y z e d ' ™ Reagents p r o vided w i t h actual lot absorbance values at selected wavelengths, values for infrared transmittance bands, and actual lot analysis. Plus . . . the broad range of 'Baker Analyzed' Reagent solvents, the most widely used laboratory products today. For i n f o r m a t i o n o n these solvents a n d m o r e t h a n 5,000 o t h e r c h e m i c a l s , see our n e w Catalog 7 0 0 . For t h e p r o d u c t s h e needs most often . . . the professional chooses J. T. Baker. J. T. Baker C h e m i c a l C o . 222 Red S c h o o l Lane C-1 P h i l l i p s b u r g , N.J. 08865

J.T.Baker Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card


Model TMS-1 precision thermomechanical analyzer can determine properties such as coefficient of expansion, heat distortion temperature, softening point, and heat shrink behavior by measuring dimensional changes or viscoelastic changes on small samples. Materials under study may be in any form: powder, pellet, film, or fiber. In operation, thermally induced changes of the sample are transmitted as an electrical signal and recorded on a standard company thermal analysis recorder. $3500. Perkin-Elmer Corp., Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 06852. 203-762-6972 419

Zonal Varigrad •BÎ3LM

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Computer-Controlled Electron Microprobe Analyzer An automated electron microprobe analyzer/scanning electron microscope, the MAC-5, features a built-in computer which can be programmed via punched tape entry to control the operation of the specimen stage, spectrometers, electron beam, and the pulse height analyzers. After the instrument is programmed and the specimen introduced, the system automatically performs the analysis, quantitative or qualitative, without the presence of the operator. A variety of display modes provides information about the specimen, such as secondary electron, backscattered electron; specimen current; X-ray (both pulse and rate meter) ; cathodoluminescence, and electron beam—induced conductivity. Magnification is 30x to 50,000x, step or continuously variable. Among the many accessories are solid state nondispersive X-ray spectrometers, transmission Kossel camera, hot stage, transmitted illumination system, and a synchroscan system. $67,825 and up depending on configuration. Materials Analysis Co., 1060 E. Meadow Circle, Palo Alto, Calif. 94303. 415-326-6556 420


For aqueous or organic solvent gradients. Features four, identical chambers in hydrostatic equilibrium with a total capacity of four liters.




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1327 S I X T E E N T H ST., FORT LEE, N.J. 07024 Circle No. 22 on Readers' Service Card

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