J. T. Baker Chemical Co

Cyclohexane (R). Methylcyclohexane (P). Petroleum Ether, 20-40°C. (R). Petroleum Ether, 30-60°C. (R) ... listing for desk use as well as list- ings ...
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ORGANIC SOLVENTS and other LIQUID ORGANIC CHEMICALS ...important in the Baker "Line of Progress" are an increasing number of organic chemical compounds LISTED BELOW are 86 of the most important organic solvents and other liquid organic chemicals in laboratory use today. All are manufactured to J. T. Baker's exacting standards of quality, and are available in the grades indicated. 56 of these organics are offered in the 'Baker Analyzed' Reagent grade to provide an exact definition of purity on the label by means of the Actual Lot Analysis. 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents offer you the highest standards of purity and most informative labeling in the industry. Grade designations appear in parentheses: (R) for "Baiter Analyzed' Reagenf . . . (P) for Purified . . . (USP) for U. S. Pharmacopoeia , . . (NF) for National Formulary . . . and (T) for Technical. Most 1. T. Baker organic liquids are bottled volumetrically to utilize standard l-pint and S-pint containers. Acids, A n h y d r i d e s , a n d Acid C h l o r i d e s Acetic Acid (R, USP) Acetic Anhydride (R) Acetyl Chloride (R) Benzoyl Chloride (R) η-Butyric Acid (P) Formic Acid (R) Lactic Acid (R, USP) Oleic Acid (USP) Propionic Acid (R) Alcohols, G l y c o l s , a n d P h e n o l s Alcohol, Specially Denatured (R) iso-Amyl Alcohol (R) n-Amyl Alcohol (R) tert-Amyl Alcohol (R, P) iso-Butyl Alcohol (R, P) η-Butyl Alcohol (R) tert-Butyl Alcohol (R) Cresol (USP) Cyclohexanol (R) Ethylene Glycol (R, P) Glycerol (R, USP) n-Hexanol (R) Methonol (R, P) 2-Octanol (P) Phenol, Liquified (USP) iso-Propanol (R) n-Propanol (R) Aldehydes and Ketones Acetone (R, NF) Benzaldehyde (NF)

Cyclohexanone (P) Formaldehyde Solution (R, USP) Furfural (R) Methyl iso-Butyl Ketone (R) Methyl Ethyl Ketone (R, P) Paraldehyde (USP)

mono-Bromobenzene (R) Bromoform (P) Carbon Tetrachloride (R, N F , T ) Chlorobenzene (R) Chloroform (R, USP, T) Ethyl Bromide (R) Ethyl Iodide (R) Ethylene Dibromide (P) Ethylene Dichloride (P) Methyl Iodide (R) Methylene Chloride (R) Tetrabromoethane (P) Tetrachloroethane (P) Tetrachloroethylene (T) Trichloroethylene (R, P) Hydrocarbons Benzene (R, P) Cyclohexane (R) Methylcyclohexane (P) Petroleum Ether, 20-40°C. (R) Petroleum Ether, 30-60°C. (R) Petroleum Ether, 30-75°C. (R) Petroleum Ether, 60-110°C. (R) Toluene (R, P) Xylene (R)

Amides and Amines

Aniline (R, P) N , N-Dimethylaniline (R) Dimethylformamide (R) Formamide (P) Pyridine (R, P) Triethanolamine (NF) Esters iso-Amyl Acetate (P) η-Butyl Acetate (P) Ethyl Acetate (R, NF) Methyl Acetate (P) Methyl Formate (P) Methyl Salicylate (USP) iso-Propyl Acetate (P) η-Propyl Acetate (P) Ethers Butyl Ether (P) Dioxane (T) Ether (R, NF) Ether, Anhydrous (R, P) iso-Propyl Ether (R) Tetrahydrofuran (R)

Miscellaneous Compounds Acetonitrile (R) Carbon Disulfide (R, T) Collodion (USP) Dimethylsulfoxide (R) Nitrobenzene (P) o-Nitrotoluene (R) Tri-n-butyl Phosphate (P)

Halogenated Hydrocarbons Benzyl Chloride (R)

If you would like a copy of the above listing for desk use as well as list­ ings of solid organic chemicals and of organic indicators and chromogenic agents oSered by Baker, just send a postal card to our Dept. EH.


J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Ph'lllipsburcj. New Jersey

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