J. T. Baker Chemical Co

portant inthe analysis and control of plant foods, agricul- tural products, explosives and ... work rapidly, with greater precision and accuracy. CHOO...
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Analyze for faster, more accurately with T h e determination of total Nitrogen . . . Ammonia Nitrogen . . . Protein Bound Nitrogen . . . N i t r a t e Nitrogen . . . is imp o r t a n t in the analysis a n d control of plant foods, agricult u r a l products, explosives a n d munitions, a n d in clinical tests. J . T . Baker offers you a choice of reagents particularly suitable to the needs of your nitrogen determination. Whatever your sample, or the method you elect, one of the 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents described below will help you work rapidly, with greater precision and accuracy. CHOOSE «BAKER ANALYZED' SODIUM HYDROXIDE 50% SOLUTION . . . for the neutralization of the acid digestion in the Kjeldahl nitrogen determination. This reagent affords an assay in the range of 50.0-52.0% N a O H . . . the proper concentration for direct addition to the digested sample. No fuss to dissolve, and less chance to " b u m p " than when adding pellets to t h e flask. Low blank values are assured by control of Nitrogen Compounds (as N ) to 0.0005% maximum. Carbonate (as N a 2 C 0 3 ) is held to a level of 0.10% maximum. T h e polyethylene bottle is convenient and easy to use . . . no chance for breakage. Available in both 1 pt. a n d 8 pt. sizes. CHOOSE "BAKER ANALYZED' POTASSIUM IODIDE . . . for the

preparation of Nessler Solution for the colorimetric determination of ammonia. T h e label shows actual lot assay . . . 99.5% or higher . . . and the actual lot analysis of trace impurities. Nitrogen Compounds (as N ) controlled to 0.001% maximum assure low blank values. CHOOSE 'BAKER ANALYZED' POTASSIUM NITRATE . . . as a reference standard for nitrometer calibration. T h i s reagent meets A. C. S. specifications, and affords an assay controlled to a minimum of 99.9% (dried b a s i s ) . Perchlorate content (as K C I O J is held to 0.03% maximum. Uniform small crystals aid rapid weighing and are easier to handle. ANALYTICAL, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CHEMISTS . . . you

can always depend on 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents for higher defined purity. T h e Actual Lot Analysis appears on every 'Baker Analyzed' label. You will find the Actual Lot Assay (not merely a range assay) on more than 300 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents.

J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg, N e w Jersey


AGRICULTURE A N D PLANT FOOD INDUSTRIES. Control of nitrogi content is important to the manufacturer of fertilizers. 'Baker Analyze Reagents a r e particularly suitable f o r nitrogen determinations necessa for the control of plant foods and agricultural products.

Nitrogen 'BakerAnalyzed'


PLOSIVES A N D M U N I T I O N S . For determining the nitrogenrate content of explosives, 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents for rogen determinations provide higher defined purity to help u work with greater speed and accuracy.

YOUR LSR . . . let him help solve your problems of laboratory supply. Your LSR (Laboratory Supply Representative) is an expert. His aim is always to anticipate your needs. His job is to supply you with the equipment, glassware and chemicals you need . . . when you need them. When emergencies arise, call him at once! His knowledge and experience can work for you. He's a good man to know better!

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