J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL COMPANY - Analytical ... - ACS Publications

May 23, 2012 - J. T. BAKER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41 (3), pp 35A–35A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60272a732. Publication Date: March 1969...
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N o w there's a corrosion-proof pH meter you can carry around in your pocket, that's accurate t o 0.3 pH unit. New DUAL-TINT™ indicator paper from J . T. Baker, in its o w n moisture-resistant color-comparison dispenser package, gives reliable, easy to read pH testing on the s p o t . . . in fact, any spot you can reach. The t w o different indicator strips give a double check for greater accuracy, even if you're w o r k i n g w i t h c o l ­ ored solutions. The w h i t e hydrophobic center divider gives a visual separation to the colors and keeps them from bleeding together w h e n wet. So no matter where or w h a t you're testing . . . from lab solutions, wastes and biomedical materials, to washing baths and espe­ cially in-process production batches . . . you can take your

" p o c k e t pH meter" w i t h you and get accurate readings. D U A L - T I N T papers come in four ranges (the pH 1-12 w i d e range paper w i t h accuracy of 1 pH unit and the pH 3.5-6.8, 5.0-8.0 and 7.0-10.0 narrow range papers, each of 0.3 pH unit accuracy). A n d n o w you can order a new, complete kit of all four D U A L - T I N T papers, or the single dispenser of a specific range paper that's g o o d for about 100 tests. To get your pocket pH meter, for use anywhere, contact your local J . T. Baker distributor . . . the same distributor that handles 'Baker Analyzed' reagents, ULTREX™ U H P p r o d u c t s , BAKER-FLEX™ sheets and other TLC products, organic J.T.Baker laboratory chemicals, and specialty gases. ®


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