J-Y Diffraction Gratings, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 24, 2012 - J-Y Diffraction Gratings, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (2), pp 240A–240A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60352a825. Publication Date: February 1975...
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W h e n a double m o n o c h r o m a t o r can resolve R a m a n spectra like this one c a n , it's w o r t h reading about ! J-Y's new concave holographic grating Double Raman System gives you high throughput and the low light scatter of a triple system.


3.2cm Low frequency Raman Spectra of C26 H54 (POWDER)

HAB Raman Spectra (POWDER)

Typical resolution obtained with the J-Y Ramanor HG2 Double Monochromator on difficult powders. Both spectra were obtained with dc detection, no cooling, full slit height, no filter and no mask. ADDITIONAL FEATURES • 10- 14 rejection ratio at 20 c m . - ' and 5000 A. • Exceptional low frequency response. • Designed around the concave aberration corrected holographic grating. • One optical c o m p o n e n t in each monochromator chamber. • No tracking error; both gratings mounted on a single shaft. • Stepping motor on wavenumber drive. » Independent stepping motor on each slit for c o m puter-controlled constant bandpass spectra. » Easily interfaced with most laboratory m i n i c o m puters. » Full line of accessories available. ALSO AVAILABLE • SINGLE MONOCHROMATOR RAMAN SYSTEM, HC1000. Uses the same advanced design as the HG2 for use with image intensifiers and electronic cameras; wherever ultrafast recording a n d a c c u m ulation are required. > LOW COST D O U B L E R A M A N S Y S T E M FOR TEACHING PURPOSES. For more information or to have your samples run free o n the Ramanor HG2, call or write to us at the address below. J-Y Div. 173 Tel:

OPTICAL SYSTEMS of J-Y Diffraction Gratings, Inc. Essex Ave., M e t u c h e n , N.J. 08840 (201) 494-8660 Telex 844 516


Jobin - Yvon Optical Systems


Books The thermal analysis instruments described in this volume include only those for thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), which are commercially available in the U.S. Each instrument is described as completely as possible using data and specifications provided by the manufacturer. Since the purchase of a thermobalance, DTA, or DSC instrument represents a large investment and should be considered in great detail, the author hopes that the material described will prove useful to the reader for making an intelligent decision depending upon his research or production needs. The text is reproduced from typed copy. Advances in Chromatography, Vol. 1 1 . J. Calvin Giddings and Roy A. Keller, Eds. xi + 196 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $19.75

Volume 11 of this series presents discussions of quantitative analysis by gas chromatography, polyamide layer chromatography, specifically adsorbing silica gels, and nondestructive detection methods in paper and thinlayer chromatography. Creation and Detection of the Excited State. William R. Ware, Ed. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. Vol. 2: viii + 230 pages, $24.50. Vol. 3: viii + 193 pages, $23.50

Volume 2 contains discussions on experimental methods in phosphorescence-microwave double resonance, detection of transient free radicals by electron spin resonance spectroscopy, picosecond laser techniques, and dye lasers. Volume 3 discusses chemiluminescence in the condensed phase— measurements of rates and yields of excited state formation; single vibronic level fluorescence; and photocurrents in fluids—fast sensitive detection of mobile charge. The text in both volumes is reproduced from typed copy. Môssbauer Effect Methodology, Vol. 9. Irwin J. Gruverman, Carl W. Seidel, and David K. Dieterly, Eds. viii + 344 pages. Plenum Publishing Corp., 227 West 17th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. 1974. $29.50

The proceedings of the ninth symposium on Môssbauer effect methodology held in Chicago, 111., on February 3, 1974, are presented in this volume. The role of Môssbauer in the study of semiconductors, liquid crystals, and magnetic order in superconductors is covered. Latest techniques