Jaffe, HH; Orchin, Milton

BOOK REVIEWS. Theory and Applirationr of Ultraviolet. Spectroscopy. H. H. Jaffd and Milton Orchin, Univer- sity of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. John ...
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BOOK REVIEWS Theory a n d Applirationr of Ultraviolet Spectroscopy

H. H. Jaffd and Milton Orchin, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. John Wilev and Sons., Inc.. New York. 1962. xv'f 624 pp. Figs. and tables: 16 X 23.5 cm. $1.5.


A book revicwor is very rognizsnt of the timr and effort the authors have contributed to produce a work useful t,o others-time and effort that the reviewer himself would be unwilling and perhaps unable t o contribute himself. This is especially true of the book under review, for it in obviously monumental in scope, covering the range from abstruse theory to mundane practice with a detail that is somptimes astonishing. And it is sttraetivcly produced, well and profusely illust,mted. Yet t,ime and again, the treatment falls just short of beine enmoletelv suthorita&ve, rngenderinga ~ufficieniamount of mistrust t o lower the general value of the book t