“Amberlite” ion exchange resins: IR-. 120 (H), IR-45 (OH), IRC-50 (H),. IRA-400 (Cl), and IRA-401 (Cl). ... Happening. BOARDMASTER VISUAL CONTROL...
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log. Dept. M, Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keene, Ν. Η. 73Α

Acid Hydrofluoric. Company pack­ ages acid hydrofluoric 48% in new poly­ ethylene container with controlleddelivery closure. Mallinckrodt Chemi­ cal Works, 2nd & Mallinckrodt Sts., St. Louis 7, Mo. 23A

Filter Papers. Circle 94A-2 for bulle­ tin containing characteristics of the 12 E-D papers most frequently used for chromatography. The Eaton-Dikeman Co., Mt. Holly Springs, Pa. 94A-2

Barium Chloride. Circle indicated numbers for information on the follow­ ing "Baker Analyzed" reagents used to analyze for sulphate: barium chloride, 54A-1; barium chloranilate, 54A-2; and thorin, 54A-3. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. 54A-1,2,3 Crystals. Available for immediate de­ livery are the following crystals: so­ dium iodide, sodium chloride, potassium bromide, and anthracene. Crystals, Inc., 123 Woodland Ave., Westwood, N. J. 96A-1 Filter Papers. Circle 27A for sample kit of Baker & Adamson filter papers (quantitative grade "A," and quantita­ tive "O"). General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical Corp., 40 Rector St., N. Y. 6, Ν. Υ. 27Α Filter Papers. Circle 73A for analyti­ cal filter paper sampler including filtra­ tion chart and "Quick Reference" cata­

Ion Exchange Resins. Circle 48A-2 for information on analytical grade "Amberlite" ion exchange resins: IR120 (H), IR-45 (OH), IRC-50 (H), IRA-400 (CI), and IRA-401 (CI). Rohm & Haas Co., Washington Sq., Phila. 5, Pa. 48A-2 New Chemicals. Circle indicated numbers for samples of the following new chemicals : 2-ethylisohexanoic acid, 10A-1; methacrylonitrile, 10A-2, crotonic acid, 10A-3; 2-ethylisohexyl ace­ tate, 20A-4 ; 2,5-dihydroxybenzoquinone, 10A-5; and 2,2,4-trimethyl-l,3pentanediol, 10A-6. Eastman Chemi­ cal Products, Inc., Kingsport, Tenn. 10A-1 to 6

Radiochemicals. Circle 112A-2 for 3rd edition of radiochemical catalog containing complete information on company's large and diversified line. Tracerlab, 1603 Trapelo Rd., Waltham, Mass. 112A-2

You Get Things Done Better By Seeing What's Happening

Reagents. Du Pont reagent acids and ammonia are packaged in single-trip, throw-away cartons and bottles. Bot­ tles feature safety grips and dripless sleeves. Grasselli Chemical Dept., E. I. DuPont de Nemours, Inc., Wilmington 98, Del. 51A Reagents. Circle 110A for data sheet giving specifications, technical drying performance, and other helpful infor­ mation on sodium-lead alloy containing 10% sodium for drying solvents and synthesis of organic lead compounds. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N.J. ΠΟΑ Reagents. Fisher reagents are pack­ aged in "Dispos-it" no return, no de­ posit bottles and cases. Bottles feature dripless sleeves. Fisher Scientific, 711 Forbes St., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 115A-1 Silicone Concentrates. "Siliclad" gives glassware, metal, ceramics, and rubber a protective coating that resists soiling, facilitates cleaning, speeds dry­ ing. Clay-Adams, Inc., N. Y. 10, Ν. Υ. 24A-2

MISCELLANEOUS Cleaners, Glassware.


Circle 111 A for

samples of "Alconox" for all equipment washed by hand, and "Alcojet" for all (Continued on page 117 A)

. . . from the Greek meaning "without pressure"

These.Apiezon products have the r e c o g ­ nition o f l e a d i n g scientists who accord them t o p preference f o r high vacuum w o r k . Because of the exceedingly low v a p o r pressure c f nil these oil distillates, at usual room t e m p t r a r u r ç s , they are in g r e a t d e mand f o r all sorts o f high vacuum work. Their vapor pressures a r * as low as 1 0 - 6 mm. Hg., a n d even immeasurable at room tempe-ruture. As ill·.· exclusive distributor in the United Stuk's, w u offer immediate delivery f i o i n stack on the complete range of these oils a n d compounds.

J A M E S G. B I D D L E C O . Electrical and Scientific Instruments 1316 Arch Street—Philadelphia 7, Penna.

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