James Mason Crafts (1839-1917)

with Plattner at Freiberg, with Bunsen at Heidelberg, and then for four years with Wurtz at Paris. He served for a year as in- spector of mines in Mex...
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JAMES MASON CRAFTS (1839-1917) Best known as co-discoverer of the Friedel-Crafts reaction. H e was born in Boston andgraduated from the Lawrence ScientificSchwl of Harvard Universit in 1858. Afterward he studied with Plattner a t Freiherg, with sunsen a t Heidelberg, and then for four years with Wurts at Paris. He served for a year as ins ector of mines in Memco. He was the first Professor of dhemistry, 1867-1870, at the newlyestablished Cornell University, and in 1870 succeeded Storer as Professor of General and Analytical Chemistry a t the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He returned to Paris in 1874 and remained there for

seventeen years, doing most of his researeh in collaboration with Friedel, but some of it independently or with other m-workers. In 1891 Crafts returned to Boston, where he spent the rest of his life. H e was professor of Organic Chemistry a t the Mass=chusetts Institute of Technology from 1892 to 1897, and p&dent of the Institute from 1897 to 1900. 4fter resigning the presidency, he continued to work in his laboratory a t the Institute and made further contributions to thermometry and to the study of hydrocarbons and of catalysis in solution. (Confributcd by Tenney L. Dopi*.)