janaf thermochemical tables - American Chemical Society

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THERMOCHEMICAL TABLES Third Edition A Major Supplement from JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA Presenting Reliable Data Utilized by Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Materials Scientists from Around the World for Over 25 Years JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL REFERENCE DATA is verv pleased to publish the Third Edition of the JANAF THERMOCHEMICAL TABLES. Since the first version appeared 25 years ago, the JANAF THERMOCHEMICAL TABLES have been among the most widely used data tables in science and engineering. You'll find: • Reliable tables of thermodynamic properties of substances of wide interest • A highly professional approach with critical evaluations of the world's thermochemical and spectroscopic literature • A concise and easy-to-use format This Third Edition presents an extensive set of tables including thermodynamic properties of more than 1800 substances, expressed in SI units. The notation has been made consistent with current international recommendations. There is no other reference source of thermodynamic data that satisfies the needs of such a broad base of users. Order your 2-volume set of the JANAF THERMOCHEMICAL TABLES today! You'll get over 1890 pages of valuable information that is crucial to your research—in two hardback volumes. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION

The J A N A F T H E R M O C H E M I C A L T A B L E S , T H I R D E D I T I O N is a twovolume supplement of Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data. 1896 pages, 2 volumes, hardcover I S B N 0-88318-473-7 Supplement N u m b e r 1 to Volume 14, 1985

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Published by the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Physics for the National Institute of Standards and Technology

628 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 62, NO. 11, JUNE 1, 1990