JANUARY'S HEADLINES - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS

JANUARY'S HEADLINES. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1948, 40 (2), pp 367–368. DOI: 10.1021/ie50458a040. Publication Date: February 1948. ACS Legacy Archive...
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J a n u a r y ’s H E A.D 1IN E S


Events of Interest to Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and EXeCUtiveS--Reviewed 7 JANUARY 1. Charles ,411en Thomas, executive vice president and technical director Monsanto Chemical Co., and a key figure in development of atomic bomb as project director of the Clinton Laboratories, Oak Ridge, Tenn., becomes President of A.C.S. --Robert T. Baldwin retires as Treasurer of A.C.S. after serving in that capacity since April 1931; he will be retained as chairman of the Society’s Finance CommitteeZ.--James T. Grady, managing editor A.C.S. News Service for past 25 years, retires but is retained by Society on consulting b a s i s ~ . - - R e ~ ~ n s t r ~ ~ t i o n Finance Corp. says agreement has been reached with Bolivian tin producers for tin purchases during 1948 and 1 9 4 9 . ~ - B . F. Goodrich Chemical Co. announces new synthetic rubber claimed to have unusual fesistance to heat.--Vegetable oil processing plant, a $1,250,000 installation of Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., ‘ goes into operation.--George H. Clark, president Society of Plastics Industry, forecasts ’ production of 1,500,000,000 lb. plastics in 1948 and plant and facilities expansion of more than $175,000,000.~~Regulationsfor importation of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, and rodenticides, to be administered by U. S. Departments of Agriculture and Treasury, are approved.-Sinclair Corp. is formed to assume activities of industrial products division of Givaudan-Delawanna, Inc. --Secretary of Interior Krug announces appointment of five additional members to National Petroleum Council-L. S. McCollum, president Conti, nental Oil; L. S. Wescoat, president Pure Oil; S. M. Burns, president Shell Oil; Glenn E. Nielson, president Husky Refining; and Robert G. Dunlop, president Sun Oil-and reappointment of 56 old members.


JANUARY 2. T. R. Hogness, professor of chemistry and director physical science development, University of Chicago, says seven industrial firms have joihed university’s atomic scientists to form link between pure research and industry4.--Du Pont markets tetraethyllead directly to oil refining industry6.

7 JANUARY 4. D. W. Robertson, general manager titanium division National Lead, says company is endeavoring to stem flow of titanium dioxide to those who resell a t exorbitant prices. 7 JANUARY 5. Rubber consumption in 1947 topped 1,100,000 tons, setting a new record, Commerce Department reports.

by the Editors

government-owned oarbon black plant in Seagraves, Tex., for $1,420,000, War Assets Administration says.

7 JANUARY 9. Carroll L. Wilson, manager Atomic Energy Commission, tells University of California students about 50,000 people are now engaged in atomic energy developments, with number due to increase steadily.--Clarence W. Balke, director emeritus of research for Fansteel Metallurgical, receives 1948 Perkin Medal at meeting of American Section Society of Chemical Industry in New York for research leading to development of processes for production and commercial utilization of tantalum and columbium. 7 JANUARY 11. Monsanto officials say because of last-minute changes in research laboratories of Clinton Laboratories, t h e University of Chicago will not assume responsibility of operations; Monsanto will continue operations until Carbide and Carbon can take over6.N-Witco Chemical Co. organizes Witco Hydrocarbon Corp. to process 15,000,000 cu. ft. of natural gas daily for production of channel black, butane, and propane. 7 JANUARY 12. AEC

discloses it has embarked upon “sizable” construction program “dictated by necessity and urgericg” and that a large part of construction work will be a t Richlarid, Wash., and Oak Ridge, Term." E. V. Murphree, president Standard Oil Development Co., a t dedication of new research laboratory at Esso research center, Baton Rouge, La., says hope for synthetic ash oils production lies in reserves of shale and oil.--President Congress to more than double Bureau of Mines appropriation for research in developing synthetic liquid fuels.--Frederic JoliotCurie, French High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, announces to Academy of Sciences in Paris discovery of new type radioactive body found in cosmic rays whose great penetrating power permite for more complete disintegration of the atom.“Laboratory study of cosmic rays opens on 1000-ft. high Plateau de la Rosa, near Cervinia, Italy.--Four children of Joseph N. Pew, founder Sun Oil, give 880,000 shares of company’s stock to establisb Pew Memorial Foundation, dedicated to religious, charilable, scientific, literary, and educational purposes, in memory of parents.

7 JANUARY 13. Justice Department asks Supreme Court t o help enforce a 1945 circuit court of appeals ruling that AluP. Dinsmore, vice minum Co. of America is a monopoly.“R. president in charge of research and development Goodyear Tire 6 Rubber, says production of 275,000 tons of synthetic rubber annually for next two years is minimum requirement for national security. --Aluminum tanks for domestic oil burners win approval of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Chicago, Ill., and specifications for their manufacture are in preparation, A. E. Hess, manager-director Oil Heat Institute of America, says. --Secretary of Interior Krug warns U. S. petroleum reserves will be exhausted in 10 years a t current consumption rate.

7 JANUARY 6. Representative Priest of Tennessee introduces H.R. 4852, a science foundation bill, which is referred to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee; bill provides that director be appointed by President with advice and consent of the Senatee.--Bert Cromers, vice president in charge of sales for Michigan Alkali Division, Wyandotte Chemical Corp., says alkalies will continue in tight supply throughout most of 1948.--Department of Agriculture announces it will issue import licenses for palm oil from Belgian Congo and Netherlands East Indies only to private importers with an import history to these areas.

7 JANUARY 14. House passes legislation authorizing government seizure of impure food and drugs a t any time before they reach the consumer.--Eastman Kodak announces opening of plastics laboratory in Rochester, first of its kind in camera industry.


7 JANUARY 7 . Charles Allen Thomas is chosen to receive 1948 gold medal of the American Institute of Chemists, Foster D. Snell, its president, announces’. N-Columbian Carbon Co. buys Chen. Eno. brews, 26, 39 (Jan. 5 , 1948). I b i d . , 98 (Jan. 12, 1948). I b i d . , 100 (Jan. 12, 1948). 4 I b i d . , 155 (Jan. 19, 1948). 6 I b i d . , 172 (Jan. 19, 1948). 6 I b i d . , 147 (Jan. 19, 1948). 7 I b i d . , 176 (Jan. 19, 1948). 1

7 JANUARY 15. Liquid Carbonic Corp. completes acquisition of Stuart Oxygen Co., largest Pacific Coast producer of oxyacetylene gas. “Department of! Commerce announces that beginning March 1 commercial shipments of all commodities to Europe will require individual licenses,







7 J ~ K V A R Y16. 8out.h Africa announces rich uranium find and Prime Minister Smuts seeks law to control development.-WAA announces transfer of a Des Moines, Iowa, wartime rubber plant to Firestone Tire & Rubber.--Federal Trade Commission charges D u Pont with price discrimination in interstate sale of trichloroethylene. 7 JANUARY 17. President, in Executive Order, bans unauthorized airplane flights over three major atomic energy plants-Clint’on Engineering Works, Oak Ridge, Tenn., Hanford Engineer Works, Richland, Wash., and Los Alamos Project, Santa Fe, AT. Mex. “Hugo Schade, director Carl Zeiss Foundation, says Zeiss Optical Works are producing camera lenses a t 80% of prewar rate.

7 JAKUARY 18. House Agriculture Committee requests WAA t o withhold sale of surplus alcohol manufacturing plants a t Kansas City, Mo., and Omaha, Nebr., until June 30.--Solvent Process Corp., a division of Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., is E. erect,ing new detergent plant a t Hopewell, Va.--Herbert Smith, president U. S. Rubber, recommends transfer of synthetic rubber plants from Government to private hands be delayed until sufficient natural rubber has been stockpiled to make U.S. secure in event of another war. 7 JAXUARY 19. Supreme Court rules Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act covers retail sales made in interstate commerce if product was previously shipped in interstate commerce.---uRepTesentative Shafer (R., Mich.) introduces hili which would require U. S. Government to continue to manufacture synthetic rubber and industry to use it8.W-Soviet Union in UN turns down invitation to send administrative experts to U. S. to voice their opinions on best structure of proposed international agency for control of atomic energy. 7 JAMJARY 20. ilEC says first shipments of stable isotopes for use in scientific and medical research will go to Ohio State !University’s physics department.N-Dow Chemical releases its trademark rights to “saran,” permitting i t to become descriptive name of product, Donald Gibb, head plastic sales