JANUS Laboratories Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical

Publications · And much more! Based on information brought directly from Capitol Hill by ACS. WashingtonAlert staff members and published by the Amer...
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JANUS L a b o r a t o r i e s , Inc.

Special Team for Spectrophotometer Cells • Want to discover the ultimate in optical technology? • Research quality productsunconditionally guaranteed! • OEM /Special orders welcome!

Plate scanner Radioisotope thin-layer analyzer (RITA) measures 3 H, 14 C, 32 P, and 125 l on thinlayer plates and can handle four 20-cm X 20-cm plates at one time. Features include a resolution per data track of 1024 points and the ability to acquire data from a new run while evaluating results from any previous run. IN/US Service Corp. 412

Chemicals Polymer particles

JANUS L a b o r a t o r i e s

Dynospheres, perfectly spherical monosized particles in sizes from 0.5 to 100 ftm, are made of polystyrene, acrylate, or divinyl benzene, with or without cross-linking. They can be hard or soft, solid or porous, and can be given spe­ cial properties. Applications include chromatography and calibration of elec­ tron microscopes and particle counters. Dyno Particles 423


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t h i s informative bi-weekly p u b l i c a t i o n covers Federal activities as they c o n c e r n s c i e n c e in g e n e r a l — a n d c h e m i s t r y in particular. It gives timely information o n : P r o g r a m s to b e F u n d e d · N e w R e g u l a t i o n s · C o m m i t t e e H e a r i n g s , Activities · P r o p o s e d Legislation · R e f e r e n c e Studies, P u b l i c a t i o n s · And m u c h m o r e ! Based o n information b r o u g h t directly from Capitol Hill by ACS Washington Alert staff m e m b e r s a n d p u b l i s h e d by t h e American Chemical Society's D e p a r t m e n t of G o v e r n m e n t ι . ,,. ,c . . American Chemical Society Relations a n d Science Periodicals Marketing Department Policy, this is primary 1155 Sixteenth Street, NW journalism at its most Washington, DC 20036 functional—direct, relevant, accurate. YES! Please s e n d m e m o r e information o n t h e bi-weekly publication, ACS Washington Alert For information, use the coupon, Name write, or CALL TOLL FREE


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Enriched compounds Compounds labeled with 13 C, 1 5 N, and 18 0 at enrichments from 10% to 9 9 % are offered for industrial and research applications. Custom syntheses and special preparations of compounds are available. Isotec 424

Software Hierarchical clustering Clue allows as many as 50 objects, each determined by 50 variables, to be clustered and is available for the Apple II and the IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. The underlying algorithm used in the software is the divisive hierarchical clustering method of MacNaughtonSmith et ai. Printer output can consist of the data matrix, the consecutive clustering steps, and a graphical pre­ sentation. Elsevier Scientific Software 428

AA Software acquires data from any AA in­ strument equipped with built-in chart re­ corder output. Two data acquisition pro­ grams are included: one for elements that require special techniques (cold flame and hydride generation determi­ nation of Hg, Se, and Sb); the other for elements that do not. Reagent blanks, 11 standards (with up to five of the same concentration), and 45 samples (with up to three dilutions per vial) are permitted. Interactive Microware 429