Application Centers at Medford, Massachusetts and Burlingame, California. JEOLCO (EUROPE) SA -. 16 Avenue de Colmar 92 Rueil-Malmaison, Paris, France...
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w h a t one instrument gives you an amino acid and nucleic acid analyzer w i t h a sensitivity of 5x10~ 10 ? JLC-3BC!

The JLC-3BC is a dual-detection* amino acid analyzer with a sensitivity of 5 χ 10~ 1 0 —highest on the market today! Nearest available sensitivity—merely 5 χ 10~ 9 —is found only in instruments costing twice t h e low p r i c e of t h e J L C - 3 B C .

*UV detector for proteins and nucleic acids—visible light detector for amino acids.

T H E J L C - 3 S C ALSO O F F E R S T H E S E ? E X C L U S i V E

9 10-second sample application time... other instruments average about 10 minutes. • Constant eluent How rate guaranteed.. . precision mechanical valves eliminate the bubble and backspill common to other instruments. • Excellent stability— +2%/10 hours... superior pump engineering provides efficient long-term laboratory operation. • Accurate quantitative analysis is simple to perform... linear scale in the high-sensitivity range affords a much simpler and more accurate quantitative analysis than the


logarithmic scale alone. # Extremely high reproducibility—2% .. . with its constant-flow pump and high-sensitivity amplifier, plus reaction bath temperature control, it outperforms all others in reproducibility. • Eluents contact Teflon and glass only . . . ordinary instruments with pumps of rubber, metal or other materials are more susceptible to chemicals. » Modular design . . . the JLC-3BC consists of separate and independent units for easy control and servicing.

The JLC-3BC will be on exhibit at the following places: 4th Annual Meeting of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, at Oslo; 7th International Congress of Biochemistry, at Tokyo; JEOLCO (U.S.A.) Application Center, Medford, Mass. We kindly solicit your attendance.



* Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

J E O L C O ( U . S . A . ) , I N C . · Application Centers at Medford, Massachusetts and Burlingame, California J E O L C O ( E U R O P E ) S A · 16 Avenue de Colmar 92 Rueil-Malmaison, Paris, France J E O L C O ( A U S T R A L A S I A ) P T Y . L T D . · l Help Street, Chatswood Sydney, N.S.W., Australia Circle No. 49 on Readers' Service Card VOL.

39, NO. 8, JULY 1967


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