JARRELL-ASH COMPANY - ACS Publications - American Chemical

JARRELL-ASH COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (11), pp 18A–18A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60217a715. Publication Date: October 1964. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Focus Microscope is a d j u s t e d t o select desired area of s a m p l e

Fire Laser b e a m is c o n c e n t r a t e d on s a m p l e by microscope lens

Vaporize Laser crater f o r m e d in refractory. Photo c o u r t e s y Harbison-Walker Refractories Co.

Analyze Spectra p r o d u c e d are recorded on f i l m

In only a few seconds you can set up almost any sample for emission spectroscopy with the J A R R E L L - A S H L A S E R M I C R O P R O B E FEATURES


• No sample preparation necessary • No physical contact with sample re­ quired I . : ' , . • Sample; does not have to be elec­ trically conductive • Laser beam can be pinpointed to a 50-micron spot on any desired area of sample • Sample size— 1 microgram • May be, used with almost any spec­ trograph


CERAMICS Analyzing metallic impurities: and bonding in refractories · Analyzing cords in glass

MEDICAL Analyzing kidney tubules^ for copper and silicon · Analyzing;trace metals in animal brain tissue

METALS Identifying glass stones and in­ clusions in metals · Investigating how impurities affect crystal structure · Investigating grain boundaries

SEMICONDUCTORS Analyzing gold alloys in diode wires · Analyzing impurities in electroplating

PLASTICS Analyzing metallic impurities in plastics · Identification of. microinclusions

MICROELECTRONICS Analyzing impurities^ in gallium arsenide · Analyzing impuri­ ties in thin films

Write for Bulletin 45-600



J A R R E L L - A S H COMPANY · 5 1 0 Lincoln S t r e e t , W a l t h a m , M a s s a c h u s e t t s 0 2 1 5 4 JARRELL-ASH (Europe) S. Α., Rue de la Jacuse 6, Le Locle, Switzerland NIPPON JARRELL-ASH CO., LTD., Kiyamachi-Sanjyo-Sagaru, Nakagyoku, Kyoto, Japan Circle No. 134 on Readers' Service Card 18 A



Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card