jarrell-ash company - ACS Publications

instrument for rapid, non-destructive, quantitative analysis of light elements (6 to 53 on the peri- odic table) in concentrations of 0.005 to 100%. O...
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NEW BOOKS ings are: preparation of labeled com­ pounds, specific analytical techniques, autoradiography, chromatography, biochemical applications, clinical appli­ cations, and health physics. Contamination Analysis and Control.

James L. Dwyer. ν + 31β pages. Reinhold Publishing Corp., 430 Park Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10022. 1966. $15. This book is concerned with the prac­ tices of particulate analysis and control in industry. The sources and physical characteristics of contaminants along with recent analytical techniques and process control tools are described. Emphasis is on the practical and applied. The following subjects are included: particles and droplets in gases; properties of aerosols; aerosol sampling; particles in liquids; proper­ ties of liquid suspensions; liquid sam­ pling; sampling analysis; contaminants on surfaces; contamination control of airborne particulates; control of con­ taminants in liquids; and cleaning of surfaces.

Specialist in its field! New "Betaprobe" X-ray Spectrometer delivers speedy and precise analysis of light elements

The Jarrell-Ash Betaprobe is a simple-to-operate instrument for rapid, non-destructive, quantitative analysis of light elements (6 to 53 on the peri­ odic table) in concentrations of 0 . 0 0 5 to 1 0 0 % Operated by semi-skilled personnel, it can ana­ lyze six to eight elements, simultaneously or sequentially, in less than one minute Count rates are an order of magnitude greater than w i t h con­ ventional x-ray tubes.

DIRECT ELECTRON EXCITATION. The secret of the Betaprobe's efficiency lies in its direct elec­ tron m e t h o d of exciting x-ray spectra, exclusive ma stabilizer and 30-second p u m p d o w n time SEE







New design feature isolates sample area from main vacuum chamber, eliminating time-con­ suming system p u m p d o w n . Various readouts include visual digital display, high speed printer and concentration compiler

The Betaprobe is ideally suited for research appli­ cations as well as routine elemental determina­ tions. By replacing the fixed-channel spectrom­ eter w i t h a scanning spectrometer accessory, it becomes a high precision investigative tool

Write for Jarrell-Ash Bulletin No. 13. 1005



Research/Analytical Instrumentation · J A R R E L L - A S H C O M P A N Y . 5 9 0 Lincoln Street, W a l t h a m , Massachusetts 0 2 1 5 4 JARRELL-ASH (Europe) S.A., Rue de la Jaluse 6. Le Locle, Switzerland· NIPPON JARRELL-ASH CO . LTD.. Kyoto. Japan

142 A



ASTM List of Publications. 34 pages. American Society jor Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadel­ phia, Pa. 19103. A single copy requested on company letterhead will be sent free of charge. This booklet contains a list of over 500 ASTM publications dealing with the knowledge of materials, materials evaluation, and the standardization of methods of test and specifications for materials.


Jarrell Ash Circle No. 238 on Readers' Service Card

Textile Laboratory Manual. Vol. 1. Qualitative Methods. W. Garner. 256 pages. American Elsevier Pub­ lishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 10017. 1966. $7.50. This is the first volume of a projec­ ted six-volume work designed to serve textile laboratories. In general this volume contains a collection of qualita­ tive procedures while subsequent vol­ umes will deal with synthetic resins, de­ tergents, dyestuffs, fibres, and other matters. The test methods presented are divided into eight groups : destruc­ tive, nondestructive, microchemical, chromatographic methods, elements and element-based reagents, dyestuff staining methods, organic functional groups, and unclassified methods.

1966 Book of ASTM Standards. Part 23. Industrial Water; Atmos­ pheric Analysis. 900 pages. Amer­ ican Society for Testing and Materi­ als, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. $15; to ASTM members, $10,50.