Boiling Point Apparatus. Heating elements are encased in Pyrex and fully immersed in the liquid, which circulates by Cottrell principle; measures at*atmospheric pressure or under vacuum. United Glassblowing Laboratories.
Automatic Toepler Pump. Comes in three sizes, 250 to 1000 cc. piston stroke; 500-cc. size evacuates 2-liter volume to 0.1% of original gas in about 10 minutes. Delmar Scientific Labora tories. P-44 Vacuum & Pressure Pump. VacuumBlower pump gives vacuum up to 27 in. Hg, and maximum pressure of 25 p.s.i.; free air capacity about 1.3 c.f.m. Central Scientific Co. P-45 Temperature Instrument. Thermitem gives full scale readings over small ranges selected anywhere in the region from —50° to 500° F . ; claimed accu racy, 2% of full scale. Royco Instru ments, Inc. P-46
no surface treatments required the surface goes all the way thru
Nuclear Briefs Gamma Spectrometer. Model SS-1 automatically scans the pulse height spectrum from 100% down to zero without using a motor drive; has out put for driving zero to 10-mv. chart recorder. The Victoreen Instrument Co. P-47
For F R E E l i t e r a t u r e a n d t e c h n i c a l a s s i s t a n c e a d d r e s s : A L B E R E N E
(A D.V.SFON OF THE GEORGIA MARBLE COMPANY) 3 8 6 F O U R T H A V E . , N E W Y O R K 1 6 , Ν . Y. D Ε PT. C Circle No. 9 on Readers' Service Card
Linear Amplifier. Model 851 nonoverload DD-2 for scintillation spec trometry and proportional counting has recovery time less than 7 /xsec. for overload up to 200 times; built to ORNL Spec. Q-1593-8. The Victoreen Instrument Co. P-48 Paper Tape Air Sampler. Automati cally collects as many as 900 dust or gas samples; air volume per sample adjustable from 1.5 to 36 cu. ft.; treated papers for many gases avail able; usable for radioactive dusts. Gelman Instrument Co. P-49 Proportional
Model PC-3A measures alpha and betagamma; counts hydrogen-3, carbon-14, calcium-45, and sulfur-32; counts beta in presence of alpha without absorbers, and alpha in presence of beta. Nuclear Measurements Corp. P-50 Fallout Alarms. Banshee attaches to civilian radio or television receivers, warns of dangerous levels of radio activity following atomic attack; high pitch wail gives warning on loud speaker, pitch varying with degree of radiation. Tracerlab, Inc. P-51
Brilliant point source offers un matched performance in diffraction analyses of natural and synthetic fibers, plastics, waxes, grease, steroids, proteins, pharmaceuticals; in metals research. Extra-fine, high intensity microsource assures fast est exposure on large lattice ma terials or microsamples. No need for large, hard-to-grow crystals. Write for new catalog today.
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Greater x-ray flux Less scattered radiation Superior resolution Shortest exposure
EXCELLENT FOR X - R A Y M I C R O R A D I O G R A P H Y : Hilger Micro-Focus lends itself t o many applications in studies o f b i o l o g i c a l microstructures: microporosity a n d inclusions in metals; microparticle analyses in criminology, etc. Interchangeable 4 0 a n d 1 0 0 micron f o c a l spots sharpen details in l a r g e r a d i o g r a m s .
Jarrell-Ash Company 32 Farwell Street Newtonville 60, Massachusetts Circle No. 130 on Readers' Service Card VOL.
3 1 , N O . 1 2 , DECEMBER 1 9 5 9 ·
115 A