An Ebert Direct Reading Spectrometer set up with a Concentrational Com puter readout system which directly types per centages of elements present in samples.
Wide Range
The Fisher Ace urn et pH meter has a pH range 0 to 14 and two millivolt ranges: covering 1600 mv. and 800 mv. Accuracy of the instrument is ±0.05 pH unit; reproducibility, ±0.02 pH unit. The solid state stabilizing circuit makes the instrument immune to both ambient and self-generated temperature changes, assures vir tually drift-free operation, and elimi nates warm-up time. Fisher Scientific Co., 300 Fisher Building, Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 437
High Speed
Using the Jarrell-Ash 3.4 Meter Convertible Ebert Spectrograph, you can perform high speed routine analysis, directly by photo electric techniques, of as many elements as you need . . . then, with the mere flip of a switch, you can solve tough "odd sample" or research problems photographically. There are no special attachments to mount when switching over, and, no tedious realignment . . . you'll have the flexibility for analyzing a tremendous variety of materials, the analytical range to detect unsuspected trace elements, the speed to analyze more sam ples per hour, the convenience of centralized control groupings.
This remarkable instrument is available with the new Jarrell-Ash Laser Microprobe for high speed micro-area analyses of any metallic or non-metallic sample. Full technical data available.
Jarrell Ash For f u r t h e r
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Dedicated t o excellence i n t h e research, develop ment and m a n u f a c t u r e of precision analytical instrumentation.
i n f o r m a t i o n . . . c l i p the c o u p o n , a t t a c h t o your c o m p a n y l e t t e r h e a d a n d m a i l .
JARRELL-ASH COMPANY 26 Farwell Street, Newtonville 60, Mass.
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NAME. Ε 3.4 M
I Circle No. 1 41 on Readers' Service Card 144 A
The tungsten source accessory shown with a color temperature of up to 3500° K. has been developed for the Cary Model 14 series of spectro photometers. When operating at 3500° K., the energy output is 100 times that of the standard tungsten source at a wavelength of 3500 A. The new source may be used from 2250 A. to 8500 A. with the Model 14 and from 2250 A. to 1.8 microns with the Model 14R. Applied Physics Corp., 2724 South Peck Road, Mon rovia, Calif. 438