Jarrell-Ash Company

The famous Coleman Junior Spectrophotometer is now available with ... the Coleman Junior your quickest, ... EXCELLENT FOR X-RAY MICRORADIOGRAPHY:...
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NEW!...Choice of band-width! The famous Coleman Junior Spectrophotometer is now available with a choice of band-width: Models 6 A a n d 6 C w i t h 3 5 millimicrons—time-tested and proved through 1 0 years of distinguished service in laboratories throughout the world. The n e w M o d e l 6 D at 2 0 millimicrons for the analyst desiring the increased resolution of restricted band-width. Whichever you choose, you'll find the Coleman Junior your quickest, most convenient way to obtain precise analytical data . . . that's why more Colemans are now in use than any similar instrument.

Thermocouple vacuum g a g e

W r i t e t o d a y f o r " C o l e m a n Tools f o r Science,"contains discussion of a n a l y ­ sis w i t h light, plus complete descrip­ tion of a l l Coleman Instruments

Coleman Junior Spectrophotometer

scale, with five microns being the small­ est indicated marking. Pressure range from zero to 60 microns Hg extends over more than half of the entire scale. Low heater current reduces zero drift by decreasing the rate of thermal de­ composition of organic vapors. Com­ paq- says the unit, equipped with an allmetal sensing tube, is not harmed by exposure to atmospheric pressure. The gage is also said to be operable as a moderately sensitive leak detector in the range from one to 1000 microns Hg. 10 Stereoscopic Microscope Stand

Dept. A, Coleman Instruments, Inc., Maywood, III. For further information, circle number 94 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 87 A



New C o n v e n i e n c e !

New V e r s a t i l i t y !


A new table stand for American Opti­ cal Co.'s Series 55 Cycloptic stereoscopic microscope is announced by that com­ pany. Economy Table Stand Model 22 is adjustable through 360° around a vertical pillar over a four-foot circle. It also has 20-inch horizontal and 15inch vertical excursions. The heavy-

X-RAY UNIT features: EXTRA-FINE, HIGH INTENSITY FOCAL SPOT . . . best for all diffraction studies . . . ideal for large lattice structures

Brilliant point source offers un­ matched performance in diffraction analyses of natural and synthetic fibers, plastics, waxes, grease, steroids, proteins, pharmaceuticals; in metals research. Extra-fine, high intensity microsource assures fast­ est exposure on large lattice ma­ terials or microsamples. No need for large, hard-to-grow crystals. Write for new catalog today.

Stereoscopic microscope stand ONLY

• • • •



Greater x-ray flux Less scattered radiation Superior resolution Shortest exposure

weight base is notched to allow attach­ ment to work table when a relatively permanent setup is required. 11 A d j u s t a b l e Rubber Stopper

EXCELLENT FOR X-RAY MICRORADIOGRAPHY: Hilger Micro-Focus lends itself t o many applications in studies o f b i o l o g i c a l microstructures: microporosity a n d inclusions in metals; microparticle analyses in criminology, etc. Interchangeable 4 0 a n d 1 0 0 micron f o c a l spots sharpen details in l a r g e r a d i o g r a m s .

Jarrell-Ash Company 32 Farwell Street, Newtonville 60, Massachusetts San Mateo, CaHf. · Pittsburgh, Penna.'Tinley Park, III. · Atlanta, Ga.· New York, Ν. Υ. · Dallas, Texas * Detroit, Mich. For further Information, circle numier M A-2 on Readers' Senrice Card, paie IT A 94 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

The Pluro Stopper, distributed by Bethlehem Apparatus Co., will fit dif­ ferent openings from 22 mm. to 100 mm. The item is essentially a size 15 fourinch stopper sliced into 17 concentric rings. Company says that one or more of the rings can be used as a gasket or bushing between tubing, bottles, and