San Diego, Calif. Contact: ... State College, San Diego 15, Calif. Page 56 A ... 6532, Engineering Bl;lg., University of California, Los Angeles 24, C...
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National Institutes of Health 13th Annual Instrument Symposium and Research Equipment Exhibit. N I H , Bethesda 14, Md. Con­ tact: D r . Fred Alt, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda 14, Md. Page 47 A, Sept.

Oct. 8 to 10

Seventh Conference on Analytical Chemistry in Nuclear Technol­ ogy, Sponsor: Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Conference subject: Analytical Instrumentation. Contact: C. D . Susano, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, P . 0 . Box X , Oak Ridge, Tenn. Page 76 A, Sept.

Oct. 14 to 17

77th Annual Meeting of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D . C. Contact: Mr. Luther G. Ensmingcr, Association of Official Agricultural Chem­ ists, Box 540, Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington 44, D . C. Page 41 A, July.

Oct. 14 to 18

Second National Meeting of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. San Diego, Calif. Contact: Earl P . Wadsworth, Jr., San Diego State College, San Diego 15, Calif. Page 56 A, Oct.

Oct. 16 to 18

Tenth National Vacuum Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Sponsor: American Vacuum Society. Contact: G. H . Bancroft, 398 Kilbourn Rd., Rochester 18, Ν . Υ. Page 56 A, Apr.


Oct. 21 to 23

Eleventh Detroit Anachem Conference. McGregor Memorial Con­ ference Center, Wayne State University, Detroit, Mich. Contact: Mr. C. M . Gambrill, Ethyl Corp., 1600 West 8 Mile Rd., Detroit 20, Mich. Page 71 A, Sept.

Oct. 2 3 to 25

Optical Society of America Meeting. Sherman House, Chicago, 111. Contact: Exec. Sec, Optical Society of America, 1155 Sixteenth St., N . W., Washington 6, D. C.

Oct. 30 to Nov. 1

National Convention of the American Association of Textile Chem­ ists and Colorists. Statler Hilton Hotel, Boston, Mass. Contact: Stanley M. Suchecki, P. O. Box 685, Ridgefield, Conn.

Nov. 6 to 8—Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference. Mellon I n ­ stitute, Pittsburgh, P a . Contact: W . M . Biagas, Crucible Steel Co., P . O. Box 7257, Pittsburgh 13, Pa. Page 42 A, July. Nov. 7 to 8—Seventh Annual Technical Conference of the Chemical Div. of the American Society for Quality Control. St. Paul, Minn. Con­ tact: Bruce A. Drew, T h e Pillsbury Co., 311 Second St., S.E., Minneapolis 14, Minn. Page 60 A, Aug. Nov. 12 to 14—Fourteenth Testing Conference of the Technical Association of the Pulp & Paper Industry ( T A P P I ) . Fountainebleau Motor Hotel Inn, New Orleans, La. Contact: M . A. Burnston, T A P P I , 360 Lexington Ave., New York 17. Ν . Υ. Nov. 13 to 15—Eastern Analytical Symposium. Statler Hilton Hotel, New York City. Contact: James F . Cosgrove, Gen. Telephone & Electronics Labs, Bayside 60, Ν . Υ. Page 56 A, Aug. Nov. 14 to 16—ACS Southeastern Regional Meeting. Charlotte, N . C. Contact: V. S. Salvin, Celanese Fibers Co., P. O. Box 1414, Charlotte, N . C. Page 41 A, July. Nov. 18 to 20—Conference on Modern Developments in Analytical Chemistry. The. Rice Hotel, Houston. Texas. Sponsor: T h e Robert A. Welch Foundation. Con­ tact: W. O. Milligan, Director of Research, The Robert A. Welch Foundation, 20th Floor, Bank of the Southwest. Bldg., Houston 2, Texas. Page 64 A. Oct. Nov. 18 to 21—American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting. New York City. Includes AtomFair and 11th Hot Laboratory and Equipment Conference. Contact: Ameri­ can Nuclear Society, 244 E . Ogden Ave., Hinsdale, 111. Page 51 A, June. January 7 to 9—Tenth National Symposium on Reliability and Quality Control. Statler Hilton Hotel, Washington, D . C. Contact: L. S. Gephart, Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Dept. 64-01, Bldg. 104, Sunnyvale, Calif. Feb. 3 to 4—Research Conference on Gas Chromatography. University of California, Los Angeles, Calif. Contact: H . L. Tallman, Physical Sciences Extension, Room 6532, Engineering Bl;lg., University of California, Los Angeles 24, Calif. Page 68 A, Oct. Feb. 27 to 29—Fifth Omnibus Conference on Experimental Aspects of NMR Spec-, troscopy. Mellon Institute, Pittsburgh, P a . Contact: Mellon Institute, 4400 Fifth Ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa. Mar. 2 to 6—Fifteenth Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy. Pena-Sheraton Hotel, Pittsburgh, P a . Contact: Rudolph B . Fricioni. Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corp., Corporate Quality Control Laboratory, Research Center, Bnickenridge, Pa. Page 81 A, Sept. Mar. 23 to 26—Second International Symposium on Advances in Gas Chromatography. Sheraton Lincoln Hotel, Houston, Texas. Contact : Prof. A. Zlatkis, Dept. of Chem­ istry. University of Houston, Houston, Texas. Page 81 A, Sept. Apr. 22 to 25—Fourth Rare Earth Research Conference. Camelback Inn, Phoenix, Ariz. Contact: Dr. LeRoy Eyring, Dept. of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe. Ariz. Page 67 A, Oct. May 7 to 8—Fourth Conference on Vacuum Microbalance Techniques. Mellon Insti­ tute, 4400 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, P a . Contact: Mr. F . A. Brassart, Westinghouse Research and Development Center. Beulah Rd.. Pittsburgh 35, Pa Page 67 A. Oct.

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