Jarrell-Ash Company

Controls on left, to free writing hand. Manual coarse motion control and motor driven fine motion with speed approximately 5 microns per sec. Bright i...
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lAco Atomcounter Direct Reading Spectrometer — Compact, self-contained instrument that per­ forms complete analyses in under one minute with standard deviations of 1-2%. Features revolutionary new JAco-engineered dispersing system. Simple unitized construction. JAco Ebert 3.4 Meter Plane Grating Spectro­ graph with Order Sorter — The widely acclaimed Ebert Spectrograph is now available with an Order Sorter that presents several orders si­ multaneously at high dispersion, each as an individual spectrum. Rotation of grating pro­ duces dispersions ranging from 5 A/mm to 0.18 A/mm with resolving power up to 300,000. JAco Console Comparator Microphotometer — New desk height console style. Controls on left, to free writing hand. Manual coarse motion control and motor driven fine motion with speed approximately 5 microns per sec. Bright image — may be viewed in normally lighted room. Scanning period and distance controlled by foot switch or push button. JAco Photoprocessing Unit — Precision photoprocessor for films or plates. Only 28%" χ 17 3/16" χ 18Va". Accurate time and tempera­ ture controls assure constant gammas. Process­ ing requires only 3Vi min. Eliminates frilling, blisters, and curling. JAco Monochromator — A low cost, high resolu­ tion, electrically driven monochromator for the visible and ultraviolet regions. 0.5 meter focal length. 52 mm χ 52 mm grating ruled 1200 lines/mm. F/8.5 effective aperture ratio. Reso­ lution exceeds 0.2 A in first order. Spectral range of 6000 A in first order for a given grat­ ing setting — nominally supplied to scan be­ tween 200O A and 8000 A.

one source for all your process control and research instruments

F r o m simple polarimeters to major spectrographic equipment, JAco manufactures or distributes a complete line of analytical instrumentation and accessory equipment for your research laboratory or production control procedures. In addition to the many instruments of its own manufacture, JAco also is exclusive U.S. distributor for such well-known lines as Hilger and Watts Ltd., Unicam Instruments, Ltd., (crystallograph apparatus), Nonius and Enraf. For more complete information on the instruments described briefly here — or any of the other precision instruments made or distributed by JAco, write for free catalogs.

Hilger Glass Circle Polarimeter — Unusually fast and convenient. Precision of circle is such that a single readini; gives accuracy obtained on other instruments by two readings averaged. Glass circle easier to read. Sugar scale is standard.

JAco-Hjlger Direct Deader — A low cost high performance direct reading spectrometer for quantometric analysis. Analyzes non-ferrous metals with a speed and precision equal to the most expensive. Installed and serviced nation­ wide by eight JAco offices.

Hilger Recording Infra-Red Spectrophotometer — Exceptional flexibility. Single and double beam; quickly interchangeable glass, quartz and various salt optics or gratings. Takes cells 3x14 mm in cross-section to gas cells up to 50 cm long. Superior resolution. Temperature compensated.

Hilger Micro-Focus X-ray Unit — Wide appli­ cation in both diffraction and micro-radiography. Features low exposure time, high resolution, and provision for utilization of special techniques. Especially useful for low scattering angles. Focal spot diameter is of the order of 0.04 mm. Wide range of interchangeable targets.

Hilger Vacuum Spectrograph — For emission and absorption spectroscopy at wave lengths shorter than the transmission limit of the at­ mosphere. Features fast high vacuum pumps and reliable vacuum seals. Three models avail­ able (both normal incidence and grazing in­ cidence types) covering range from 100 A to 2500 A. 14,400 line/inch gratings on all models.

Hilger Compensated Beam X-ray Diffractometer .— For investigation of solid crystals by direct measurement of diffracted intensity. Compen­ sating counter automatically corrects for varia­ tions in incident radiation intensity. Glass cir­ cle for angle measurement. Fluorescence attach­ ment permits x-ray spectroscopic analysis.

Hilger Raman Spectrograph — Source features low pressure mercury lamps inside diffuse re­ flector — four times more efficient than reflect­ ing mirrors. Specimen cells are easy to change. Two high speed cameras (F/1.5 and F/5.7) mounted on pivot for rapid interchangeability. A scanning head, substituted for one camera, with sensitive photomultiplier, amplifier, and strip chart recorder plots Raman spectra directly. Hilger Refractometers — Three general types available: Abbe type for measurement of re­ fractive index and dispersion in liquids; Chance type for measurement of both solids and liquids to one unit in the fifth decimal place; and two types of Raylelgh Interference Refractometers "for comparative measurement of liquids or gases to the eighth decimal place.


Jarrell-Ash C o m p a n y

32 FARWELl STREET, NEWTONVILLE, MASS. BRANCH OFFICES: Atlanta, Ga. Los Angeles, (Duarte) Palo Alto, Cal. Chicago, III. Muskegon, Mich. Pittsburgh, Pa. New York, Ν. Υ.

For further information, circle numbers 75 A-1, 75 A-2, 75 A-3, 75 A-4, 75 A-5, 75 A-B, 75 A-7, 75 A-B, 75 A-9 on Readers' Service Card, page 61 A


2 8 , N O . 4, A P R I L


75 A