Jasmultiside, a New Secoiridoid Glucoside from Jasminum multiflorum

Prod. , 1991, 54 (4), pp 1087–1091. DOI: 10.1021/np50076a026. Publication Date: July 1991. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Nat. Prod. 54, 4, 1087-1...
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Journal of Natural Products VU/. 54, N U .4 . pp. 1087-1091,Jul-Aug 1991



J A S M I N U M MULTIFLORUM HAN-YINGCHEN, National Taipri College of Nursing 365 Ming Der Road Per-tou 1 I21 I , Taipei Taiuan Republic


YA-CHINGSHEN,and CHUNG-HSIUNG CHEN+ School of Phawuaij National Taiuan Universit) 1 Jm-Ai Road Sei I Taipci Taiuan Rrpublic


ABSTRACT-A new secoiridoid glucoside, jasmultiside I l l , was isolated from the aerial parts OfJasrninunirnultiflorun. The structure of the new compound was established on the basis of spectral analysis and chemical correlations

Jusmznum multiflorum (Burm. f.) Andr. (Oleaceae) is an evergreen shrub that is cultivated as an ornamental plant in Taiwan. Previously, in connection with our search of bioactive iridoids, we reported the isolation of novel secoiridoid lactones, jasmolactones A, B, C, and D ( l ) , and secoiridoid glucosides of the oleoside type (2), such as multifloroside, multiroside, 10-hydroxyoleoside 1 1-methyl ester, and others, from the aerial parts of this plant. Some of these showed coronary vasodilating and cardiotropic activities. In a continuing search along this line, we report here the isolation and structure elucidation of a new secoiridoid glucoside, jasmultiside El],along with 10-hydroxyoleuropein 121 from this plant.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The EtOH extract from the aerial parts of], multiflorum was fractionated by solvent partitions. The n-BuOH-soluble fraction was separated by a combination of Sephadex LH-20 and Si gel cc to yield compounds 1 and 2. Compound 2 was identified to be 10hydroxyoleuropein (2). Compound 1, {&ID -42.6' (MeOH), was isolated as a pale brown amorphous powder. The fabms of 1 showed a negative quasimolecular ion at m/z 66 1 EM - H)-, consistent with a molecular formula of C,,H,,O,,, which was also confirmed by DEPT I3C nmr. The ir and uv spectra of 1 displayed typical absorptions of an enol ether system conjugated with a carbonyl group (1703, 1626 cm- I , 223.6 nm) belonging to a secoiridoid skeleton (3), and, in addition, absorptions due to a catecholic chromophore (1529, 1447 cm- I , 281.6 nm). The 'H-nmr spectrum of 1 (Table 1)closely resembled those of 2 and multifloroside {3] (2), especially those signals arising from the secoiridoid nucleus. In particular, a hemiacetalic proton at 6 5.80 (br s) and a vinylic proton at 6 7.42 (br s) were assignable, respectively, to H- 1and H-3 of the secoiridoid ring. An additional hemiacetalic proton at 6 4.79 ( d , J = 7.8 Hz) was attributed to the anomeric proton of a P-D-glucopyranosyl moiety. The methylene protons H-6a, -6b consituted part of an AMX spin pattern at 6 2.3 1 (dd,J = 13.9,9.5 Hz) and 6 2.62 (dd,J = 13.9, 4 . 1 Hz), both of which were shown to be correlated with the methine proton H-5 at 6 3.88 (dd, J = 9.5, 4 . 1 Hz) by inspection of the COSY-45 spectrum. The only feature that is different from 3 is the signal for the vinylic proton H-8, which appeared as a quartet at 6 6.02 ( J = 6.9 Hz), indicating its coupling with a methyl signal at 6 1.58 ( d , J = 6.9 Hz, H-10). Both H-8 and H-10 showed long range couplings with H-1 as indicated in the COSY-45 spectrum. The nature of the side chains was revealed by two sets of overlapped aromatic AMX and aliphatic ABX, spin systems, compatible with the presence of two 3,4-dihydroxyphenethoxylmoieties. This is also supported by the fragment ion 11 at m/z 154 in the eims of 1. Cross comparison of the "C-nmr spectrum

[Vol. 54, No. 4

Journal of Natural Products







7 R=H 8 R=Ac



3 R=OH,R,=H 5 R=H,R,=Ac 6 R=OAc, R , = A c RO

9 R=H 10 R=Ac HO




4 R=H

of 1 (Table 1) with that of 3 revealed close correspondence in every aspect, except that C-10 is replaced by a methyl group (6 13.47) in 1, and, as a result, the adjacent methine carbon C-8 (6 124.85) undergoes an upfield shift. Strong resemblance was also observed in comparison with the spectrum of oleuropein 141 (4) among those carbon resonances of the secoiridoid glucoside residue, indicating identity at this part of the structure. Acetylation of 1 provided an octaacetate 5 , { a )-58.5"(CHC13), ~ C48H54023, by fabms based on the quasimolecular ions at mlz 339 [M + HI'+ and mlz 1021 {M Na]+. Besides those signals from the secoiridoid glucoside residue, the ' H nmr of 5 displayed four aliphatic acetyl and four aromatic acetyl singlets, consistent with the presence of a P-D-glucopyranosyl and two 3,4-dihydroxyphenethoxyl moieties. The "C-nmr spectrum of 5 resembled closely that of multifloroside nonaacetate 16) ( 2 ) , except for the resonance of the methyl carbon C-10 (6 13.07) which appears in the aliphatic region. Thus, all these spectral evidences point to structure 1 for jasmultiside. The stereochemistry was elaborated further by the following series of reactions. Mild alkaline hydrolysis of 1 provided the 3,4-dihydroxyphenethyI alcohol 7 and the secoiridoid glucoside moiety. The former compound was identified as its dimethyl ether 8 (5), and the latter residue was methylated with CH2N2to yield the dimethyl ester 9. The ' H and "C nmr of 9 showed resonances of two carbomethoxy groups in addition to the signals from the secoiridoid glucoside residue. Further acetylation of 9 provided the dimethyl ester tetraacetate 10.Its eims exhibited a fragment ion 12 at d z 239, representing the secoiridoid nucleus, and ion 13 at mlz 33 1 indicative of the glucose tetraacetate unit. In addition to four acetyl signals, the proton spectrum of 9 revealed a characteristic A,MX spin system originating from H-10, H-8, and H-1. Thus, the signal of methyl proton H- 10 appears as a double doublet at 6 1.7 1 ( J = 7 .0, 1.4 Hz), showing couplings with H-1 at 6 5.67 (br s) and the vinylic proton H-8,


Jul-Aug 199 13


Chen et ai.: Secoiridoid Glucoside


6 'Ha 1. 3 . 4 . 5 . 6a 6b 7 . 8. 9 . 10 11 1' 2' 3' 4'

5' 6' 7' 8' 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8"

. . . . . . . . . .

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1"' . . . . . . . . . . 2"' . . . . . . . . . .

5"' . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OMe . . . . . . . . . 6"'a

6 b



6 '3Cb

6 '3cc

6 '3Cd

94.35 (d) 155.03(d) 109.52(s) 3 1.64 (d) 41.10(t)

94.57 (d) 155.02 (d) 109.26(s) 32.17 (d) 4 1.07 (t)

95.2(d) 155.1 (d) 109.4(s) 31.7(d) 41.2(t)

173.17 (s) 124.85 (d) 130.40 (s) 13.47 (9) 168.17 (5) 66.76(t) 35.27 (t)' 131.02(s)' 116.42 ( d y 146.06 (5) 144.72 (s) 117.03 (d) 12 1.33 (d) 66.24(t) 35.40(t)' 130.81 (s)' 116.41(d)p 146.06(s) 144.72 (5) 117.03(d) 12 1.33 (d) 100.92 (d) 74.69(d) 78.18 (d) 71.43 (d) 77.86(d) 62.69 (t)

173.07 (s) 129.33 (d) 130.64(s) 59.19 (t) 167.96 (s) 66.88 (t) 35.29 (0' 130.90 (s)' 116.46(dP 146.10 ( s ) ~ 144.78 (s) 117.04 (d)' 12 1.32 (d) 66.39 (t) 35.39 (0' 130.92 (s)' 116.14 (d)p 146.78(~)~ 144.78 (s) 116.97 (d)' 121.32(d) 100.82 (d) 74.78 (d) 78.30(d) 7 1.37 (d) 78.14(d) 62.40 (t)

173.1 (s) 124.8 (d) 130.5 (s) 13.6(q) 168.6(s) 66.8 (t) 35.3(t) 130.7(s) 116.5 (d) 146.1(s) 144.8 (s) 117.0 (d) 12 1.3 (d)



5.80 (br s) 7.42 (br s) 3.88(dd, 9.5,4.1) 2.31(dd, 13.9,9.5) 2.62(dd, 13.9,4.1) 6.02 (q, 6.9) 1.58(d, 6.9) 4.21 (AB)' 2.76(X2,6.9)' 6.67 (d, 1.7)

6.69(d, 8.0) 6.52(dd, 8.0, 1.7) 4.10 (AB)' 2.72(x2, 6.9)f 6.67(d, 1.7)

6.69(d, 8.0) 6.52(dd, 8.0, 1.7) 4.79(d, 7.8) 3.2-3.5 3.2-3.5 3.2-3.5 3.2-3.5 3.67(dd, 10.3, 1.0) 3.86(d, 10.3)

100.9 (d) 74.7 (d) 78.3(d) 71.4(d) 77.9(d) 52.7 (t) 5 1.9 (9)

Taken at 300 MHz in CD,OD;J values in Hz. bTaken at 75.47 MHz in CD,OD. The number of protons linked to each barbon in the I3C spectra was determined by DEFT sequence and the number of carbons in each signal verified by inverse gated decoupling. 'Taken at 75.47 MHz in CD,OD. Data in this column are from Shen et a[. (2). dTaken at 50.10 MHz in CD30D. Data in this column are from Inoue era(. (4). "Values with identical superscripts within a column may be interchanged.

which appears as a double quartet at 6 5.98 ( J = 7.0, 1 .0 Hz) due to allylic coupling with H- 1. The carbon spectrum is also in complete agreement with structure 9. Spectral comparisons showed 9 to be identical with oleoside 7 , l I-dimethyl ester tetraacetate, a known iridoid derivative prepared from oleuropein E41 and its analogues ( 5 , 6 ) . Thus, this conversion unequivocally established the absolute structure of jasmultiside as 1.


Journal ofNatura1 Products




mol. 54, No. 4

mlz 347

r d z 33 1



EXPERIMENTAL General instrumental and experimental procedures were described in aprevious paper ( 1). In addition to Si gel, RP C- 18 (Merck) and Sephadex LH-20 were used in cc. PLANTMATERIAL.-]. ttzuiri/?orum was collected in a suburb of Taipei in July 1986. A voucher specimen is preserved in the Herbarium of the School of Pharmacy, National Taiwan University. EXTRACTION A N D ISOLATION.-The fresh plant aerial parts were extracted with 95% EtOH, and the extract was fractionated as described previously (2). Part of the n-BuOH-soluble fraction (95 g) was chromatographed on a Si gel (900 g) column and eluted with the lower layer of a CHC1,-MeOH-H,O (45: 15:4) mixture, to yield fractions 1-8. An aliquot of fraction 3 (10.5 g ) was separated on a Sephadex LH-20 (480 g) column eluted with MeOH to give 10-hydroxyoleuropein I21 (3.14 g) and a residue (4.65 g), shown to be a mixture by tlc. The latter residue was fractionated again on a Sephadex LH-20 (300 g ) column and eluted with MeOH to afford an additional amount (0.9 g) of 2 and jasmultiside [I](2.1 g). Compound 2 was identilied by spectral comparisons (ir, uv, ' H and "C nmr) with an authentic sample (2). JASMULTISIDE Ill.-Amorphous brown powder: [a]"D -42.6' (c= 1.0, MeOH); uv A max (MeOH) (log E) 223.6 (4.42), 281.6 (3.85) nm; ir v max (KBr) 3392, 2919, 1703, 1626, 1529, 1447, 1391, 1353, 1287, 1201, 1158, 1098, 1076, 1041, 926, 863 cm-I; fabms(thioglycerol)rti/z(rel.int.) 1M-H)- 661 (87.5), [M-H-C,H,O,}525 (14.4), IM-H-C6H,,,051499 (4.9); elms rtdz (rel. int.) [M-Glc]' 482 (3.1), 347 (4.9), 302 (10.2). [M-Glc- 154-C0}' 3 0 0 ( 8 . 8 ) , 289(8.5), 288 (5.2). 287 (8.9), 286 (5.3), {CsHi,,O,lt 154 (53.8), {154-OHl+ 137 ( 4 3 . 3 ) , I36 (82.9), 124 (lo.()), [154-MeO]+ 123(100.0), 77(6.7), 73(29.5), 61(9.3), 60(14.0), 57(10.0); 'Hand "Cnmr see Table 1; selected COSY-45 data, 'H-IH [CD,OD) regular H-5-H-6a, H-6b, H - 1 W H - 8 , H-1'H-2', H-l"@H-2", H-l"'@H-2'", long range, H-10-H-1, H-8"-1, H-,*H-5, H-1-H-3. JASMULTISIDE OCTAACETATE {S].-Compound 1(110.7 mg) was acetylated with Ac20/pyridine at room temperature. Usual workup provided a residue which was chromatographed on a Si gel (10 g) column and eluted with CHCI, and increasing amounts ( 1-5%) of MeOH to yield jasmultiside octaacetate [5] (130 mg) as white crystals from CHCI,: mp 58-60'; IaJ2'D -58.5' ( c = 1.23, CHCI,); uv A max (MeOH) (log e) 240 (4.IS), 270 (3.43), 285 (3.00) nm; ir v max (KBr) 1759, 1704, 1633, 1507, 1373, 1260, I216 cm- I; 'H nmr 6 (300 MHz, CDCI,) 7.38 ( I H , s, H-3), 7.08 (4H, m, H-4', -8',-4", -8"), 7.02(2H, d,]=8.2, H-7'. -7'7, 5 . 9 5 t l H , q , ] = 6 . 9 , H-8), 5.64(1H,bs,H-l), 5 . 2 l ( l H , d d , J = 9 . 2 ,

8.4,H-3"'),5.09(1H,dd,]=7.7,8.4,H-2"'),5.09(1H,dd,]=9.2,9.5,H-4"'),4.98(1H,d,J=7.7, H-1"'). 4.29(4H3,m, H-l',-1"),4,18(1H,dd,]= 12.6,7.6,H-b'"a),4.06(1H,bd,]= 12.6, H-b"'b), 3.92 ( l H , dd, J = 4 . 5 , 9.0, H-5), 3.74 ( l H , m, H-5"'). 2.89 (4H, m, H-2', -2"), 2.65 ( l H , dd, / = 14.5,4.5, H-bb), 2.28(1H3,dd,]= 14.5,9.0, H-6a)(couplingparternofH-6awasdeterminedfrom rheCOSY-45spectrum). 2.24(12H,s,OAc), 1.99(12H,s,OAc), 1.64(3H,d,]=6.9,H-l0); "Cnmr 6(75.47MHz,CDC13),93.77(d,C-l), 152.96(d,C-3), 108.55(~,C-4), 30.09(d,C-5),39.59(t,C-6), 170.09 (5, C-7), 124.41 (d, C-8), 128.11 (5, C-9). 13.07 (q, C-lo), 165.77 (s, C - l l ) , 64.21 ( t , C-l'), 34.24 ( t , C-2'), 136.59(s, C-3'), 123.09(d,C-4'). 141.88(s, C-5'). 140.61 ( s , C-6'). 123.50(d, C-7'). 126.56 (d, C-8'), 63.93 ( t , C-1"), 34.08 ( t , C-2"), 136.34 (s, C-3"), 123.09 (d, C-4"), 141.88 (s, C-5"), 140.61 (5, C-6"), 123.50(d,C-7"), 126.56(d, C-8"), 97.02(d,C-1"'), 70.71 (d,C-2"'), 72.44(d, C-3"'), 68.26 (d, C-4"'). 72.04 (d, C-5"'), 61.58 ( t , C-6"'), 20.19 ( X 8 ) (4,OCOCH,), 167.68 (X2). 167.76 ( X 2 ) , 168.90, 169.00, 169.67, 170.62 (5, OCOMe); fabms (nitrobenzyl alcohol) d z (rel. int.) { M f Na)' 1021 (1.8), I M + H l ' 998 (4.5), [ M - C l ~ H l , O l , , I t 651 (30.9). [M-C,2Hl1O,lt 76: (0.9). [M - H - C6HI,,O51' 499 (4.9). [M - Cl2H 1 ,05-C,H 1110) - HI' 413 (13.7). ICl,H I y O y I 331 (91.5). ALKALINE HYDROLYSIS OF J A s M U L T I S I I ~ E (11.-A solution of 1(254 mg) in MeOH (2 ml) was mixed with 0 . 5 M NaOH (25 ml) and stirred at room temperature for 2 h. The mixture was acidified with Amberlite IR- 120 (H' form) and extracted with EtOAc (50 ml X 4). The combined EtOAc extracts were dried and evaporated to give a brown syrup (43 mg), which showed identical behavior ( ' H nmr and Itc)

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Chen et al. : Secoiridoid Glucoside

109 1

with 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl alcohol [7](7). Methylation with CH,N,/Et,O at 0"for 24 h gave, on crystallization from Et,O, needles of 8 (20 mg), m p 40-4 lo, identical with an authentic sample of 2-(3,4dimethoxypheny1)ethyI alcohol (mmp, ' H nmr, ir, and tlc). The aqueous layer was concentrated to dryness to give a residue (192 mg), which was treated with CH,N,/Et,O at 0' for 2 days. The reaction mixture was chromatographed on a Si gel (5 g) column and eluted with CHCI, and increasing amounts (1-15%) of - 156.8" (c= 1.63, CHCI,); uv h max (MeOH) (log E) 236.4 MeOH to yield 9 (61 mg) as an oil: { a ] " ~ (3,60)nm;irumax(neat)3634, 1725, 1634, 1500, 1413, 1267, 1192, 1080,933cm-I; ' H n m r 6 ( 3 0 0 MHz,CDC1,)5.76(1H, brs, H - l ) , 7 . 4 5 ( 1 H , s , H - 3 ) , 3.91(lH,dd,J=2.6,3.3,H-5),2.32(1H,dd, )=13.1,2.6,H-6a),2.68(lH,dd,)=13.1,3.3,H-6b),6.02(lH,q,J=7.0,H-8), 1.62(3H,d, ) = 7 . 0 , H-10). 4.75 ( l H , d,]=7.0, H-l'), 3.67(3H,s,OMe), 3.58(3H,s,OMe); "Cnmr6(75.47 MHz, CDCI,) 94.99 (d, C-l), 153.63 (d, C-3). 108.64 (5, C-4), 30.78 (d, C-5), 40.12 ( t , C-6). 17 1.92 (s,C-7), 124.42(d,C-8), 129.01(~,C-9),13.25(q,C-10), 1 6 6 . 8 4 ( ~ , C - l l )100.51(d,C-l'),73.41(d, , C-2'), 76.64 (d, C-3'), 70.22 (d, C-4'), 76.5 1 (d, C-5'), 62.11 (t, C-6'), 5 1.37 (q, OAc), 5 1.63 (q, OAc). Acetylation of compound 9 (55 mg) with Ac,O/pyridine and usual workup provided a residue (65 mg), which was chromatographed on a Si gel (5 g) column and eluted with CHCl,/MeOH mixtures (1-15R). Final purification with preparative tlc [ 1 rnm plate, CHC1,-MeOH (50: l)] yielded 10 (19 mg), [a)'-D 120.3 (c=1.2, CHCI,). The spectral data([a)D, ir, uv, ' H nmr)ofthis compoundare identical with those of oleoside 7,ll-dimethyl ester tetraacetate (5,6). Additional data: high resolution 'H-nmr 6 (300 MHz, CDCI,) 5.67 ( l H , br s, H - l ) , 7.43 ( l H , s, H-3). 3.95 ( l H , dd,J = 4 . 4 , 8 . 9 , H-5), 2.36(1H, dd, / = 14.2, 8.9, H-6a), 2 . 7 3 ( 1 H , d d , ) = 14.2,4.4,H-bb), 5 . 9 8 ( 1 H , d q , j = 7 . 0 , 1.0,H-8), 1.71(3H, 12.4,2.6,H-b'b),3.60 d d , j = 7 . 0 , 1.4,H-10),4.30(1H,dd,J=12.4,4.6,H-6'a),4.18(IH,dd,)= (3H, s, OMe), 3.70 (3H, s, OMe), 2.02, 2.04, 1.98 (X2)(12H, s, OAc); selected COSY 45 data 'H-IH ICD,OD] regular H-5*H-6a, H-6b, H-10-H-8, H-S'wH-b'a, H-b'b, long range, H- 10-H-1, H8-H-I, H-3-H-5, H-1"-3; "C nmr 6 (75.47 MHz, CDCI,) 93.92 (d, C-l), 153.00 (d, C-3), 108.88 (5, C-4), 30.33 (d, C-5), 39.84 ( t , C-6), 17 1.34 (5, C-7), 124.69 (d, C-8). 128.45 (5, C-9), 13.3 1 (q,C-10), 167.01(s,C-ll),97.22(d,C-l'), 70.97(d,C-2'), 72.64(d,C-3'),68.55(d,C-4'),73.32(d, C-5'), 61.90 (t, C-6'), 51.37, 51.25 (q, C-7, -11 OMe), 20.47 (X4) (9, OCOCH,), 168.9, 169.23, 169.93, 170.35(s, OCOMe);fabms(nitrobenzylalcohol)nr/z(rel.int.)[M+ Na]' 609(12. l), [M + HI' (loo), 239 IM - CGH702(OA~)41t (35.5). 169 (78.0); eims d z (rei. 587 (8.5). 33 1 [C,H,O(OAC)~~+ int.) [M-Glc]' 332 (6.0), 331 [CtiH,0(OA~)4]t(42.9), 271 (13.7), 239 [M - C6H,02(0A~)4]t (5.6), 2 11 (6.2), 170 (8.2). 169 (loo), 145 (4.3), 139 (3.2), 109 (25.6). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful for financial support (NSC-79-04 12-B002- 13 and NSC-79-0420-B002- 16)from the National Science Council, R.O.C. We also thank Dr. Shoei-sheng Lee for his help and consultation in running some reactions. LITERATURE CITED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

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Rrrriird I I Frhrrtaq I991