JCE Feature Columns - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

Jon L. Holmes. JCE Software, Department of Chemistry, 209 N. Brooks St., Madison, WI 53715. J. Chem. Educ. , 1999, 76 (5), p 718. DOI: 10.1021/ed076p7...
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Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources edited by

JCE Online

Jon L. Holmes University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53706

JCE Feature Columns Many of the articles that appear in the Journal as well as many of the resources at JCE Internet are made possible through the efforts of our feature editors. These editors donate their time and expertise to JCE to help provide you with information in their area of interest. They serve as “super” reviewers of articles submitted in their area of expertise and JCE greatly appreciates their efforts. Our updated Features area of JCE Online provides an easy way for you to show your appreciation of their efforts—a quick email. Feature Columns at JCE Online The Features area of JCE Online is now readily accessible through a single click from our home page. In the Features area each column is linked to its own home page. These column home pages also have links to them from the online Journal Table of Contents pages or from any article published as part of that feature column. Using these links you can easily find abstracts of additional articles that are related by topic. Of course, JCE Online+ subscribers are then just one click away from the entire article. Finding related articles is easy because each feature column “site” contains links to the online abstracts of all the articles that have appeared in the column. In addition, you can find the mission statement for the column and the email link to the column editor that I mentioned above. At the discretion of its editor, a feature column site may contain additional resources. As an example, the Chemical Information Instructor column edited by Arleen Somerville will have a periodically updated bibliography of resources for teaching and using chemical information. Due to the increase in the number of these resources available on the WWW, it

W only makes sense to publish this information online so that you can get to these resources with a simple click of the mouse. We expect that there will soon be additional information and resources at several other feature column sites. Following in the footsteps of the Chemical Information Instructor, up-to-date bibliographies and links to related online resources can be made available. We hope to extend the online component of our feature columns with moderated online discussion forums. If you have a suggestion for an online resource you would like to see included, let the feature editor or JCE Online ([email protected]) know about it.

JCE Internet Features JCE Internet also has several feature columns: Chemical Education Resource Shelf, Conceptual Questions and Challenge Problems, Equipment Buyers Guide, Hal’s Picks, Mathcad in the Chemistry Curriculum, and WWW Site Review. These columns differ from the print feature columns in that they use the Internet as the publication medium. Doing so allows these features to include continually updated information, digital components, and links to other online resources. The Conceptual Questions and Challenge Problems feature of JCE Internet serves as a good example for the kinds of resources that you can expect to find in an online feature column. Like other columns it contains a mission statement that defines the role of the column. It includes a digital library of continually updated examples of conceptual questions and challenge problems. (As I write this we have just added several new questions to the library.) It also includes a list of links to related online resources, information for authors about how to write questions and problems, and information for teachers about how to use conceptual questions and challenge problems. One-Stop Feature Shop The updated Feature area of JCE Online offers information about all JCE feature columns in one place. It gives you a quick and convenient way to access a group of articles in a particular subject area. It provides authors and readers with a good definition of the column and its mission. It complements the print feature columns with online resources. It provides up-to-date bibliographies for selected areas of interest. And last, but not least, it provides that email address you can use to send that message of appreciation to the feature editor for his or her contribution to JCE and the chemical education community.

Teaching with Technology home page at JCE Online.



Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 76 No. 5 May 1999 • JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu