JCE Index Updated - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

JCE Index Updated. Jon L. Holmes. Department of Chemistry, JCE Software, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI 53715-1116. J. Chem. Educ. , 2...
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JCE Online

Jon L. Holmes University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53715-1116

JCE Index Updated JCE Online is pleased to announce that one of our most popular features has been updated. The JCE Index database contains titles and names of authors for all of the articles published in this Journal since its inception in 1924. Keywords have been applied to articles published since mid1995. This database can be searched online using your WWW browser. Added Features The updated online JCE Index has several new options for searching. You can now search on Year and Issue Number in addition to Titles, Authors, and Keywords; you can search on Page number using Advanced Search. You can also search on more than one field (for example, you could look for articles that have copper in the title and were published in 2000). New search operators support searching for a range of values. This is especially useful when searching the numeric fields Year, Issue Number, and Page. For example, entering 2000…2002 in the Year field will return articles published in 2000, 2001, and 2002. Of course, you can use this in combination with searches on other fields. To find articles with copper in the title and published since 1992, for example, you would enter 1992… in the Year field and copper in the Title field. The display of successful search results is more attractive and contains links directly to the online Abstracts and PDF full-text files. You can view a detail page for the article by clicking its Title. A convenient Search Again link is also provided.

Figure 1. JCE Index home page, http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/ Journal/Search/index.html.

Advanced Search The Advanced Search option provides several additional features: OR-type searches, page number searches, and more flexible display of the results of a search. The OR-type search can be used to find all articles written by either of two authors or all articles that have either of two words in their titles. For example, to find all articles whose author is Holmes, or Moore (or both), enter Holmes Moore into the Authors field on the Advanced Search page, click the radio button labeled or, and then click Search. (See Figure 2.) The Advanced Search option allows sorting of articles by Title, Author, or Year and Page Number in either ascending or descending order. You can also specify how many records will be displayed at once. For example, it is possible to find all articles whose titles contain the word copper, sort them alphabetically by author, and display them ten to a page. The JCE Index database is now located on a computer separate from the JCE Online server. This should result in better response especially during the peak hours of JCE Online use. Project Chemlab Annotated Laboratory Experiments Looking for a new lab experiment? The Laboratory Search link on the JCE Index page takes you to the Project Chemlab database, which contains annotations for all laboratory materials published in JCE since about 1964. A laboratory-specific set of keywords helps you find laboratory articles that meet your specialized needs. The JCE Index and the Project Chemlab databases function similarly. If you learn how to use one, you can easily use the other. Happy searching!

Figure 2. The Advanced Search includes an option for OR-type searching.

JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu • Vol. 80 No. 1 January 2003 • Journal of Chemical Education