JCE Online - ACS Publications

about all JCE Software publications except those for the Apple. II series. Online versions of the abstracts that appear regu- ... Customer Service and...
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Information • Textbooks • Media • Resources edited by

JCE Online

Jon L. Holmes University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, WI 53715-1116

JCE Software JCE Software has had an online presence on the WWW since 1994 and before that as an Internet gopher, making it the senior online JCE publication. In the JCE Software area of JCE Online (http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/) you can find… All That Is Not Fit for JCE Print JCE Software publishes instructional materials that are developed for non-print media. Traditionally, this has meant microcomputer software. However, our video issues distributed on laser videodisc, videotape, and now on CD-ROM are also popular. At JCE Online you will find information about all JCE Software publications except those for the Apple II series. Online versions of the abstracts that appear regularly in this Journal can be found at JCE Online. The presentation and organization are slightly different, but the information is the same or updated for accuracy. To help you to find programs that fulfill a particular purpose, JCE Software now has a searchable online index (see http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/Search/). Similar to the online Journal index (http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/Journal/ Search/), you can search for programs by author, title, or keyword. Successful searches return a list of links to more information about the programs found.

Customer Service and Support Hardware and software requirements, prices, and an order form for all available JCE Software issues are readily available at JCE Online (see http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/ Issues/). If you having a problem using JCE Software materials, consult JCE Online at http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/ JCESoft/Support/, where you can find answers to some common problems. If you having a problem with a specific program, consult its abstract page for a link to any support documentation that may be available. Solutions JCE Software is currently seeking supporting curriculum materials that utilize its programs. Such solutions will be distributed via JCE Online and provided as a service to our users. If you have developed an exercise, student handout, or other implementation notes and are willing to share them with others, please submit them. As such solutions become available, they can be found at http://jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/ JCESoft/Support/Solutions/. Please note that such materials are provided as is; they will not have been reviewed or edited. Call for Submissions If you have developed a non-print resource that you think is suitable for publication by JCE Software, we would like to hear from you. Information on and guidelines for submitting materials to JCE Software are available from http:// jchemed.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/Authors/. It is the policy of JCE Software to help you bring your works in progress to publication. “Unfinished” submissions are welcome. What You Won’t Find From time to time, authors make available materials that supplement their print articles. Such material is distributed by JCE Online. Some of this supplementary material is software, but don’t look for such software in the JCE Software area of JCE Online. JCE Software publishes only software that has passed peer review. Software available as supplementary material to Journal articles is found from the abstract page for that article. Free for All The entire online contents of JCE Software is freely available to everyone and we have no plans to change this policy. Look to JCE Online for all the latest information about JCE Software publications.

JCE Online and JCE Online+ JCE Software ’s home page at http://JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu/JCESoft/


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Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 75 No. 7 July 1998 • JChemEd.chem.wisc.edu