Jefferson...for highest-quality - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Jeifermn... for highest — quality


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No. 4 hi a Scries

D e s l u d g i n g fluid for i n t e r n a l combustion engines, Diesel e n gines and the like, can be formulated using ethylene dichloride, soap, alcohol, cresol and n a p h t h a . T h i s formula when substituted for lubricating oil will not only effectively desludge the crankcase and associated parts but will have a lubricating effect on the operating u n i t s . A n a b a s i n e , a liquid alkaloid that closely resembles nicotine in physical, c h e m i c a l , toxological a n d i n s e c t i c i d a l p r o p e r t i e s , can be extracted from all parts of the tree tobacco plant with ethylene dichloride. B e n z o y l p e r o x i d e may be reacted will ι ethylene dichloride t o give p h e n o l a n d b e n z e n e . C o p r o d u c t s of the reaction are p-PhCfil I4CO211, diphenyl, tric h l o r o b u t e t i e , a n d 1, 2 , J , 4 tctrachlorobutauc.

Available immediately in tank cars and 55-gaIIon drums, or in samples for your prelimîha^^ ',. . \ ,',;/• • .. J^djdress -inquÎries;tp; Department :Ç.) ;

Jefferson CHEMICM COMPANY, f Λ&;Χ=

^ / « r recent literature

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N-vinyl c o m p o u n d s s u c h a s N-vinyl pyrrole or N-vinyl carbazolc m o n o m e r s , can be poly­ merized in ethylene dichloride solution to form materials which have high softening points. T h e reaction, using BFj as a catalyst, is started at room temperature with the ratio of solvent to mono­ mer of 4 o r 6 : 1 . When such a ratio is employed, the reaction is more readily controlled because the temperature will remain near­ ly constant at about the boiling point of the ethylene dichloride. These developments are abstracted from recent fat If I tea fions or U. Λ. patents. They may suggest applica­ tions ofJe]fer son Ethylene Dichlor· ide in your products or processes. 5425