\\ith the i'olloning. 1 ) Tlic incrcasc in acid rain roughl!, p;irallcl\ EP.1 con- trols on emissions 01' basic pollutants. e.g.. portland ccnicnt. Si...
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there will be a n opportunit! i'or C U I tural enrichment tlirotigh ttic cntliusinstic desire of tho C'hincsc to shon and share with forcigncrs ;I:, much 01' their countr! as possible. .,lltIiough t h e details o f the institL.tion;il \isits a r e ;is ) e t unknown. t h e itincrnr) in China has been fivcd to include \ix cities. Beijinp (Peking). \:injing ( Y a n k i n g ) . Chenkiang. Soochou. Shanghai. a n d Kiiangchoiv (Canton). Departure date from \ e n York i h .lul) 15. I O S O . Thcrc a r e still w m c oixriing\ ;I\ xilablc for participants. I f !ou ;ire i n t c m t e d and 14 ish fu r t h e r i ri 1.0 r 111;it i on. pl c;i sc contact: Dr. Leonard Uennisn t { cad. E riv i roil iiic n t,i I C hc in I \ t r!

Division Brookha\en \ationa l.abl.)rator! 5 I Bell .\vc.. Building 176 Lpton. \ .\', I I973 Telcphonc: ( 5 16) 33?~-446'7

'Acid sulfates

Dear Sir: The column.; o f this and other j o u r n a l s . Lind c \ ' c i l of the dail) ne\+spapers. a r c increasingl! devoted to discussions of acid n i n \ and " b u l -

Iites." l ; i m concerned t h a t none 01' the article:, I've read concern thc~i1scl\.e< \ \ i t h the i'olloning. 1 ) Tlic incrcasc in acid rain roughl!, p;irallcl\ EP.1 controls on emissions 01' basic pollutants. e.g.. portland ccnicnt. Since almost ;ill of the evidence t h a t I ,1111 :in%ircof s h w s t h a t t h e liiiic\tonc and b;i>ic calcium compound\ crnittcd b! cement plants a r e hiirmless or bcnclicial ( t h e y ;ire even feeding a i i i e n t to cattle!). perhaps \ \ c have ;;one tilo f a r in air pollution controls. Po\sibl! \+e should temporaril! rclar cor?trol\ o n the bkisic poIlutLints u n t i l t h e iicid ones a r c other\+ise successfull! reduced. 2 ) T h e term "hulfate" is n o \ \ used b> niost resca rc hers ;I> .in i ncl iisi i ~ de n i . gra t i ng term. I'm afraid most cvcrSonc i\ going to believe such us:gc before long. W h a t information is there that sa!s g)psum is hariiii'ul (it's our \obrcc of c;iIciuiii i n b r e a d ) . or limestone. dolomite. and calcium phosphate (tlic!'rc "popped" like cand! i n inan! '.iotiwholds)'! Let's restrict mo\t of o u r derogator! comments to t r c ~ i d\ ~ ~ / j i i ~ ~ ~ s . ' \\'illiam



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CIRCLE 17 ON READER SERVICE CARD Volume 14, Number 3. March 1980