JGC flleffl
announces its new name:
Forty-eight years ago when we were founded as a Gasoline Company we called ourselves simply the Japan Gasoline Co., Ltd. That makes sense. Forty-eight years later, long after becoming an international leader in engineering and construction, we were still calling ourselves the same thing. Which didn't make sense at all. So now, officially on October 25, we changed our name to what everyone's been calling us anyway: JGC Corporation. And to make it even more official, we adopted a brand-new logo.
Today JGC and our logo stand for infinitely more than our founders ever dreamed of. Our 1,700 topflight engineers are engaged in consulting, engineering, procurement, construction and operation supervising services in: Petroleum and petrochemical projects. Diversified gas and nuclear projects. Inorganic, food and fine chemical projects. Environmental protection projects. Seawater desalination projects. Pipeline, including submarine pipeline, projects.
Many of these projects are overseas — in more than 30 countries throughout the world. For example, a natural gas treatment plant for SONATRACH in Algeria, a grass roots refinery for PETROBRAS in Brazil where we are presently providing total services. Although we've changed our name, you'll find our service is the same. In fact, we're resolved with our new name to give even better service. So write or call us. For any kind of plant. Anywhere in the world.
Total Engineering and Construction . . . Worldwide
Head Office: New Ohtemé i l Bldq.. 2-1. Ohtemachi ?-chome. CI Cable Add: ANTIKNOCK O K Y U Telex: 0222-3096 JGCTOK Overseas Off ices: «Singapi e · Seoul · Paris .Jakarta · Bahrain · /