John W. Lyga

We are also indebted to Barbara Collura at FMC for her adminis trative help in producing this book. John W. Lyga. Agricultural Products Group. FMC Cor...
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Downloaded by on May 9, 2018 | Publication Date: February 1, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0948.pr001

Preface The American Chemical Society ( A C S ) Agrochemical D i v i s i o n sponsored the symposia, Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals, at its National meetings since 1984 to provide the agrochemical community with a forum i n w h i c h to present work i n the field. The emphasis o f the presentations at these symposia, published in V o l u m e s I - V I , was primarily research that led to the successful discovery o f a new active ingredient, with a focus on chemists presenting the synthesis and chemistry o f their discoveries. In a slight departure from this, we wanted to broaden the scope and encourage all agricultural scientists to share their successes and failures in the quest to discover new agrochemicals. The symposia Translation of Pesticidal Activity from Lab to Greenhouse to Field and Good Ideas That Never Made It to Products conducted at the F a l l A C S National meetings in Philadelphia in 2004 and Washington, D . C . i n 2005, provided the venue. Successful translation o f biological activity from lab to field is a key factor i n our industry. O f the many thousands o f compounds screened for biological activity each year, only a small percentage survive to advanced laboratory biological testing, and eventually to field testing. O n l y the precious few go into more extensive field, toxicology and environmental fate studies. M o r e often than not, a compound that is biologically active under laboratory or greenhouse conditions w i l l not survive the numerous barriers and harsh conditions that Nature inflicts. The symposium presentations included in this volume dealt not only with factors contributing to the success o f a given project, but also with factors that played a role i n the inability o f some o f these compounds to advance, from screens to lab to field. This book opens with an overview o f innovation and challenges in the agrochemical industry followed by a discussion o f the physical properties o f agrochemicals, as w e l l as early-stage assessment o f meta-

xi Lyga and Theodoridis; Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals VII ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by on May 9, 2018 | Publication Date: February 1, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0948.pr001

bolic stability. The book is then divided into four sections, each section addressing a different stage in the development o f an agrochemical product. Chapters i n each section address the technical difficulties commonly encountered at each stage. Topics include the synthesis, biological activity, structure-activity relationships, mode o f action, and experimental design o f the various chemistries. Chapters i n each o f the four sections present examples o f agrochemicals i n the areas o f herb­ icides, fungicides, and insecticides. W e express our deepest appreciation to a l l o f those who contributed papers and presented their work at both symposia. Our special thanks go to the authors for their efforts i n preparing the chapters that makeup this book. W e are also indebted to Barbara Collura at F M C for her adminis­ trative help i n producing this book.

John W. Lyga Agricultural Products Group FMC Corporation P.O. B o x 8 Princeton, NJ 08543

George Theodoridis Agricultural Products Group FMC Corporation P.O. B o x 8 Princeton, NJ 08543

xii Lyga and Theodoridis; Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals VII ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.

Downloaded by on May 9, 2018 | Publication Date: February 1, 2007 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2007-0948.pr001

Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals VII

Lyga and Theodoridis; Synthesis and Chemistry of Agrochemicals VII ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2007.