John Wiley & Sons, Inc. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 31, 2012 - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1978, 50 (1), pp 72A–72A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50023a768. Publication Date: January 1978. Copyright ...
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Wiley-Interscience Announces... First volume in December 1977... three more tentatively scheduled through November 1978

New—Third Edition Kirk-Othmer

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY EDITORIAL BOARD Herman F. M a r k , Polytechnic Institute of New York Donald F. Othmer, Polytechnic Institute of New York Charles G. Overberger, University of Michigan Glenn T. Seaborg, University of California, Berkeley Martin Grayson, Executive Editor David Eckroth, Associate Editor ".. .a c o m p e n d i u m of information o n chemical technology that is as near to perfection as possible." —Nature (review of 2nd Edition)

The Second Edition, reflecting the state of the international chemical industry in the sixties, is already an acclaimed classic. The new, completely rewritten and updated Third Edition will consist of about 1,000 articles, averaging over 10,000 w o r d s each, written and refereed by experts and reflecting the state of chemical technology in the late seventies and early eighties. Each volu m e will also contain approximately 200 illustrations and 250 tables. The Third Edition will deal w i t h industrial groups, natural materials and related groups of substances such as: organic and inorganic intermediates; fossil and synthetic fuels, fibers, plastics, resins; c o m p o s i t e and electronic materials and bioindustrial products. The Third Edition will review uses of products of the chemical and process industries f r o m pharmaceuticals, dyes, herbicides and semiconductors to laser materials, coatings, and membranes. Unit operations, unit processes, and chemical engineering f u n d a m e n tals will be featured along w i t h manufacturing and process design aspects of individual products. CIRCLE 2 3 2

N e w features to i m p r o v e access to the literature will include use of SI units and Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers. The Encyclopedia will consist of approximately 25 volumes, to be published at the rate of four volumes a year. The final v o l u m e will be an index volume. In addition, a p a p e r b o u n d interim index will be issued for every four volumes, to be supplied without additional charge. Subscription price: $95 per v o l u m e (billed as published, shipping/handling additional) (Individual Volume Volume Volume Volume

volumes: $120 per

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December 1977 June 1978 (tent.) September 1978 (tent.) N o v e m b e r 1978 (tent.)

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