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John D. Roberts (Ed.), California Institute of Technology. Latest in this famous series, with strongemphasis on examples of new and general types of r...
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BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE TRACER METHOD By C. W. SHEPPARD, Univ. of Tennessee Medical Units. Formulates for the first time the basics of tracer kinetic theory and analysis. Includes scope and limitations with particular respect to applications in physics, chemistry, and physiology. 1962. Approx. 304 pages. $8.00

ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY By ROBERT P. BADMAN, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. Covers ultra-violet, visible, infrared, and Raman spectroscopic methods and their applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis, and in the determination of molecular structure. 1962. Approx. }68 pages. Prob. $12.50

ORGANIC SYNTHESES Volume 41 JOHN D. ROBERTS (Ed.~), California Institute of Technology. Latest in this famous series, with strong emphasis on examples of new and general types of reactions and compounds. 1962. Approx. 128 pages. $4.00

BIOCHEMICAL MECHANISMS By LLOYD L. INGRAHAM, Univ. of California. The first book to fill the special needs of biochemists in the area of mechanistic chemical principles. 1962. Approx. 112 pages. £5.75

Mellor: A COMPREHENSIVE TREATISE ON INORGANIC AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. II, Supplement II, Part I. The Alkali Metals. Edited by H. V. A. BRISCOE and others. Lithium, sodium and their more important salts. Includes physico-chemical data, industrial processes and applications, uses in organic chemistry, and biological significance. 1961. 1458 pages. Prob. $45.00 from Interscience

ELUCIDATION OF STRUCTURES BY PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL METHODS K. W. BENTLEY (Ed.), J. F. MacFarlan & Co. Ltd. Methods to guide the chemist in unravelling the structure of unknown synthetic compounds or natural products. Vol. 11 in Technique of Organic Chemistry Series. 1962. In Press

DIRECT OBSERVATION OF IMPERFECTIONS IN CRYSTALS Edited by J. B. NEWKIRK, Cornell Univ. and J. H. WERNICK, Bell Telephone Laboratories. Proceedings of a technical conference (1961). Covers survey lectures, optical and electron microscopy, and topographical diffraction methods. 1962. In Press

MODERN ANALYSIS OF DIFFRACTION BY MATTER By R. HOSEMANN, Univ. of Berlin and S. N. BAGCHI, Univ. of Calcutta. How the diffraction of any structure can be analyzed with the help of Fourier- and convolution-integrals. Method is based on wave equations of Maxwell and Schrôdinger. Includes examples and illustrative calculations. 1959. Approx. 640 pages. $19.50

METHODS OF FORENSIC SCIENCE, Vol. I By FRANK LUNDQUIST, University of Copenhagen. First of a series designed to give forensic scientists, toxicologists, police laboratory technicians, analytical chemists and others accurate and up-to-date descriptions of methods of proven value in forensic practice. 1962. In Press

GLOSSARY OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY By SAUL PATAI, Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem. Treats organic and physical organic chemistry as a unit. Γη effect it is a kind of advanced dictionary, giving definitions and references to review articles, textbooks, monographs, and the like, for nonspecialists. 1962. Approx. 300 pages. Prob. $8.00 Interscience Publishers is a Division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.





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in figures 1 and 2. There are 18 figures in all in the monograph. Each graph has an intensity scale. As mentioned in the OH atlas, the relative intensities of t h e various lines and bands are dependent on tempera­ ture and emissivity in the particular source used. Mention is made t h a t it is necessary to use an atlas such as this with great care, to identify lines of the same spectrum produced in different sources.

Selected Values of Chemical Thermo­ dynamic Properties, Part I. Tables, and Part II. References. F. D. Rossini, D. D. Wagman, W. H. Evans, Samuel Levine, and Irving Jaffe. National Bureau of Standards Circular 500, Part I, reprinted July 1961, 828 pages, $2.50; Part II, re­ printed July 1961, 481 pages, $2.25. This circular consists of a presenta­ tion of selected values of chemical thermodynamic properties. Part I contains the tabular material and P a r t II, the specific references for the values in P a r t I, and the general list of references. This is a reprinting in 2 p a r t s of N B S Circular 500, now out of print. This reprinting is an interim publication pending complete revision which is taking longer t h a n first anticipated. A systematic re-examina­ tion of t h e available d a t a is being made, prior to incorporating new data. I t is presently hoped t h a t a revised set of tables will be available in about two years. This project was con­ ducted, in part, under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research, D e ­ p a r t m e n t of the N a v y .

The following are available from the Office of Technical Services, U. S. De­ partment of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C. Colorimetric Determination of Uraniom(IV). DP-578. May 1961, 9 pages. 50 cents. Determination of Eccentricity in X-Ray Powder Cameras. GAT-Z5025. July 1961, 9 pages. 50 cents. Separations by Solvent Extraction with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide. NAS-NS-3102. February 1961, 60 75 cents. Methods for the Analysis of Columbium and Its Alloys. PWAC-Slfl. June 1961. 56 pages. $1.50. Molten Salts—Selected References. TID-3564. June 1961, 25 pages. 50 cents.