Johns-Man vi Me Chromosorb dealer complete ... - ACS Publications

St. Louis, Mo. Beckman Instruments. Co. Fullerton, Calif. Braun Chemical Co. Los Angeles, Calif. Braun-Knecht-Heimann. San Francisco, Calif. Burrell C...
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NEW BOOKS Relation of Dislocation Density to the Yield Stress of Copper Crystals.

M. J. Hordon, Watervliet Arsenal, Department of the Army. 26 pages. October 1961. $0.75. Investigation of Single Crystal and Polycrystalline Titanium Diboride: Metallographic Procedures and Findings. C. T. Lynch and others, Aeronautical Systems Division, U. S. Air Force. 53 pages. November 1961. $1.50. Normal Spectral Reflectance of Anodized Coating on Aluminum, Magnesium, Titanium, and Beryl­ lium. J. E. Hansen and others, Honeywell Research Center, for Aeronautical Systems Division, U. S. Air Force. 291 pages. September 1961. $4.00. Thermal Radiation Properties of Materials. R. A. Seban and R. E. Rolling, University of California for Aeronautical Systems Division, U. S. Air Force. 119 pages. June 1961. $2.50. Thermodynamics of Interstitial Solid Solutions. L. Kaufman, Manufac­ turing Laboratories, Inc., for Aero­ nautical Systems Division, U. S. Air Force. 69 pages. October 1961. $1.75. Proceedings Sixth Joint Army-NavyAir Force Conference on Elastomer Research and Development, Bos­ ton, Mass., 18-20 October, 1960. Volume 2. 677 pages. June 1962. $6.00. Indoor and Outdoor Aging of Elastomeric Vulcanizates over a Ten Year Period. E. W. Bergstrom, Rock Is­ land Arsenal Laboratory for the U. S. Army. 23 pages. 1961. $0.75. Boron Polymers, a literature survey. L. C. Wiedemann, Rock Island Ar­ senal Laboratory for the U. S. Army, 1961. 15 pages. June 1962. $0.50. Explosives, Propellants and Pyro­ technic Safety Covering Labora­ tory, Pilot Plant, and Production Operations. Russel McGill, editor. 92 pages. May 1962. $2.25. Absorption of Thorium on an Anion Exchange Resin. 32 pages. Sep­ tember 8, 1961. $0.75. Annual Summary Research Report in Chemistry, 1 July 60—30 June 6 1 .

122 pages. September 1961. The

Radiochemistry of Sulfur.

pages. February 1962. $0.50. 60 A





Instrumental Methods of Uranium Analysis. 56 pages. April 17, 1962. $1.25. Methods for the Chemical Analysis of Uranium Monocarbide. 35


March 15, 1962.


The following publications are avail­ able from the U. S. Government Print­ ing Office, Washington 25, D. C. An Ultraviolet Multiplet Table. National Bureau of Standards, Circular 488. Section 3. 94 pages. April 1962. $0.60. Section \. 65 pages. April 6, 1962. $0.45. Section 5. 30 pages. April 1962. $0.30. Technical Translations. Semimonthly Journal. $12 per year. Critical reviews of these books are scheduled to appear in future issues of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.

A Laboratory Manual of Analytical Methods of Protein Chemistry (Including Polypeptides). Vol. 1. The Separation and Isolation of Proteins. P. Alexander, R. J. Block, editors, viii + 254 pages. Pergamon Press, Inc., 122 East 55th St., New York 22, Ν. Υ. 1960. $8,50. Rare Earth Elements. Extraction, Analysis, Applications. D. I. Ryabchikov, editor-in-chief. 356 pages. Program for Scientific Translations, 14 Shammai St., Jerusalem, Israel. 1960. $11. Introduction to Molecular Spectros­ copy. G. M. Barrow, xiii + 318 pages. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St.. New York 36, Ν. Υ. 1962. $10.75. Molecular Physics. Vol. 3: Methods of Experimental Physics. Dudley Williams, editor, xiv + 760 pages. Academic Press, Inc., Ill Fifth Ave., New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1961. $19. Methods in Hormone Research. Vol. 1. Chemical Determination.

Ralph I. Dorfman, editor, xiii + J$3 pages. Academic Press, Inc., Ill Fifth Ave., New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1962. $16. Analytical Chemistry of Polymers. Part I I . Analysis of Molecular Structure and Chemical Groups. High Polymers. Vol. X I I . xii +

619 pages. $17.50. Part III. Identification Procedures and Chemical Analysis. High Polymers. Vol. XII. xii + 566 pages. $16,50. Gordon M. Kline, editor. Interscience Div., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Park Ave. South, New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1962.

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