Johns-Manville Co

Circle No. 157 on Readers' Service Card. For the New York meeting, symposia have been organized on nuclear mag- netic resonance and electron paramag-...
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PEED;* sr? is r· ' '"ANALYSIS (

over α w i d e temperature r a n g e NEW, COMPACT LOENCO MODEL 15 gas chromatograph provides the widest range of analyses at very modest cost. Instru­ ments may be operated singly or con­ nected in series operating at different temperature levels for best combination of separation and speed. A combination of features most satisfactory for your needs will be suggested.

model Τ 5 features: • Measures 13V4X12". Wt. 40 lbs. • Temperature range—from Ambient to 300 degrees C. At small extra cost to 350 degrees C. • High sensitivity, shielded element detector. Choice of 2 element thermistor detector, or 2 or 4 ele­ ment filament detector. • Bubble meter assembly. • Precise electronic temperature control, propor­ tional type. • Reproducible volume gas sample value. (May also be used for trap-out, pre-separator or pre-concentration.) • Column reverse valve. • Preparation scale column for separating large samples. • Hot sample outlet fitting for sample collection. • Ample oven space for long columns, easy access to column connections. • Two column series system. NOW SPEED UP ANALYSES WITH A LOENCO CHROMAT-O-FLEX For Full Details, Contact

For the Xew York meeting, symposia have been organized on nuclear mag­ netic resonance and electron paramag­ netic resonance, x-ray absorption and emission methods, infrared methods of chemical analysis, and recent advances in analytical chemistry. The infrared symposium is cosponsored with the Di­ vision of Physical Chemistry, while the symposium on recent advances is cosponsored with the Division of Chemi­ cal Education. The St. Louis meeting will be con­ ducted over a two-week period on a split basis, as was the meeting last spring in Cleveland. Symposia plans here call tentatively for presentation on the. subjects of high polymers and functional groups. In addition, the ACS petroleum division has suggested cosponsorship of a symposium on gas chromatography. Dr. H. A. Liebhafsky, division chair­ man, in his spring report to the analyti­ cal chemistry division, adds that the split meeting concept seems to preclude a projected joint symposium with the Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistrj7 on new analytical techniques for food analysis.

Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference The annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference will be held at Mellon Insti­ tute, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 9 to 11. Sessions will be devoted to metals and alloys, instrumentation, structures, polymers and fibers, refractories, elec­ tron probe and electron diffraction. The evening meeting will be addressed by Prof. I. Fankuchen, Polytechnic In­ stitute of Brooklyn. Further informa­ tion can be obtained from L. F. Vassamillet, Mellon Institute, 440 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 13, Pa.

Microchemical Techniques Symposium Planned An International Symposium on Mi­ crochemical Techniques, sponsored by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, will be held at Princeton, X. J., Aug. 13 to 18, 1961. The Metropolitan Microchemical Soci­ ety will organize the 6-day meeting. Individuals interested in presenting papers describing original work on mi­ crochemical techniques and their ap­ plications should submit titles and ab­ stracts as soon as possible. These should be sent to Howard J. Francis, Jr., Pennsalt Chemicals Corp., Box 4388, Chestnut Hill Post Office, Phila­ delphia 18, Pa.

LOENCO LOE ENGINEERING CO. 237 North Fair Oaks Ave.'Pasadena. California Circle No. 157 on Readers' Service Card 44 A



There's a J o h n s - M a n ville Chromosorb dealer near you . . . Ace Scientific Supply Co. L i n d e n , N.J. A m e n d Drug & Chemical Co., Inc. New York (117 East 24th St.) B e c k m a n I n s t r u m e n t s Co. Fullerton, Calif. Braun-Knecht-Heimann San Francisco, Calif. Burrell Corp. Pittsburgh (2223 Fifth Ave.) W. H. Curtin Co. Houston (4220 Jefferson Ave.) Curtis & French Inc. I n d i a n a p o l i s (1108 N. Pennsylvania) F & M Scientific C o r p . W i l m i n g t o n , Del. Fisher S c i e n t i f i c Co. All offices Green Briar I n s t r u m e n t Co. Ronceverte, W. Va. Emil Greiner New York (20 N. Moore St.) Harshaw Chemical Co. All offices I n d u s t r i a l Minerals & C h e m . Co. Berkeley, Calif. (836 G i l m a n ) Jarrell-Ash Co. Newtonville, Mass. (26 Farwell St.) Metro I n d u s t r i e s Long Island City, N.Y. (11-38 31st Ave.) Perkin-ElmerCorp. Norwalk, C o n n . ( R o u t e 7) P h i p p s & Bird Inc. R i c h m o n d , Va. (303 So. 6th St.) Podbielniak, Inc. Chicago (341 E. Ohio) Precision Scientific C o m p a n y Chicago 47, III. (3737 W. Cortland St.) B. Preiser Co. Inc. Charleston, W. Va. (416 W. W a s h i n g t o n St.) T h e Recco Div., Research Specialties Co. Berkeley, Calif. Ε. Η. Sargent Co. All offices S c i e n t i f i c Glass A p p a r a t u s Co. B l o o m f i e l d , N.J. A r t h u r H. T h o m a s Co. Philadelphia (Vine St. at 3rd) Wilkens Inst. & Res. Co. Berkeley, Calif. W a l n u t Creek, Calif. Consolidated Electrodynamics Pasadena, Calif. IN CANADA Canadian Johns-Manville Co., L t d . M o n t r e a l , Quebec Port Credit (Toronto), Ontario Harrisons a n d Crosf ield (Canada) L t d . Winnipeg, Manitoba Other Principal Cities

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