Johns-Manville MICRO-CEL

ings are finding new answers every day in Micro-Cel . . . Johns-. Manville's new line of synthetic calcium silicates. At a delivered cost of 8ί to 10...
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Convert a gallon of liquid to a powder with 28l worth of

MICRO-CEL SYNTHETIC CALCIUM . T R O B L E M S I N PROCESS formulatings are finding new answers every day i n M i c r o - C e l . . . JohnsManville's new line of synthetic calcium silicates. A t a delivered cost of 8 ί t o 10 i per pound Micro-Cel can match— even outperform—many higherpriced fillers i n dry or liquid prod­ ucts. Check these three cost-cutting product improvements Micro-Cel can give you. 1. M I C R O - C E L r e m a i n s a freeflowing powder even when mixed w i t h more than twice its weight of liquid . . . provides ultimate absorp­ t i o n o f up to six times its weight i n water . . . controls viscosity . . . prevents caking. 2. IN DRY PRODUCTS, Micro-Cel w i l l bulk up t o a full cubic foot for every six pounds. A little Micro-Cel

You can absorb a gallon of liquid with 3 lb. of MICRO-CEL


goes a long way toward improving product density, reducing package outage. 3. M I C R O - C E L p a r t i c l e s are as small as .02 micron, blend and dis­ perse well, extend pigments t o the maximum. Micro-Cel, the powder that flows like a liquid, is a new line of inert s y n t h e t i c c a l c i u m silicates pro­ duced by combining lime w i t h diatomaceous silica under carefully controlled conditions. I t s unique combination o f properties has al­ ready brought important benefits and savings t o many processors. Maybe you will be next. For further information, samples and technical assistance write t o J o h n s - M a n v i l l e , B o x 14, N e w Y o r k 16, Ν . Υ . I n Canada, Port Credit, Ontario.

and get a dry free-flowing powder like this »






A product of the Celite Division VOL 50, NO. 8 ·


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