You always gel a good “picture” with Johns- ... sorb® gives high partitioning effect ... won't adsorb components being passed through. You get un...
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Chromosorb, inert column-packing aggre­ gate, is a specially treated grade of J-M Celite*, the diatomaceous silica that was used in earliest gas chromatography studies.

You a l w a y s get a g o o d "picture" with J o h n s - M a n v i l l e C h r o m o s o r b A s an aggregate in gas-liquid partition chromatography, J - M Chromosorb® gives high partitioning effect with maximum number of theoretical plates. Good resolution is obtained because it is chemically inert a n d

Packing is easy. I t s physical stability a n d non-adsorption let you re-use the same column packing again and again. For further information, contact t h e dealer nearest you. «come ι* joh..s-Manviiie-s restored trade


mark for its diatomaceous silica products.

won'tadsorbcomponentsbeing passed through. YOU get uniform results, Optimum reproducibility, and good

flow of carrier gas without excessive , pressure drop. C h r o m o s o r b combines o p t i m u m Surface v




^ Uniformity.

For reduction of fines, all grades are water-screened t o close tolerances.

For gas phase chromatography or where inertness is needed . . . Chromosorb T ica

w ' Properties

Calcined diatomaceous earth aggregate. Color m De 5i b5 /cu ft (avgJ

l ™l

" V -

- '

Specific Gravity—true Water Absorption—cc./gr. (avg.) Μ % by wei9ht m a, imum '. . . .'. :.'.' ρ Η°^ν5!Γ ,

surface Area—sq. m./gm. (avg.)

Iight pink 2 0


2.15 2.4

.'.'.'\.'.'.'.'£7 3-5

For c h r o m a t o g r a p h i c studies . · s Chromosorb W Typical Properties Flux calcined diatomaceous earth aggregate. Color white Free Fall Density—lbs./cu. f t . (avg.) 15-16 Specific Gravity—true 2.30 Water Absorption—cc./gr. (avg.) 4.0-5.0 Moisture—% by weight, maximum 1.0 pH (avg.) 8-10 Surface Area (BET Method)—sq. m./gr. (avg.) 3-4

For fine filtration of liquids in laboratory application... Celite Analytical Filter Aid Quality diatomite, calcined at high temperatures and acid-washed to remove organic and inorganic impurities. Filters out all types of precipitates, including the difficult-to-handle gelatinous and semi-colloidal materials, and produces brilliantly clear filtrates at high flow rates.



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