JOSEF MICHL, Editor - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

John A. Gladysz, Associate Editor. Editorial Advisory ... Yurvati, Journals Editing Managers;. Marc H. ... may make a single reprographic copy of an a...
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Chemical Reviews

Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Copyright 1989 by the American Chemical Society

JOSEF MICHL, Editor University

of Texas, Austin,



John A. Gladysz, Associate Editor Editorial Advisory Board Athel L. J. Beckwith, Australian National University Robert G. Bergman, University of California, Berkeley Guy Bertrand, Paul Sabatier University David E. Cane, Brown University Edwin A. Chandross, AT&T Bell Laboratories Samuel Danishefsky, Yale University Ernest R. Davidson, Indiana University Gerhard Fritz, University of Karlsruhe Richard H. Holm, Harvard University Hiizu Iwamura, University of Tokyo Andy Kaldor, Exxon Research & Engineering Co. Chemical Reviews (ISSN 0009-2665) is published eight times per year (January/February, March/April, May, June, July/August, September/October, November, and December) by the American Chemical Society at 1155 16th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Secondclass postage paid at Washington, DC, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chemical Reviews, Member & Subscriber Services, P.O. Box 3337, Columbus, OH 43210. PUBLICATIONS DIVISION Robert H. Marks, Director Journals Department: Charles R. Bertsch, Head; Marianne C. Brogan, Associate Head; Mary E. Scanlan and Joseph E. Yurvati, Journals Editing Managers; Marc H. Gubkin, Associate Editor © Copyright 1989 by the American Chemical Society. Copyright Permission: An individual may make a single reprographic copy of an article in this publication for personal use. Reprographic copying beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law is allowed, provided that the appropriate per-copy fee is paid through the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 27 Congress St., Salem, MA 01970. For reprint permission, please write to the Copyright Administrator, Publications Division, at the ACS Washington address. Editorial Information CHEMICAL REVIEWS is published by the American Chemical Society to provide authoritative critical reviews and comprehensive summaries of recent research in all aspects of chemistry.

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Irving M. Klotz, Northwestern University Michael F. Lappert, University of Sussex Stephen R. Leone, University of Colorado, Boulder Günther Maier, University of Giessen Fred W. McLafferty, Cornell University Robert D. Miller, IBM Almaden Research Center Ryoji Noyori, Nagoya University Richard J. Piccolini, Rohm & Haas Co. Thomas B. Rauchfuss, University of Illinois John T. Yates, Jr., University of Pittsburgh Rudolf Zahradnik, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague

The publication of reviews in various fields is scheduled about a year in advance. The Editor welcomes suggestions for timely reviews. All prospective authors should read Suggestions to Authors of Articles for Chemical Reviews in Chem. Rev. (first issue of each volume) and follow the procedure for obtaining preliminary approval before preparing the manuscript. Uninvited manuscripts will be examined by the Editorial Board but are placed at the end of the prearranged schedule. Manuscripts for publication should be submitted to the Editor, Dr. Josef Michl, at his University of Texas address. Include a signed ACS copyright status form, a copy of which appears in the January/February issue. Correspondence regarding accepted papers and proofs should be directed to the Journals Department at the address below. Bulk reprints of individual articles are available. For information write to Distribution Office at the ACS Washington address. An order form showing costs for reprints is sent to the author along with the galley proofs; The American Chemical Society and its Editors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors. Registered names and trademarks, etc., used in this publication, even without specific indication thereof, are not to be considered unprotected by law. Subscription and Business Information 1989 subscription prices, including postage. Subscriptions are available only on a calendar year basis. New and renewal subscriptions should be sent with payment to Financial Operations & Controller, ACS, P.O. Box 57136, West End Station, Washington, DC Journals Department American Chemical Society 2540 Olentangy River Road P.O. Box 3330 Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 447-3600, ext. 3171 TELEX 6842086; FAX (614) 447-3745

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