Journal of Chemical Education - ACS Publications - American

Jul 16, 2010 - AAAS Accepting Nominations for the 2010 AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers. Calling all U.S. high scho...
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Chemical Education Today

September 2010 News & Announcements Jonathan R. Hill University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 [email protected]

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities NSTA Regional Conference on Science Education in Kansas City, MO Join thousands of science educators at the National Science Teachers Association's (NSTA) first regional conference on science education to be held Oct. 28-30, in Kansas City, Missouri. If you are interested in building content knowledge, testing new strategies in assessment, learning inquiry techniques that challenge your students, consider attending this event. Science educators from every discipline and every grade band will meet and explore the finest professional development opportunities available. For more details, check out the NSTA Web site: http:// (accessed Jul 2010). 2011 Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge Is Open for Entries High school students from across the country are invited to GO GREEN by participating in the newest phase of the nationwide Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge. The National Science Teachers Association has partnered again with the Siemens Foundation and Discovery Education to educate, empower, and engage students, teachers, and communities to become agents of change in improving the environment. More information, including entry details, registration, and detailed prize information for the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge can be found at (accessed Jun 2010). Awards Announced Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Made to U.S. Teachers In June 2010, the White House announced that 103 science and mathematics teachers from across the country had been named as recipients of this year's Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching. The Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching is awarded annually to the best precollege-level science and mathematics teachers from across the country. Each year the award alternates between mathematics and science teachers teaching kindergarten through 6th grade, and those teaching 7th through 12th grades. This year it goes to teachers teaching 7th through 12th grades. Winners of this Presidential honor receive a $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation to be used at their discretion. They also receive an expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC, for an awards ceremony and several days of educational and celebratory events, including visits with members of Congress and science agency leaders.


For more information about the award, including criteria and deadlines, go to cfc?method=view (accessed Jul 2010). Award Deadlines Nominate an Educator for the 2011 ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry The American Chemical Society solicits nominations for this award in chemistry education research. The purpose of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions to experimental research that have increased our understanding of chemical pedagogy and led to improved teaching and learning of chemistry. Individuals who have made contributions in several topics of chemistry education, rather than in a single project or contribution, are good candidates for this international award. The award honors qualitative, quantitative, experimental research, or case-study research that investigates some aspect of the teaching and learning of chemistry over the candidate's career. Evidence of outstanding research may include (but is not limited to) dissemination of the results of the research via appropriate peer-reviewed science education, chemical education, or science journals; chapters in science education, chemical education, or science books; invited talks at academic institutions; and/or invited talks, posters, workshops, and participation in panel discussions at professional meetings. The award consists of $5000, a certificate, and a plaque. The awardee will be reimbursed for travel, lodging, and meal expenses associated with attending the ACS Spring National Meeting in Anaheim, California, USA, during March 27-31, 2011. Each award recipient is required to appear in person at the spring ACS awards banquet to receive the award and to deliver an award address on the work that is being recognized. Pearson Education is sponsoring this award. Previous awardees include Dudley Herron (2007), Dorothy L. Gabel (2008), Alex Johnstone (2009), and Michael Abraham (2010). The deadline for all nominating material for all 2011 ACS awards is November 1, 2010. A completed nominator form with a recommendation of not more than 1000 words evaluating the nominee's accomplishments and a specific identification of the work to be recognized is written by one individual. Two other individuals having detailed knowledge of the nominee's work write supporting letters. Additional information about this award, the nomination process, and rules of eligibility may be found on the ACS Web site, under ACS National Awards: Nomination at http://portal. index.htm (accessed Jul 2010).


r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. Vol. 87 No. 9 September 2010 10.1021/ed100687y Published on Web 07/16/2010


Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

AAAS Accepting Nominations for the 2010 AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers Calling all U.S. high school science department chairs and administrators: You are invited to nominate teachers for the 2010 AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers. The $1000 prize honors a high school science teacher who has advanced science education by developing and implementing an effective strategy, activity, or program. For more information, go to the Web site aboutaaas/awards/hs_scied_leadership/ (accessed Jul 2010) for prize details, nomination forms, and application forms. The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Supports Teachers' Scholarship The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation offers many awards, including the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards and the Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program; for more information, see the Foundation's Web site at http:// (accessed Jul 2010). Research Corporation for Science Advancement Funds Scholarly Research and Teaching Research Corporation for Science Advancement offers the Cottrell College Science Awards and the Cottrell Scholar Awards; find out more from ResCorp's Web site at http:// (accessed Jul 2010). Proposal Deadlines Applications Being Accepted for the Dorothy and Moses Passer Education Fund This fund was established by a generous donation of Dorothy and Moses Passer. Moses (Mike) Passer was for many years the head of the ACS Education Division. The fund awards grants to provide support for teachers in programs at two- and four-year colleges or universities that do not have any advanced degree programs in the chemical sciences. The awards are to support continuing education activities that must be directly related to an applicant's teaching and must take him or her away from the home campus. The applicant must be a full-time faculty


Journal of Chemical Education


Vol. 87 No. 9 September 2010


member at his or her institution. The applications are reviewed by a committee. There is no application form, but the application must include a description of the proposed activity and how it relates to the applicant's teaching with dates, locations, titles, and contacts; a brief description of the applicant's institution and department; a short curriculum vita; and an itemized estimate of expenses, amount of aid requested, and sources of all supplemental funds. No support will be given for general attendance at national, regional, or local ACS meetings, or for any sabbatical support. Closing dates are three times each year: January 1, April 1, and September 1. All applications must be received electronically. For further information or inquiries, contact Richard Jones, [email protected]; mailing address: Sinclair Community College, Dayton, OH 45402. Information is also available online at webpage&id=19 (accessed Jul 2010). American Chemical Society Makes Grants Available The American Chemical Society (ACS) offers grants to support advancement of the chemical sciences through research, education, and community projects. Learn how you can benefit at (Home > Funding & Awards > Grants) (accessed Jul 2010). National Science Foundation Provides Funding Support The National Science Foundation (NSF) offers many different funding opportunities; search for them at http:// (accessed Jul 2010). Information is also available at the NSF Education and Human Resources (EHR) Web site, (accessed Jun 2010), and that of its Division of Undergraduate Education, (accessed Jun 2010). Do You Have News or Announcements To Share? If you have news or announcements of interest to the chemical education community, send a brief description to Alice Teter at [email protected].


r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.