Joyce-Loebl Limited - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Jul 1, 1975 - Joyce-Loebl Limited. Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47 (8), pp 793A–793A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60358a760. Publication Date: July 1975. ACS Legacy ...
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Scientific Furniture

Platinum Labware

The new, comprehensive "Guide to Scientific Furniture" contains 40 product groups of interest, featuring every laboratory equipment need. United Technical Corp. 445

"The Use and Care of Platinum Laboratory Ware," an 8-p booklet, describes procedures that make platinum labware last longer. Matthey Bishop, Inc. 446

Vinyl Chloride The vinyl chloride volume of the Matheson Unabridged Gas Data Book, a series of 117 booklets on individual gases, is now available individually or as part of the series. Matheson Gas Products 439 TLC Bibliography Publication JJ-7, "Bibliography on the Use of Eastman Chromagram Sheet in Thin-Layer Chromatography," 25-p, lists references to the use of Eastman Chromagram sheet and developing apparatus and briefly summarizes each procedure. Eastman Kodak Co. 440

Densitometer Chromoscan 200/201, a multimedia recording and integrating scanning densitometer, is described in a 4-p brochure which features available accessories, recommended applications, and comprehensive specifications. Joyce Loebl Instruments 447 Software Options An 8-p booklet describes a new Basic language software package that extends the usefulness of the minicomputer-controlled H P 3352B analytical laboratory data system. Also described are the chromatographic software options available for the 3352B. HewlettPackard 448


Constant Temperature Circulators

The operation, features, and specifications of the microdensitometer 5 image analysis system is described in a 4-p brochure. Joyce Loebl Instruments 441

Temptrol bulletin 660A, 8 p, describes a new line (5 models) of constant temperature circulating systems. The brochure covers performance data and prices. GCA/Precision Scientific 449

for fast, accurate particle sizing make a date with the Joyce-Loebl disc centrifuge


tech/ops JOYCE LOEBL

Manufacturers' Literature High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography A 16-p brochure lists and describes nearly 200 high-performance packings, prepacked columns, valves, and fittings for high-pressure liquid chromatography. Altex Scientific Inc. 442 Steroids All radioactive and nonradioactive steroids available from Amersham/ Searle are listed in a new brochure. Amersham/Searle 451 Specific Vapor Analyzer A 4-p brochure presents a complete description of the portable Miran 101 specific vapor analyzer that can be used in the laboratory or for on-site measurement of potentially hazardous gases. Wilks Scientific Corp. 452

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The Joyce-Loebl DiscCentrifuge with Photosedimentometer rapidly separates and charts the distribution of particles from 0-01 to 3 0 microns. Critical accuracy is attained and maintained throughout this wide particlesize range by the unique Joyce-Loebl Buffered LineStart technique which ensures hydrodynamic stability of sedimentation.


Joyce-Loebl Limited, Princesway, Team Valley, Gateshead, NE11 OUJ. Telephone 0 6 3 2 - 8 7 7 8 9 1 Telex 5 3 2 5 7 It's's's made by Joyce-Loebl. CIRCLE 113 ON READER SERVICE CARD ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 47, NO. 8, JULY 1975

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