JT Baker Chemical Co. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 17, 2012 - J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (2), pp 21A–21A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60170a716. Publication Date: February 1961. Copyright...
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ELECTRONICS Chemists T h e Chief C h e m i s t of one of A m e r i c a ' s leading electronics c o m p a n i e s writes: "We use the Actual Lot Analysis to advantage where a specific low impurity level is desired—especially Fe, Cu, Ni, As, Β and heavy metals." Another Chief C h e m i s t writes: "When results are out of line, we use the Actual Lot Analysis to check on the possible effect of impurities." A Chief Chemist of o n e of the world's largest electronics c o m p a n i e s states: "The purity of the chemicals is of extreme importance. The Actual Lot Analysis enables us to analyze different performances of various materials."

Chief Chemists in major industries state these benefits (actual statements in response to a recent survey)

Reagents with critical impurities controlled to exceedingly low limits are essential for m a n y determinations. 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents offer the highest standards of purity and most informative labeling in the industry. T h e Actual Lot Analysis o n every 'Baker A n a l y z e d ' label defines purity to the decimal — not just m a x i m u m limits.


< Three Chief Chemists express their preference for the Actual Lot Analysis: "The Actual Lot Analysis serves to establish minimum blank evaluation or serves to eliminate entirely the necessity of running a blank. Impurity analysis is essential for spectro­ photometry work and preparation of synthetic spectro chemical standards." "We use the Actual Lot Analysis when analyzing for trace elements to make sure we have no interference from chemi­ cals used. We need the Actual Lot Analysis for making standard solutions and testing them." "Actual Lot Analysis often shows an impurity level that is acceptable while maximum specifications may not be." Metals Industry Chemists, like chemists everywhere, find the exact labeling on 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents saves them time and work, and provides an instant check on the accu­ racy of their own calculations.

STEEL Chemists The Chief Chemist of a major producer of stainless steel writes: "We need the Actual Lot Analysis on reagents used in the analysis of steel for P, Pb, Fe, Sn and Β It is frequently useful in tracking trouble with blanks." A second Chief Chemist states: "The Actual Lot A nalysis is important in running low resid­ uals in steel and in plotting lines on the spec­ trograph and spectrophotometer." "Tracking down" troublesome impurities that interfere in determinations can be difficult and time-consuming. 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents, with their unusually high standards of purity and exact labeling, make trouble-tracking easier and faster.

J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg, New Jersey Circle No. 13 on Readers' Service Card

Call your LSR* . . . your expert in labora­ tory supply, when you need 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents, apparatus or glassware. He'll be glad to point out the many ways 'Baker Analyzed' Reagents can help you in your industry . . . for he knows that all chemists benefit from the exact definition of purity provided by the 'Baker Analyzed' label. Call your LSR to help you keep all your problems of laboratory supply perma­ nently solved. His knowl­ edge and experience can save you lime and money.