JT Baker Chemical Company - American Chemical Society

International Environment and ... For your copy of Catalog 80, write or phone J.T. Baker today. You'll wonder how ... CIRCLE 16 ON READER SERVICE CARD...
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News meyer, Jr., Dept. of Chemistry, Rens­ selaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N. Y. 12181. 518-270-6458 m 33rd National Meeting of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry. July 19-24. Kansas City, Mo. Contact: National Office, Ameri­ can Association for Clinical Chemis­ try, 1725 Κ St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 20006. 202-857-0717. January, page 44A • 3rd Danube Symposium on Chro­ matography. Sept. 1-4. Siofok, Hun­ gary. Contact: Hungarian Chemical Society, H-1368 Budapest, P. Ο. Β. 240, Hungary • International Environment and Safety Exhibition and Conference. Sept. 2-4. London, England. Contact: Organizing Committee, International Environment and Safety Exhibition and Conference, Newgate, Sandpit Lane, St. Albans, Herts. AL4 OBS, U.K. • 4th International Bioanalytical Symposium. Sept. 7-10. Guildford, England. Contact: E. Reid, Wolf son Bioanalytical Unit, Robens Inst., U of Surrey, Guildford GU2 5XH, U. K. • 6th National Conference on

Spectrochemical Excitation and Analysis. Sept. 9-11. Edgertown, Mass. Contact: Hank Griffin, MS 10-16, Texas Instruments Inc., 34 Forest St., Attleboro, Mass. 02703. 617-222-2800, Ext. 3037 • 16th International Symposium on Advances in Chromatography. Sept. 28-Oct. 1. Barcelona, Spain. Contact: Albert Zlatkis, Chemistry Dept., U of Houston, Houston, Tex. 77004. 713-749-2612. January, page 44A • 1981 Annual Meeting of the Opti­ cal Society of America. Oct. 26-30. Kissimmee, Pla. Contact: Optical So­ ciety of America, 1816 Jefferson Place, N. W. Washington, D. C. 20036. 202-223-8130

Short Courses ACS Courses. These new courses will be listed only once. For information on other ACS courses, see back issues and contact: Department of Educa­ tional Activities, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St., N.W., Wash­ ington, D.C. 20036. 202-872-4508

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Atlanta, Ga. March 31-April 1. Ron Jenkins, John Croke. $325, ACS mem­ bers; $385, nonmembers Toxicology for Chemists Washington, D.C. May 6-8. Morris Joselow. $595, ACS members; $670, nonmembers Microprocessors and Minicomput­ ers—Interfacing and Applications Blacksburg, Va. March 15^20; June 7-12. Raymond E. Dessy. $575, ACS members; $645, nonmembers Liquid Chromatography—Theory and Practice Blacksburg, Va. March 16-19; Chica­ go, 111. June 9-12. Harold McNair. $525, ACS members; $595, nonmem­ bers

For Your Information "Practical Liquid Chromatogra­ phy—An Introduction" is a new book now available from the PerkinElmer Corporation. Written by R. W.

Your Most Valuable Laboratory Assistant An easy-to-use A to Ζ section containinq over 7,000 product listings, a comprehensive Application Discipline Section, and valuable reference and performance data are just a few of the features that are sure to make J.T. Baker's new Catalog 80 one of your finest lab assistants. In the A to Ζ section, listings detail 12 product descriptions including flash point, EPA hazardous waste code and the J.T. Baker Safety Spill Kit designation. The Application Discipline Section groups products by eight disciplines and over 80 major applications to help you select the correct reagents for your specific applications. In addition, a special Safety Section is featured to help you protect your working environment. For your copy of Catalog 80, write or phone J.T. Baker today. You'll wonder how you got along without it. J.T. Baker Chemical Company 222 Red School Lane Phillipsburg, NJ 08865 (201) 859-2151

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