New Products
IR Pyrometer Miniscan Optical Pyrometer has a 21/2° cone angle, preset emissivity, and will run continuously for 20 h on its 9-V bat tery. It is excellent for field use as its focal range is from less than an inch to hundreds of feet. Temperature range is 32-500 °F or 0-250 °C. Nanmac Corp. 421
RESEARCH PRODUCTS For the Protein Chemist... BAKERBOND Wide Pore HPLC Columns
Chemicals Precoated Glass Plates Ce plates are designed to complement the KC18 octadecylsilane plates for reversed-phase TLC. In the new plates, Ce functional groups are siloxane bond ed (Si-O-Si-C) to the surface hydroxyls of a high-purity, controlled-pore-size silica gel. Whatman 423
TLC Plates C2 RPTLC plates are manufactured by siloxane bonding (Si-O-Si-C) ethyl functional groups to a high-purity, con trolled-pore-size silica gel. The short carbon chain makes C 2 plates the most polar RPTLC plates offered and hence suitable to the more aqueous solvent systems. Whatman 424
Ion Pair Chromatography Sulfonate (S) and quarternary salt (Q) ion cocktails are available. Both the S and Q series chain lengths range from C5 through C 8 , with the addition of Ci 2 The cocktails can be used to 210 nm. Regis Chemical Co. 425
Acid Mist Monitoring Tubes ORBO-53 tubes monitor acid mists such as H3PO4, H 2 S0 4 , ΗΝΟ3, HBr, and HCI effectively at approximately 0.2 to 2 times the OSHA exposure limit. Low background level of the silica gel and glass fiber filters allows for excellent quantification of the acids by ion chro matography. Supelco 426
Column Support Medium Sporopollenin is a naturally derived, high-surface-area particle. It is chemi cally, physically, and biologically stable to the repeated chemical treatments used in peptide synthesis; offers excel lent reproducibility; and provides syn chronous synthesis of peptides. Polysciences, Inc. 427 For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards
BAKERBOND™ Wide Pore Polyethyleneimine (PEI) Anion Exchange Column
William T. Carnall, Editor Argonne National Laboratory Gregory R. Choppin, Editor Florida State University Reviews recent progress in plutonium chemistry. Reports on fundamental re search as well as applied environmental and process chemical research. Covers physical-inorganic chemistry and spectroscopy, solution chemistry and behavior of plutonium in the aquatic en vironment, and separations chemistry. Includes introductory chapter by Glenn T. Seaborg, Nobel laureate and codiscoverer of element 94 and numerous radioactive isotopes. CONTENTS Plutonium Chemistry: The Beginnings · Magnetic Properties of Organometallic and Coordination Compounds · Reaction of Pu Metal with Diiodoethane · Bis(M-hydroxo)tetraaquadiplutonium(IV) Sulfate · Superconductivity and Magnetism in Metallic Pu Systems · Pu Halides and Halogeno Complexes · Thermodynamics of Pu-Noble Metal Compounds · Thermodynamic Aspects of Pu-O System · Hypostoichiometric Pu Dioxide · x-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy · PuFe Gas Photophysics and Photochemistry · Measurement and Interpretation of Pu Spectra · Stability and Electronic Spectrum of CsPuF6 · Pu Solution Chemistry · Pu(IV) Hydrous Polymer Chemistry · Pu Ions and Products of H2O Radiolysis · Stability Constants, Enthalpies, and Entropies · Photochemistry of Aqueous Pu Solu tions · Behavior of Pu in Natural Waters · Aquatic Chemistry of Pu · Pu(IV) Ion in CarbonateBicarbonate Solutions · Ground-Water Composi tion and Pu Transport Processes · Overview of Pu Process Chemistry · Pu Process Chemistry at Rocky Flats · Pyrochemical Processing of Pu · Pu Production and Purification at Los Alamos · Carbamoylmethylphosphoryl Derivatives · Ap pendixes: Round Table Discussion; Pu Isotopes Based on a symposium jointly sponsored by the Divisions of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology and Analytical Chemistry of the American Chemical Society ACS Symposium Series No. 216 480 pages (1983) Clothbound LC 83-6057 ISBN 0-8412-0772-0 US & Canada $51.95 Export $62.95 Order from: American Chemical Society Distribution Office Dept. 24 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, DC 20036 or CALL TOLL FREE 800-424-6747 and use your VISA or MasterCard.
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Designed for the protein chem ist, B A K E R B O N D ™ HPLC col umns give more complete—and faster—separations of proteins and peptides than conventional column techniques. Since B A K E R B O N D ™ col umns separate by partition chro matography—and not gel filtration or size exclusion— complex samples can be fully resolved and recovered in minutes! A choice of five bonded phase columns—C, 8 , C8, Diphenyl, Cyano and PEI (polyethylenei mine)— is offered to meet your selectivity requirements. To discover how B A K E R B O N D ™ can improve your pro tein separation, call toll-free or write J.T. Baker Research Pro ducts today !
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(201) 859-2151 Outside New Jersey (800) 526-0239 Gross Gerau. W Germany · Deventer. Holland Mexico City, Mexico · Singapore · Sydney. Australia
Baker Chemical Co. 1983