JTBaker Inc

We can achieve such excellent purity because we'vegone beyond chemical purification and ... You'll see how our new tech- nology can move mountains. 1-...
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Our new technology takes the peaks out of acetonitrile.

Steve Vidler / SuperStock

J.T.Baker's n e w high purity acetonitrile gives you greater confidence in HPLC analyses. One look at the chromatogram on the left will tell you a lot about the "peakless" performance of our acetonitrile. We can achieve such excellent purity because we've gone beyond chemical purification and distillation: Our novel Permeation Purification Technology brings UV-absorbing impurities to new lows. Additionally, the new technology typically provides just 1 to 3 ppm water content, if that's a concern in your application. With acetonitrile this pure, you'll get stable baselines and accurate results. Every time. But you can't get this kind of purity from just any company. It takes J.T.Baker's advanced technology and expertise... plus a product delivery system that maintains purity all the way to point-of-use—whether you order a 1-liter bottle or 225 liters in our CYCLE-TAINER* System (sealed, returnable containers). To find out how good our high purity acetonitrile really is, contact: J.T.Baker Inc., 222 Red School Lane, Phillipsburg, NJ 08865, Tel. (908) 859-2151 or (800) 582-2537, FAX (908) 859-9318. You'll see how our new technology can move mountains. 1-800-JTBAKER With a high level ofpurity that allows for consistent baselines, J.T.Baker's new acetonitrile is ideal for the stringent requirements of gradient analysis.

•CYCLE-TAINER is a trademark of J.T.Baker Inc.


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