Jubilee Celebration of Society of Chemical Industry - C&EN Global

as well as to the original members with special notations, and to officials of the City Livery Companies of London with addresses in appreciation ...
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August 10, 1931

Jubilee Celebration of Society of Chemical Industry Under t h e patronage of His Majesty the King, the Society of Chemical Industry held its jubilee meeting in London July 13 to 1 9 . Elaborate preparations had been made for this fiftieth annual general meeting. For a year preceding t h e event publicity had been given the society and some of the contributions of chemistry t o industry. N o t e d members of the society gave a series of broadcasts, and a number of other members, each distinguished in the branch covered by his subject, contributed a series of articles of a. popular character t o the daily press. As a special souvenir of t h e occasion a jubilee plaque was designed b y Mrs. Ernest Gillick, one of the foremost designers of England, and a reproduction was presented to each member taking part in the celebration, as well a s t o the original members with special notations, and t o officials of the City Livery Companies of London with addresses in appreciation of their support o f scientific education. At the dinner July 15 honorary memberships were conferred o n the following foreign technologists, each of whom was introduced by E . F . Armstrong, t h e honorary foreign secretary of the society. The insignia of this distinction were received a t the h a n d s of H . R . H. Prince George. H o w a r d W. Matheson, Canada Heinrich Schicht, Czechoslovakia S. P. L . Sôrensen, Denmark Georges Patart, F r a n c e Frit?. Haber, Germany-

Mario G. Levi, Italy Toyokichi Takatnatsu, J a p a n A. M. Llopis, Spain G. Engi, Switzerland Charles L. Parsons, United States of America

The jubilee meeting was distinguished b y the large number of prominent chemists and guests in attendance, the scientific and technical papers presented, and the number of well-arranged excursions to various plants and laboratories. The social features were carefully planned. The society has issued a jubilee number o f its journal, containing portraits and short biographies of each o f the 73 remaining original members, biographies and portraits o f the society's presidents a n d medalists, and a collection of typical papers presented during the half century of its existence. Stephen Miall, the editor of CJiemistry and Industry, has prepared a. history of t h e British chemical industry to mark the occasion and this v o l u m e is now available. The society's medal was presented t o Herbert Levinstein, whose address on this occasion was entitled "From within the JDyestuffs Industry." It i s remarkable that there are 73, or 25 per cent, of the original members of the Society of Chemical Industry still living. M a n y of these are today active in chemistry and chemical technology, and 4 1 of the group were in attendance. Of these our readers would be particularly interested in Thomas R. Duggan, -who for some years resided a t The Chemists' Club and who was identified with the Permutit Co. in this country, and in K . F. Stahl, a sketch of whom w e were pleased t o print in our July issue, page 844. Our readers will wish to join us in congratulating the Secretary o f t h e AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY upon t h e receipt of this

honor at the hands of a sister society.


lectures will be delivered continually in various branches of chemistry and electrical engineering.

Philadelphia Section Elects Officers T h e Philadelphia Section announces the election of t h e following officers for the coming season: Chairman, William J. KLelly; Vice Chairman, Carl Haner; Secretary-Treasurer, Lyle L . Jenne; Executive Committee, J. Howard Graham, L. M . Henderson, and William Stericker.

Pre-Registration for the Buffalo Meeting T h e Western N e w York Section is attempting to reduce the congestion which always occurs during registration for the national meetings of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY b y offering

an opportunity to register before t h e meeting begins. This i s especially important in connection with the Buffalo meeting because of the unusually large attendance anticipated. T h e committee will appreciate it if y o u will fill in the perforated slip below, make a check for the proper amount to» Western N e w York Section, A. C. S.» and send both to C. A. Vincent-Daviss, care of Roessler and Hasslacher Chemical Co., Niagara Falls, N . V , If unable t o attend, check will b e returned( 1 ) Fill in t h e blank, and print very plainly, using a soft pencil. ( 2 ) Indicate whether you desire a ticket for t h e subscription dinner, Monday evening, 7:30, followed by entertainment and dancing, at Statler Ball Itooni. Price, S2.50 per person. (3) Registration fee i s $3.00 for: (a) Members of t h e AMÉRICAIN CHEMICAL SOCIETY-.


rate members have t h e right to designate one representative with membership privileges. Enclose your credentials if you claim such privileges. Associate members of local sections are not members of the A . C. S . (ô) Students regularly matriculated as majoring in chemistry. (c) Foreign chemists not employed in the United States. (d) Wives of chemists, and other non-chemist guests. ( 4 ) Registration fee is $8.00 for: (a) American chemists not members of t h e A . C. S . (b) Foreign chemists, n o t members, employed in t h e United States.

American Chemical Society, Buffalo Meeting, August 30 t o September 4, 1931 Are you a chemist? Member of A. C . S.? Sign here Business or professional connection , Home address , Buffalo address REGISTRATION FOR GUEST

Faraday Centenary In August, 1831, Michael Faraday, lately described as "the father of the electrical industry/' made t h e discovery of electromagnetic induction. A t the Royal Albert Hall in London from September 23 t o October 3, 1931, will be held a unique scientific and electrical exhibition celebrating the centenary of this discovery. The principal feature of the celebration will b e a comprehensive scientific and electrical exhibition entirely devoted to the demonstration of t h e results of Faraday's work. Suspended from the giant dome of Royal Albert Hall will be a specially woven white canopy of 80,000 square feet. This will be illuminated b y 2 5 0 concealed projectors, and the resulting reflected light, equivalent t o t h e illumination of half a million candles or 300 electrical horsepower, will bathe the arena in shadowless light. I n the center o n an impressive memorial dais will be a statue of Michael Faraday, around which will be assembled many priceless works of scientific discoveryRadiating from the statue in suitable sections will b e exhibits tracing t h e development of one or another of Faraday's discoveries t o t h e present time, so that a t the outer circumference of the arena the public will see exhibited t h e apparatus which are the products of our scientific and electrical civilization today. These sections will include electric generators, transmission and distribution, transformation, transportation, power, industrial heating, domestic applications of electricity, electrochemistry, and communication. Through the cooperation of British universities and technical schools, instructors will be available t o explain and demonstrate to t h e general public and students the operation and. technicalities of the exhibits and short descriptive

N a m e of guest Business or professional connection Home address Buffalo address Is the guest a chemist? Member of t h e A. C. S. ?. T R I P TO NIAGARA F A L L S , THURSDAY AFTERNOON.

Please in-

dicate in which y o u will participate. (a) Trip from Buffalo, inspection of model o f Niagara Falls» inspection of Niagara Falls Power Co.'s Hydraulic Electric Station, Victoria Park festival and supper, colored illumination of Falls, charge, $1.25 (yes no ) (b) Trip around Niagara Gorge, charge, $ 1.50 (yes no ) I am enclosing for registration. $ . . . . ; for subscription dinner $ . . . . ; for guest $ . . . . ; for Niagara Falls trip S . . . . ; for Gorge trip$ ; Total S Sign here Address