July 2010 News & Announcements - ACS Publications - American

May 12, 2010 - At the conclusion of the workshop, each teacher receives a certificate documenting up to 40 professional ... WebSite/education/resource...
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Chemical Education Today

July 2010 News & Announcements Jonathan R. Hill University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242 [email protected]

Courses, Seminars, Meetings, Opportunities ACS Offers Summer ChemCom Workshops for Educators Each summer, ACS Master Teacher Leaders conduct fiveday residential Chemistry in the Community (ChemCom) workshops. In ChemCom workshops, educators • • • •

Gain in-depth knowledge of the first four units of ChemCom Learn instructional tips and techniques Get explanations about the ChemCom philosophy Perform student laboratory investigations and classroom activities with an emphasis on safety, analysis, and preparation

Daily sessions typically run from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants can also expect evening sessions, homework assignments, and group presentations. At the conclusion of the workshop, each teacher receives a certificate documenting up to 40 professional development hours. This summer, ChemCom workshops are being held at: • Ramapo College, Mahwah, NJ; June 27-July 2 • Loyola University, Chicago, IL; July 18-23

ACS covers basic expenses, including all meals and housing. (Guests and family members are not permitted.) There is a $50 registration fee. To register, please visit http://portal.acs. org:80/portal/acs/corg/content?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=PP_ SUPERARTICLE&node_id=1146&use_sec=false&sec_url_var= region1&__uuid=852b342c-177e-4d15-9326-92a8215cdc7d (accessed May 2010). For more information about ChemCom, browse to the ChemCom Web site at http://portal.acs.org:80/portal/PublicWebSite/education/resources/highschool/chemcom/index. htm (accessed May 2010). You can also e-mail any questions to Michael Mury, Senior Education Associate at the Office of High School Chemistry, at [email protected]. ChemEd DL Staff Will Present at BCCE and NSTA This summer, ChemEd DL personnel will be at the 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) in Denton, Texas. They will sponsor an exposition booth and host a workshop featuring digital resources from the ChemEd DL. ChemEd DL personnel will also be presenting at the 2011 conference of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) in San Francisco. If you have ideas for workshops or topics, just send an e-mail message to Linda Fanis at [email protected]. Join the Science and Children Team! The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), publisher of Science and Children, the NSTA's peer-reviewed journal


for elementary teachers, is seeking manuscript reviewers. Reviewers are vital to the journal's production. NSTA relies on review panels to evaluate submissions and help craft them into the articles that are published in each issue. Reviewers need not be expert writers—what is needed is classroom and content expertise. The online manuscript submission and review system allows reviewers to indicate what material they feel confident in reviewing (e.g., assessment, physical science, inquiry skills, etc.); manuscripts are assigned accordingly. Reviewers can even indicate when they are too busy to review. Being a member of the review panel is a great professional development experience— reviewers get previews of the articles coming to S&C and the satisfaction of having helped create them! Those interested in volunteering for this panel can contact Linda Froschauer by e-mail at [email protected]; include your CV. Modeling Instruction Program Offers Modeling Workshops in Summer 2010 Modeling workshops in high school physics, chemistry, physical science, and biology will be held in summer 2010 in several states. These workshops are peer-led. Stipends are available at most sites, usually for in-state teachers. Graduate credit is available at some sites. To see whether one or more modeling workshops will be held in your state, browse to the Modeling Instruction Workshops for Summer 2010 Web site of the Modeling Instruction Program at http://modeling.asu.edu/ MW_nation.html (accessed May 2010). Award Deadlines 2011 Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge Now Open for Entries High school students from across the country are invited to GO GREEN by participating in the newest phase of the nationwide Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge. The National Science Teachers Association has partnered again with the Siemens Foundation and Discovery Education to educate, empower, and engage students, teachers, and communities to become agents of change in improving the environment. In keeping with the Challenge's overall mission to build a more sustainable world, high school participants (grades 9-12) are encouraged to form teams of up to four students, research an energyrelated issue using scientific investigation, and create a replicable solution using Web-based curriculum tools powered by Discovery Education. Student teams with a teacher or adult advisor can register for the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge at http:// www.wecanchange.com/ (accessed May 2010). Fostering learning, teamwork, and problem solving around sustainability, the Web site offers robust resource guides of


r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc. pubs.acs.org/jchemeduc Vol. 87 No. 7 July 2010 10.1021/ed100431a Published on Web 05/12/2010


Journal of Chemical Education


Chemical Education Today

standards-based lesson plans and teacher materials to accompany each stage of the Challenge. More information, including entry details, registration, and detailed prize information for the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge can be found at http://www.wecanchange. com/ (accessed May 2010).

Research Corporation for Science Advancement Funds Scholarly Research and Teaching

2010 AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers

The Dorothy and Moses Passer Education Fund Aids Continuing Education This fund supports grants to provide support for teachers in programs at two- and four-year colleges or universities that do not have any advanced degree programs in the chemical sciences; see http://www.divched.org/index.php?module=webpage&id=19 (accessed May 2010).

Calling all U.S. high school science department chairs and administrators: You are invited to nominate teachers for the 2010 AAAS Leadership in Science Education Prize for High School Teachers. The $1000 prize honors a high school science teacher who has advanced science education by developing and implementing an effective strategy, activity, or program. For more information, go to the Web site http://www.aaas.org/ aboutaaas/awards/hs_scied_leadership/ (accessed May 2010) for prize details, nomination forms, and application forms. ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Seeks Nominations for 2010 Undergraduate Award Nominations for the 2010 ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry are being solicited. Nominations for the 2010 Award can be submitted to http://www.ionicviper.org/dicaward/ (accessed May 2010) and will be accepted until June 30, 2010. Questions about the award can be directed to this e-mail address: inorganic.undergrad.award@ gmail.com. The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. Supports Teachers' Scholarship The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation offers many awards, including the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards and the Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Awards Program; for more information, see the Foundation's Web site at http://www. dreyfus.org/ (accessed May 2010).


Journal of Chemical Education


Vol. 87 No. 7 July 2010


Research Corporation for Science Advancement offers the Cottrell College Science Awards and the Cottrell Scholar Awards; find out more from ResCorp's Web site at http://www.rescorp.org/ (accessed May 2010).

Proposal Deadlines American Chemical Society Makes Grants Available The American Chemical Society (ACS) offers grants to support advancement of the chemical sciences through research, education, and community projects. Learn how you can benefit at http://www.acs. org/ (Home > Funding & Awards > Grants) (accessed May 2010). National Science Foundation Provides Funding Support The National Science Foundation (NSF) offers many different funding opportunities; search for them at http://www.nsf.gov/ funding/(accessed May 2010). Information is also available at the NSF Education and Human Resources (EHR) Web site, http:// www.nsf.gov/dir/index.jsp?org=EHR (accessed May 2010), and that of its Division of Undergraduate Education, http://www.nsf. gov/div/index.jsp?div=DUE (accessed May 2010). Do You Have News or Announcements To Share? If you have news or announcements of interest to the chemical education community, send them to Jonathan (Rob) Hill, Development Editor, at [email protected].



r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.