June 5 , 1964

of Chemistry, Florida State University, and MAX OFPEN-. HEIMER, JR., Professor of Russian, State University of Iowa. McGraw-Hill Book Co., .... DARTMO...
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June 5 , 1964

Theory of Molecular Excitons. By A. S.DAVYDOV.Translated from the First Russian Edition by MICHAELKASHA,Professor of Chemistry, Florida State University, and MAX OFPENHEIMER,J R . , Professor of Russian, State University of Iowa. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 174 pp. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, 36, N. Y. 1962. ix $7.95.


About 12 years have elapsed since t h e appearance of the first Russian edition of Davydov’s “Theory of Light Absorption in Molecular Crystals.” Virtually all of t h e existing relevant experimental work in this field has been carried out during these years, so i t is no less than remarkable t h a t this new English translation emerges a s an authoritative and valuable contribution t o such a rapidly expanding branch of chemical physics. After a n introduction which describes t h e early Russian contributions t o crystal spectroscopy, t h e author deals first with t h e classical and quantum mechanical theories of acoustic and optical vibrations in periodic lattices (Chapter I ) . T h e influence of intermolecular interactions on the infrared and Raman spec ra of crystals is treated in Chapter 11. T h e complete rigid lattice theory of electronic spectra in,molecular crystals is presented in Chapter I11 along with applications of group theory t o determine selection rules for Raman and infrared spectra of crystals. This chapter is an elaboration of Davydov’s classic (1948) paper on the splitting of nondegenerate states in monoclinic crystals. Naphthalene, phenanthrene, benzene, calcite, and the aragonite crystal are each given a detailed discussion. T h e equations governing the energy states of molecular crystals are derived generally in Chapter I\’ which differs from Chapter I11 by the inclusion of lattice vibrations into the theory. This chapter also includes a discussion of multiquantum transitions, a derivation of the Schroedinger equation determining t h e motion of molecules in a crystal lattice containing one electronically excited molecule, and the enunciation of conditions governing the production of free and localized excitons. In Chapter V some special solutions of the general equations are obtained. It is shown t h a t the earlier results (Chapter 111) are reproduced in the limiting (rigid lattice) case. T h e solutions of the equations (Chapter IV) for small displacements are obtained in Chapter V I , and used t o calculate the absorption coefficient of a crystal and the influence of temperature on band shape and intensity. I n Chapter VI1 conditions for the production of localized excitons are examined, and the relative energies and band shapes of localized and free exciton absorption spectra are emphasized. Excitations to states for which the electronic wave vector is nonzero are discussed quanti. phenomenological account of fluorescence and its tatively. % radiationless quenching by lattice vibrations is presented in Chapter V I I . I n Chapter VIII, theory is compared with experiment. T h e following systems a r e discussed: Raman spectra of HCI, C&, and benzene; infrared spectra of ethylene and methane; electronic absorption (and often emission) spectra of crystals and vapors of benzene, naphthalene, anthracene, tetracene, phenanthrene, bromobenzene, and jodobenzene. I n the last chapter, exciton theory is applied t o the calculation of the energy states of polyphenyls, and a detailed calculation-including electron exchange-is given for biphenyl. In the present light the book suffers two defects neither of which could have been said t o exist when the Russian edition first appeared. Firstly, formal group theoretical methods are only touched on briefly. T h e readers attention should be drawn t o t h e fact t h a t much of t h e theory in Chapters I11 ( p p . 13, 14), V ( p p . 20, 23, 24), and X (39), can be developed much more succinctly using a formal factor group analysis. Secondly, the comparison of the theory with experiment is very much outdated. The assignments for naphthalene ( I X , p. 37) are incomplete, and the “loca ized excitions” in the naphthalene crystal ( p . 133) are an impurity artifact. The anthracene crystal absorption spectrum ( p . 134) contains a b-polarized impurity band which is attributed t o free excitons. T h e phenanthrene crystal is analyzed in terms of .our rather than two molecules in the unit cell. T h e whole of Chapter I X should be read with an eye on more recent experimental work. Especially useful is t h e translators’ effort to overcome these deficiencies by means of a bibliography of 40 key papers (19491961) on subsequent experimental and theoretical advances in crystal spectroscopy, and a complete bibliography of Davydov’s later work. T h e translators have chosen t o alter the title t o include the term molecular exciton which they feel, ‘ I . . . stresses the principal


theme of t h e book-the resonance interaction of excited states of weakly coupled molecular systems.” Since this is a translation of a book written in 1949, there are certain aspects of molecular exciton theory which are notably absent. For example, not mentioned in the book are: second quantization methods, which Davydov himself used later in this regard; the theory of dispersion in molecular crystals-again, tackled by Davydov later; secondorder crystal field effects; and the problem of defects in molecular lattices. However, these omissions d o not detract from the value of this book a s a n important treatise on one aspect of molecular theory. Regardless of the few minor deficiencies t h a t time has added, Davydov’s book remains a classic in molecular crystal theory. English speaking theoretical and solid state physicists, chemists, and graduate students will be grateful to Professors Kasha and Oppenheimer for their efforts in making this important work more accessible. DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA, PEXNSYLVANIA19104


High Polymers. Volume XVII. Configurational Statistics of Polymer Chains. By M . V , L-OLKESSTEIS, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Leningrad, U.S.S.R. Translated from the Russian Edition of 1959 by SERGE h‘. TIMASHEFF and Interscience Publishers, John Wiley and M . J. TIMASHEFF. Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York 16, N. Y. 1963. x 562 pp. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. Price, $20.00.


When one of the pioneers and continuing leaders in an active field of research is persuaded t o take the time and trouble t o set down a more or less detailed and connected account of its status, the result is likely t o be a monograph of superior quality. Such phenomena have occasionally been observed in polymer science, and the appearance of the present volume belongs among them. In the infancy a n d youth of the physical chemistry of longchain molecules, it was learned how t o treat the great multiplicity of chain configurations (now often preferably called “conformations”) by t h e statistics of random flight, already well developed in the theory of Brownian motion. Comparisons of such calculations with experimental measurements on polymers then yielded model parameters such a s the length and the optical constants of a statistical chain element ( K u h n and Griin) or the persistence length of the chain (Kratky and Porod), but these parameters bore no immediate or obvious relation to the actual molecular structures involved. If we reckon the birth of polymer statistics to have occurred in the early 1930’s, with Kuhn, Mayer, Mark, and Guth as parents or sponsors, we may say t h a t the field has now come of age; the random-flight gaussian chain still has many valid uses, b u t it is no longer a n acceptable end result. Internal rotation in small molecules is now much better understood: we have numerical values for many barrier heights, we have data for many rotational-isomeric equilibria, and we even appear t o approach quantum-mechanical insight for the ethane problem. Thus, the basic equipment is a t hand for beginning to construct a true molecular theory of chain configurations. A number of workers have been engaged on this job in the last few years, in Leningrad and elsewhere. This book describes in detail the results of their efforts through 1959, b u t there is a brief author’s preface t o this translated version which points out the significant developments through most of 1962. T h e chapter headings are a s follows: 1. Introduction, 2. Internal Rotation in Small Molecules, 3. Rotational Isomerism, 4. Configurational Statistics of Model Chains, 5 . Properties of Crystalline Polymers and Stereochemistry of Polymer Chains, 6. Configurational Statistics of Real Chains, 7. Optical -4nisotropy of Polymer Chains, 8. Stretching of Polymer Chains and of t h e Setwork. Literature references are collected a t the end of each chapter. There is a good subject index, b u t the author index which is found in the Russian original has unfortunately not been retained. There is a justifiably strong foreword by P . J . Flory. Most of the above chapter titles are self-explanatory. T h e model chains discussed in Chapter 4 include the freely-jointed chain, the chain with fixed valence angles and free internal rotations, and the chain with fixed valence angles and hindered b u t independent internal rotations. Chains with interactions between internal rotations and with excluded volume effects are


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taken up in Chapter 6. T h e principal features of chains treated in this chapter are end-to-end distance, radius of gyration, and dipole moment. Chapter 7 includes theories of photoelasticity and Kerr effect in polymers. The work is devoted almost entirely to equilibrium properties, discussions of hydrodynamic properties and relaxation effects being limited t o some brief remarks in Chapters 1 and 6. It should also be remarked t h a t the treatment of long-range (“excluded volume”) interactions is deliberately kept to a minimum. This is no book for the dilettante, and mathematical statements or details are not suppressed in order t o make it palatable t o lazy or unskilled readers. The average physical chemist will find his knowledge of statistical mechanics, probability theory, and matrix algebra put to frequent test. B u t he will get great rewards, for the book a t present is unique in content and thoroughness of treatment. It may confidently be predicted t h a t those who master its contents will go on t o make their own contributions to the molecular theory of polymers. Individuals may find the price high, hut every good library of chemistry or physics will have t o acquire this book. T h e English-reading polymer world should be highly grateful t o Dr. and Mrs. Timasheff for having made this translation. Hopefully t h e publishers, who have added stature to their High Polymer series by offering this volume, will consider doing the same thing for a sequel, “Conformation of Macromolecules,” which is being written by Volkenstein’s colleagues, Birstein and Ptitsyn. DEPARTMENT O F CHEMISTRY DARTMOUTH COLLEGE SEW HAMPSHIRE HANOVER,

Vol. 86

J. E. FALK. “Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins. Their General, Physical and Coordination Chemistry, and Laboratory Methods.” Volume 2. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York 17, N.Y. 1964. 266 pp. $13.50. C. P. FENIMORE. “Chemistry in Premixed Flames.” \.olume 5 . “The International Encyclopedia of Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics. Topic 19. Gas Kinetics.” The MacY. 1964. 119 millan Co., 60 Fifth Xve., S e w York 11, 9. pp. $5.00. ROBERTF . GOULD,Editor. “Contact Angle, Wettability, and Adhesion.” Advances in Chemistry Series No. 43. .irnerican Chemical Society, 1155 Sixteenth S t . , S . W . , Washington, D. C. 1964. 389 pp. W O O . GERALDF. G R ~ L L O T“..4 Chemical Background t o Nursing and Other Paramedical Programs.” Harper and Row, 49 East 33rd St., S e w York 16, N. Y . 1964. 398 pp. $5.75.

SIEGFRIED HOLLMANN.Translated and revised by OSCAR TOUSTER. “Non-Glycolytic Pathways of Metabolism of Glucose.” Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave , S e w York 3, S . Y .

1964. 276 pp.


EARLINGERSON, Editor-in-Chief. “Advances in Organic Geochemistry.” Monograph S o . 15. “Earth Science Series.” The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., S e w York 11, S . Y. 1964. 488 pp. $17.50. W. H . STOCKMAYER ROBERTS. K N O X . “Theory of Excitons. Solid State Physics.” Supplement 5. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., S e w York 3, K. E‘. 1964. 207 p p , $8.50. CHARLESMENTZERand OLGA FATINANOFF. “Actualites de Phytochimie Fondamentale.” Masson e t Cie., Editeurs, 120 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris VI, France. 1964. 266 pp. 85f. A . Y. PALLADIN.“Problems of the Biochemistry of the Servous System.” The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, S . Y. 1964. 330 pp. $11.50.


0. A . BATTISTA,Editor. “Synthetic Fibers in Papermaking.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York 16, S . Xr. 1964. 340 pp. $14.00. GILBERTS. BAHS, Editor. “Pyrodynamics. The Journal of Applied Thermal Processes.” Gordon and Breach, 150 Fifth Ave., S e w York 11, S . Y. 1964. 192 pp. $7.50. ROGERG . BATES. “Determination of p H . Theory and Practice.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third i\ve., New York 16, S . Y. 1964. 435 pp. $13.00. G . Y BYKOV. “Electronic Charges of Bonds in Organic Compounds.” The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N . Y. 1964. 191 pp. $9.00.

PAULDE M A Y O . “Molecular Rearrangements.” P a r t Two. Interscience Publishers, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., S e w York 16, S.Y. 1964. 436 pp. $20.00. C. L. COMARand FELIX BRONNER, Editors. “Mineral Metabolism An Advanced Treatise.” Volume 11. P a r t A. “ T h e Elements.” Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., S e w York 3, S . Y 1964. 649 pp. $22.00.

G. PORTER, Editor.

”Progress in Reaction Kinetics.” Volume 2. The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, S . Y. 1964. 391 pp. $15.00.

W. T. W. POTTSand GWYNETHPARRY.”Osmotic and Ionic Regulation in Animals.” The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, S. Y. 1964. 423 pp, $9.00. C. R’. R . RAO. “Chemical Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy.” Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., S e w York 3, N. Y. 1964. 683 pp. $19.50. OLOF SAMUELSON. “Ion Exchange Separations in Analytical Chemistry.” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York 16, R’. Y . 1963. 474 pp. $9.50. J . STANBK, M . CZERNP,J . PACAK,and J. KOCOUREK.“The Monosaccharides.” Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., Xew York 3, N. Y. 1964. 1006 pp, $32.00. J O H N X. TAUBER.“ X - R a y Diffraction Key t o the Manganese Oxide Minerals.” E. J . Lavino and Co., Three Penn Center Plaza, Philadelphia 2, Pa. 1964. 38 pp. $5.00.

PETRZUMAN. “International Series of Monographs on Analytical Chemistry.” Volume 12. “Organic Polarographic Analysis.” The Macmillan Co., 60 Fifth Ave., New York 11, N.Y. 1964. 313 pp. $6.50.