just 5 years old
Increasing demand for Oronite Phenol U.S.P. has resulted in another expansion of Oronite phenol production. This second expansion marks an almost 50% increase in Oronite's phenol capacity since the plant was inaugurated only 5 years ago. The new production attests to the high quality of Oronite phenol as well as Oronite s willingness and ability to meet their customer's requirements. If your process requires a highly pure phenol, or if you want to be assured of a most dependable source of supply—now and in the years ahead—talk over your requirements with Oronite.
A C A L I F O R N I A CH E M I C A L C O M P A N Y S U B S I D I A R Y EXECUTIVE OFFICES · 2 0 0 Bush Street,San Francisco 2 0 , California S A L E S OFFICES · N e w Y o r k , Boston, Wilmington, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Houston, L o s Angeles, S a n Francisco, S e a t t l e Foreign Affiliate: California Chemical International, Inc., S a n Francisco. Geneva, P a n a m a