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Keep Up-to-Date with the Latest Developments in This Rapidly Changing Field! *5r FRONTIERS IN ^ ONLY


INORGANIC POLYMERS May 17-18, 1990 · Chicago (O'Hare), Illinois

An Intensive 2-Day ACS Short Course Led by Renowned Authorities Working at the Frontier ofThis Dynamic Area Special Features of This Intensive Course •

Comprehensive coverage of the hottest new materials that will help solve your materials problems

Reports and lectures on just about every aspect of inorganic polymers as replacements for organic polymers

State-of-the-art reviews of the high-tech applications of inorganic polymers, including ceramics, ultra-strong fibers, electrical conductors, photosensitive materials and much more!

Who Should Attend This High-Tech Course? You should if you are working with or beginning to work with high performance materials. This intensive course is valuable to polymer chemists and engineers, inorganic chemists, and materials scientists. This course will also serve as a good introduction for those interested in getting into these areas.

What You'll Learn About in Two Days Characterization of Inorganic Polymers Polysilane High Polymers and Their Technological Applications Multiphase Systems Containing Inorganic Polymeric Components Electrically Conductive Polymers Constructed from Cofacially Joined Metallomacrocycles Polyphosphazenes Sol-Gel Ceramic Techniques The Preceramic Polymer Route to Ceramics: Principles and Examples from Silicon Chemistry Silicon-Containing Polymers Organosilicon Polymers for Microlithographic Applications

Well-Known Instructors Lead This Cutting-Edge Course Dr. James E. Mark, Course Co-ordinator, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Director of Polymer Research Center, University of Cincinnati. Dr. Harry R. Allcock, Professor of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University. Dr. C. Jeffrey Brinker, Sandia National Laboratories. Dr. Tobin J. Marks, Professor of Chemistry, Northwestern University. Dr. Dietmar Seyferth, Professor of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Dr. Robert West, Professor of Chemistry, University of WisconsinMadison. Dr. Garth L. Wilkes, Chair Professor of Chemical Engineering and Co-Director of Polymer Materials and Interfaces Laboratory, Virginia Tech. Dr. Kenneth J. Wynne, Program Manager, Organic and Polymeric Materials, Office of Naval Research. Dr. Eisa Reichmanis, Supervisor, Radiation Sensitive Materials and Applications Group, AT&T Bell Laboratories.

Course Site This course will be held at: Hyatt Regency O'Hare at O'Hare International Airport, Chicago, IL, (708) 696-1234.

For a FREE brochure describing this course, return the coupon below, write, or call (800) 227-5558 or (202) 872-4508-and ask for e x t 5170. American Chemical Society, Dept. of Continuing Education, Meeting Code INP90, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washington, DC 20036

YES! Please send me a FREE brochure describing the ACS Short Course, Frontiers in Inorganic Polymers, to be held May 17-18, 1990 in Chicago, IL Name Title Organization _ Address City, State, ZIP
